<br />7„== ~ h~
<br />
<br />9 :o~e~l~ o M I ~ .v' f :.i,i+.~r ~ i r ~. a ~ u r„ - . ,
<br />. r ' ' "'~~ - ... - .i' ~.~~~~ i''r'i, .lj„au i ., ~ ,r i. u•_" r "fl, ~,'~.1 .'v
<br />- d,r~-.; ~~i~ r
<br />.~. ,nest in a~~dl fives ?, , anV tvt._ ~ n, - ~ ~ ,.-.~ -._ ~ -~_. _~,. ~f'•r
<br />..~f G. `,he term' :Jt ne afire~~~4 '~r:J"-{.1 .. ..i.t_ J _ .. . ... it ... ~.~ ~,
<br />additianal adva ~~ as pravided ,:._rei "or_ -. ~ -_ _- __,, _ _-+ .,
<br />r
<br />'4crtgagee- 0`1 flee first des-y at ~-a=~h rx,,.::!; ... ; r .» .~ 1- -- .. .. _ ,.., ,yf UtFc Ps<
<br />~~,ured i;ereby is tut ty paid, an %ir"~ia _, , ,_ __ ... _, -, .: r: ,~ <; _;e a a_na:,le
<br />`he ".R.rt aueE .., a. ,ax~~ _..~e, .~..,~ ..., ., _., .-._ ~.t~ar
<br />i;.,, lest ~narC2S agai^Sf the a;tGti'B de5~ '_--~E--~.. _ e:.. _- .~. _ __. ~v~r~._, j~_, ~.~
<br />J U'-
<br />edvan::e payments steal( be raid ea_.. ~rtr c`_ar >r.- -.: ,i~f~,r,tat r°er; ~ provided
<br />ror under the terms of sat c+ P . _.so y ., :~ n-~ _ .- c . ,.-, - _ _r*_ :r
<br />~:dc i t tones i ~dvancas as ruv i ded ne-re..~ ~ ~., ,
<br />:-. ue, trust funds but may pe o.:mm~ nip.. -r• or^Ff _. `u ... .,. the ,„rcrrsi 'ur=ds~of tee
<br />~art,agee aril r.c ;nterast Si':'i : ~@ r,aVa~~c i't rep _.~ ttterei,. ;fir? a~Or "shat ~ ^Jrl ti •
<br />'+.'.~rNard to ,,,srtc;agee a1! bi I i~ .r taxes ass_ss^e';`~+anc :sn}~ and !!~,r ;aae•= ~Ni i i us~ }
<br />»id ad•rance a meats for ti,_ o-~yT~;~:~ ~f ~sid tilts. '=mar ce "
<br />p Y~ f:)ag ma`/ , `rpm t , K,e . ~ time ,
<br />a 'rt; clptien, waives, an, Mier ~. .~ waiver rr-i~atate an and :.I pr~_rision; ;f this
<br />,~arayr ~~ requiring sorb udti~^ 1_~ ~r.'._ r ~.,..__ r•.3 ~,~. ~ i., w(' ~i-,g, ..,: ;e sates
<br />fi.'.(~1:~ ..~ Irl t'i teC:~, •~k.>r ~.'Ur ,i, ~; , , ;li i .3 K(~' , 3,-~..~ .- ., ,n:: rE:.} ~ ~ ro --
<br />,,r•:~vided herelnaftr~r.
<br />~. 1 r` the fetes. o. :~ :;dvan;;e payr~ht, rr~aca - the '-?ortgagcr stiai I e>.i:eF*d th~~
<br />a,rcunt of payments actual Iv made. by 'he ~~rt_iaeee ./r tars a=.2:>smenYs or rents, 3- the
<br />ca_,e may be, such excess, at t^~ option of the "~k~rt ~;.,~:e, shat l oE' cr:~~ited Gy thr~+
<br />Gk;rtciagee on subsequent payments to be made uy the "ic~rtcaaor, c•r retonded the biortyayar.
<br />If, however, the monthly advance payments made by ti}e "tirt;lagor sr,ali r~.t be ;utfiCierit
<br />~_ pay such taxes, assessments and rents, as the c~.~;~ map° pe, wheft ,he same st,al.i r,P_ome
<br />,iur ,,rtes p'yatiie, then the ^~1ort;~agor shat I pay .. .. urta..gee <i.,y :,mr,:;unt nec_,sary to make
<br />:p the deticien~y, an o_r uefore the date when ;::dayment of such t,yxes, ,'assessrnerrtsnr rents
<br />r f t ;; ~ ;- ±.. t~..
<br />~,r.al i ~e :,ius. I at an~,- irre t e .`•:artgagar s ,a{ I renter ,, the '=4:r ,,uaee, i r a=.cardunce
<br />:,itn the ~~rovisions of tr,e idote secured hereby, 'uif payment o', file •rttirY indebtedness
<br />r ej~resenr~d thereby, the `iortaayee she I 1 , i r• camput i r: the amcu't` :;f ....uch i ndebtedriess,
<br />.r ev i t to the account of the !~iartgagor -any credit ba! arlCe actor+,u I ikte,j under the above
<br />paragraph. If there shall be a defauir under arty cf the provisic;,s of this '~~crtgage
<br />r:s:, I t i nq i n a pub I . c sa I e of the p rem i sr~s covered hereby or i ? ? tie r.;art;agee acquires the
<br />;rLt;erty ~J t herw i so after default, the ~~rortgagee she l I app i y i n ~ ,~,~, manner as ~'ti r1 gagea
<br />s?}aII determine the balance of advance payments then remairtinn, 'r .. the fends ar_curnutated
<br />under the above paragraph, as _ credit aoainst the indebtednes,: _.,c-ured here^y.
<br />5. That in the event any at the monthly advance payment= prc'tvided herein ^r rnanthiy
<br />irtstaltments provided tar under the terms of sat; rremis~cry ;-Jot. and n',y other r_1es ar
<br />trc~..,c,n~~ for odi7lTionai ad'.•anCts haves ....at „_r,n m ~_ t~ ,,.. °en r. f,~'^;~ v, t.:.= •:x,nT:{ in
<br />.vh~ich such payment was due, a late ~•hargo of up to tt=n (10) ,>er.vc:;nt a't the :~RC:;;rlt cf said
<br />•-._'itn i y pc: y meat Tay be aSSeSS~.. I~,~ the: ,A53,_.~ i a~t i c.. . _, ~ .c~ the €3:t t .^,~~'~ +r ;:C,2n5~ :..-~ i i vc'.d
<br />.n tt:undi int; d2i ingUent Fc3y(rti:iiT;. '1'ir ,-i.,7C)c: iil~'?n =,hi:l 1`i}_., .. c~~l ~~~r]~:~-F.J _ uc-C-L'!St 3;iV'
<br />rt'~rthi,r, payment ^;ade after' the tenth day` of +n~ +ortth unle~~s jai ~~r','r't,I;i payrr,ent sY,ai!
<br />._ acc~orpanied by the fui i ~rlaunt ai :he late ci}arse ass::,<;~:ed by' tale i~s~u:.iatrar, .-,s
<br />fra:~ided h~rain:
<br />o. TO pay any and ail tares, asses~mc:nfs (general or sbeciall, rent's and otl+er similar
<br />charges levied and assessed against the premises, this 6^brtgace, _, indabf=dr::;~_ts nerabv
<br />Jecured, before 'they becon;e delinguenfi, for which prowisi~n~a has nut naen stale hereinbefore,
<br />and in detaul~t ~thereot the Gorta3_;ee rt,,,y pa; thr: same, ~,nd a! f ;tx~neys se ~dv;:race&' .rith
<br />i r,ter6sT at i I F from the d<ae or such ~rayment sites! i be repaid ,, , ' K~~r'rc,.~;,;;r upon
<br />eernand, and steal I be secured by this ?•'~.rt~3gc.
<br />1. That ilcrtgagor will keep the impruvaments un .:aid przmise~::. insured against lass
<br />(from fire, iiyhtning and other hazards ir,ciuded in the ,t;end=iris ex''ended ~„v~srarae endorse-
<br />rnent plus flood insurance where required t,v mr.>rtg:~gee; in can amour;' nr;t ices than fhe
<br />unpaid balance of the indebtedness secured hereby, with Ic.~ss, it ,~rny, rtayc:ble to s-aid
<br />:,~>-wciation, in a carnpany or companies acce•{,table to the Asstciat ic:rn; ar,d sh,L:id such poi icy
<br />,.r tsolicies contain any prav'ssion that :~c:uld Iimit the insurance ~,on,pany's liability to
<br />itay the amount of any 1055 ar damage u{.t to the full amount ror which. poiir.y L; written,
<br />itte amount of insurance t~~ be provided °,rtr3(I I„e in „n :;r~~,t~tt r:ufr ,~-!~ +-_, at _°,! i times,
<br />lolly protect the Associafior:. If t•"~. t~;a,or t<tiis to i,rc,cur= ror rr.cintaln _u,_h insurance
<br />..: 'the manner specified herein, the Asseciatior. may, at its caption, prx~ure and ;,ay for
<br />sucri Insurance, anj aI1 moneys so advanced with intr-rest at II ~,. frem °h, c: date of
<br />such j3aymeht shell be repaid by Mortgagor upon, .•',emand, and steal; be sr.eured by this
<br />-?<>rty7ge.-
<br />~. That the Mortgagor will keep the buildings upon said premises in qr>od repair, and
<br />:}eithe:r_comxait nor permit waste upon said land, ror• sutler fhe =_-a+rte premises to he used
<br />fui- any unlawful purpose. Martgagor further agrees That without the written consent of
<br />r;urrte F~clerak Savings and loan no 'buildings or additions to existing but fella,- shall be
<br />ai'e~ted,~nd all Barking and tandscapr~d areas shat! be satisfactariiy train#'ained.
<br />~. That in the-event the premises or any part thei-sof be taken cr ciamaaed ay reason
<br />ut any public improvement or' condemnation proceed,ngs, or under riche of en,iner,t domain,
<br />or in any ~fiher manner, hrlartgaoee shall be enti-fled ,'~t if, cr,tion to ,:nrnmr•,_e . _•_tr i'7,
<br />