52-A-REAI ESTATE OitTGAGE : Wikh T, x C~fusc 'latv~iud 74fiPs TM.fr ; :~} ~~.,.,~ 1
<br />.~~~ ~ .--_.-_._ _. ' _.. - ~~ ~-.L.. '.e6r...._
<br />' ~ husband aad wife, rt3ES~~~rs: '~t:~~t Harald ~, xinkle and Dorothy E, Kinkle,
<br />of Hall t;r>unty. aori Gate cf ~C Nebraska , in con~idcration of the sum cf
<br />'F'iYe ~tausand-------_-~- I}OLLApS
<br />in hand paid, do hereb_r- SELL and CO:vVEY unto Harry Caspersen and Sarah E. Caspersen,
<br />as faint tenants with right of survivorship and not as tenants in comalon,
<br />of Hall County, State of Nebraska :),«~ fr,uowin~ described premises situated
<br />in Hall County, and State of Nebraska , t:,.,~-~- - -
<br />~tt.
<br />i
<br />A piece or parcel of land commencing at a point sixty six (6b) feet
<br />west of the Northeasterly corner of dock Eleven (lI} in•Windolph~s
<br />Addition to the City ofOrand Island, Nebraska, running the-lea from said
<br />point {being in the northerly boundary line of said B.tock Eleven (21)
<br />upon the northerly boundary line of said Block in a westerly direction
<br />for a distance of sixty six {66) feet thence turning a right angle in
<br />a southerly direction and parallel with th:, easterly boundary line of
<br />said block for a distance of one hundred thirty two (132) feet thence
<br />turning a right angle in an easterly direction and parallel with the
<br />northerly boundary line of said Block for a distance of Sixty six {66)
<br />feet thence turning a right angle in a northerly direction and parallel
<br />with the easterly boundary line of said block for a distance of one
<br />hundred thirty two (132) feet to the place of beginning.
<br />The intention being to convey he-rc~b~ an absulutt• [iLle ir. ft~r~ ,imp?e, including aii the rights of homeiead and dower.
<br />T6 HAVE A1tiI}'IY) HOLD the premises atxrve descritx~ri, with aL' the appurtenances thereunto helongi:tg, unto the said
<br />mortgagee(s) and to his, her or their heirs and assign=, forever, provided always. and these presents are upon the express
<br />tt~ndition that if the said mortgagoris), his, her or their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns shall pay or cause to be
<br />paid to the said mortgagce{sj, his, her or their heirs, executors, administrah;rs or assigns, the principal stun of S 5, 00.00
<br />payable as f°"nws, to wit. All payable in five years; to-wit , on the day of
<br />April, 1984. -
<br />Nbrtgagers have the right, however, to pay all or part of
<br />said sum of $5,000.00 before the end of five years if they as desire,
<br />with interest according to the tenor and rflect ci the mortgsgurs wriftcn promissory note bearin;; even date wish these presents
<br />attd shall pay all taxes and assessmen}s levied utwn said real e3Ulte, and all other tax.•. leries and assessments levied ucxln thia
<br />mortgage or the note which this mortgage is given to secure, ,eforc the +ai,r,~ h«.c-c.Rt,-~ d._lirttu:-rti, ar.-.'. livep *.he building ~~n
<br />said premises insured fur the suet of $ B,OO~. ~d loss, if any. payahl.• to rile sai«i murtgs);ee, then tlke+e pre; eats
<br />Yo he void, otherwise to he and rt=main in full force.
<br />IT IS FEIRTIIFR :1GREED {1? Tha} if th« wid mort;s;:or 511:+11 fail to pay .eels l:,zes ~>r prteur:~ such i n.Rurantz~, ±lte
<br />said mortgagee may pay SUeh t8%e': aI?d pr(rcure tiUt'tl In~Uran('e; aRrl lhi~ KURT ati adl':ln«'td, tVlth kntere~t ilt seven per
<br />cent, shalt he repaid by said mortgagor. and this mortgage shall stand as sceurit~ fur the samo. i2) That a fsi[ure to pay any
<br />of said money, either principal or interest. when the same becomes due, or a failure to tvamply with any of Lhe foregoing
<br />agreements, shall cause the whole sum of money herein secured to tx-come due and rnll<s.tible at once at rho option of the
<br />mortgagee. / J ~"-
<br />Signed this l ((1 day of April \ ty ~9 .
<br />In presence of `T/r J~~4
<br />............''~'' .. ~C~\ ... rv th
<br />l//VV/// _ f / _ .. _-._ _.......-
<br />__. .-. j ,.~.~ - --
<br />STATE OF..._...N.ebz`~.sk~~............ ,County of Ha 11 }~ '~G ~qy,•` ~
<br />$efore me, a notary public gtwtihect Eur said county, perenna!!y catnc• Harold J ]( nkr`.i
<br />I~aresthy E. Ef~tkle, husband and wife, !sFFs'ggro t
<br />- known tQ-- me to lte the identical person or persons who signed the forrKuins; instalment wledged tt~ ~ tion
<br />thereof to be his, her or their voluntary act and deed- j y\6: ,z 19~p.+~
<br />V4'ttneas mY hand and notarial sea! oa .....................April...-~~/... .......... ... .., 19~ ... ~QF~ 8 *g'!~'
<br />fhty ca®miasion expires;.,...Atig.~.22 19- ...$~
<br />y...._......._....-., ..... .... f~e1-- .. .--- -----. ........-. otary Public.
<br />Fl'TATE d)F Nebraska
<br />-'--"" """'°""""°"°'° '--°°"- Entered on numerical index and filed Inc record
<br />ss.
<br />`(,fit' aty ............. ~~~'~'.::..............._...............,.._......... in the Register of Deeds Of£!cr of said Culmty the
<br />-..°.._.--...,.......day of..._°..-........_........._........,--...., 1~........._., at.......__ .....................o'c:rx:k and. - ° -....................ntiuutas - _ ....__.....itf.,
<br />as:d t'eeorded in Bonk .................. °--°--.....,.........of............-....-- ...-............at page...-..........._...........................
<br />
<br />