1.1-'e"~«Rt~4TR'T"Y ~te~t~ G,Ytn.e ~ 'XWmdf Cmam
<br />~r y.pe~,, pu~m~roSaa, IMmro"u.
<br />~-~ 1, ~~ ~~ ..'w.~
<br />~a:syer ~"~~f~ ~t~EL3 Httr.~:.
<br />Delbert ~~: tm~d ff.`s A. 1':~ea~~s:ye~~", l~~~us'batud ~an~d' wit"~ =~.d'Dbt=rr~n A.'~~~bd Bet~ty~ Jo A.nn B~uc!~s
<br />~aeeler
<br />husband and wife, Robert J. and lia~cy L, aneeler, husband and wife, each in his and her
<br />herein palled the grantor whether one or more,
<br />aw:; right and as spouse of each other,
<br />is consideration of Eight thousand fire mindred and no/lOb---;~&,5D~.0}___r~llars
<br />~~.~~e~~t~8t~ga~rant, bargaan, sail, convey and confirm unto
<br />- Andrew H. Bjorson Jr. and Barbara Bjcrsen, husband and wife, and Wayne B.
<br />Manning and Jeanette 1. Manning, husband and wife,
<br />herein called the grantee whether one or more; the following described real property in
<br />.................................ha12............................. County, Diebrasks:
<br />Lot 1, Block 152, in Union Paciiio 12ailroad Co~arty's Second Addition to
<br />the City of Grand Island, Hall Catmty, Nebraska
<br />STAlv1P TAX
<br />~ ~Yfi~ I2 i~i~
<br />$ ~ `3S BY ~~~~--'
<br />To have and to hold the above described premises together with all tenements, heraditameata
<br />and appurtenaneea thereto belonging tmto the grantee and to grantee's heirs and assigns forever.
<br />And the grantor does hereby covenant with the grantee and with grantee's heirs and assigns
<br />that grantor is lawfully aeieed of said premises; that they are free from encumbrance
<br />that grantor has good right and lawful authority to convey the same; and that grantor warrants and will
<br />defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all persona whomsoever.
<br />Apri.i ii, 1p7~
<br />Delbert D.
<br />r
<br />No A. Buck
<br />.. ... ......,1 w~~.r..l • • • •............ .............
<br />Betty n u~~
<br />t1TATE OF NEBRABSA, County of ................H~l~;„..............................:
<br />Befo,~~e~me, a notary public Qualified for said county, pemoaally came
<br />Buck
<br />Delbert D. and Lois A. Theass~yee,~~ usband and wife, and Norman A, and Batty Jo Ann Buck,
<br />husband-tend wife, sad Hobert Jww,tn~eeand Nancy L, Wheeler, husband and wife,
<br />kaown to tae to be the identical parson or persons who signed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged
<br />--the exeontion thereof to be his, her or ktteir voluntary set and dead.
<br />@4itnan my hand sad notarial seal oxt ,........' .. .... ~f ....................... 19..2. ~...
<br />,c~ `.
<br />...........~~.1':?-.....~c~...~.~t~.~r.::~........... Notary Public.
<br />~~Mefaa-'Nrta.d tl~rr
<br />.,
<br />a, ~~ ;,.,
<br />~'t+a+w. tt4t. ~ tt. test y eomatission expires ............~..,:...,:.r :................... ...... 19.:r.'r....,
<br />