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<br />ExcerFts Front teYSroal Reverse Gti6e
<br />Sec. b311. Lien For =axes.
<br />M any parspn {iabEE to paY any fez neglects Cr ratescs :c'
<br />-.- -. - arc ., - - _,::_.
<br />e;,. 2aC.:i_„]. ,.trtCJ;ti, a~hk`K! t_ ._!. Cr 1a5 ~.3dh1£ ye'.;r.
<br />.,;)..:.-_ -:h any C~rSis oral i c{ dCCri+2 .~ dGdtilG:1 Ih2ri t+.'
<br />st,aH P.£ a ii>s in fav:& of the UnGad States uPpa 211 prraary
<br />and tigMS fp prvUSrtp, wMJth[ rea! ar Be+scnai, Ca1•p+rgmg
<br />to S1Cn pCtSCa!.
<br />Se^. ~~~?. Pe.'iG`~ ~f Lien.
<br />UPtess anp:ne! dale is sPECdka:rY i:aEG Ly law, the .a.
<br />.... y sec:!a~ ,32i ;nai+ ar!:-e zi IhE time :Re
<br />JsSUS:~-CM is r.]G.. anG 5':atl r„r,±.Y.JE l- ~-I t1-. Irali:lfiY !~,
<br />aevar aris.v.g cnt-~Ct,~such nahinyi pis satisfied IN t~aca:acs
<br />acESrarceawE C reason of .;e m trra.
<br />Sec.63E3. Validify any Priorityr
<br />Agatnsf t.:erra?n Persons
<br />~, Perches®rs, Heidsrs Di SDCUrsty 3n-
<br />terasts, ~acharsic's LExncrs, k'sd .;sdgmfr::t
<br />GaddIN Cnil DWIC£fltlCiee7 whtin mCC.S IrC ,aC': !r2m°.'^.
<br />[. __~_ , ~ , , a~ _+ { e,-_ of -
<br />- t'I xit~ti71 Fi:£ l:CiiO iFi i:ki ~iCJl~
<br />Evfrs Thoogd Natics Fllefl.-Eves tna~gn nee:ee e.
<br />a Han uaposad ~ seellon 63?i ha; GeEn tP,ad, snrn i!£a
<br />(=f Place For Fii3sg Itiotica: Forrt:.-
<br />t) Pace Fm FtttnO~- the n:x;aa retErreG to it; ;u..
<br />IFi Una2t SIdtC Laws.--
<br />p1 t1Eai Prapart{.-In rise pass DI real Orpparty. L:
<br />ane Cftke within NE StatE iw the ceurtY, a aher
<br />g~,~ell:mental svodfvb~^;i, es ~?~natod by ihC law:
<br />W sucn itatE. H7 wnicn '.ns propelry s'tbiaEi tc ti.:.
<br />Ilan iS p!tDatuG: and
<br />!ill Personal Pu'aeny.-la the casE of Deis sla!
<br />DroD£rty. wn£ther taagrnie W mtnnglhie. a p:!e Clilp,;
<br />wunia lira $taiC +;5 tYm C`.li+fy, Ct c'tnet gLkdinirehiai
<br />SCt9+istC01, R cfna+ed4~Y ltta 15 NS W sCCn SiaiE.
<br />~ mnk9 ine Di+:peYY s~{VECi to ine lien is sitr!ated:
<br />a
<br />sa; wan c~ra a D;~rmi t;7a;t.--n: ma L'tt><e m me
<br />crate W Nie UnRtd States a+snxt cant fa the Indicter
<br />dt.:.ttt h^^, rntcn the p;pC-0rt'I sa~ect to Ilan i; ,xdataa.
<br />.§axRVef raa S*~±E ha_x nra M !ay +!£<hru o-t r]nw at!'re
<br />ehkh meets the reiµiiremsnts W sxhParagraph (Ak m
<br />iC! 1'itth fle*_arYr D=" C~Eeds fit ihE Distr:c' et Co?um-
<br />6istrEZ^c;~Ci!V^,aia, if taaVPrq,artyysva;~t W the IiEn*~Is
<br />eiCUatad 'r, [he D's9Ct et CCie'nBI3.
<br />i~,• S +c ilr Prn?Pr!s juPtf^J jE I i£n.- t-N purLGouS
<br />W Par ;~ra,~s it i z „ P?CG2 h _,.,...w .'.. -.G ~ ..a
<br />(AI R.Eai PrsDEry. .a the Case C! rki [%c,etlY. a: its
<br />pt:YSlCdI Il~atian; or
<br />B) PetspCul rr.SertY.- '^ lie Casa a! uefS£nai
<br />Drc~Eh. wnethar targihlu o: iniangicta, at tte reslEence
<br />Cf ihE 3':;,y3Yt~ 2I [;^;; il:la i:iC ii .i:2 ci i1': ~;, i
<br />For parDCSCS of paravrzrx1 ill iaf, !na res.92^Ce et ~^ pr
<br />paatipn m Gattnarsn:D anal! ea dae-T..eG [o ba the _ .:.
<br />wnkh the PrinCiPat ex,..;uthe CI6^e c? `.he .a_In-__ _
<br />lova..d. ....d tnE reside^.rE pf a t_x^ay£r '.^t C r..,~-r:-
<br />is wiNCxtt the Unttad States shah W3 denlt:Ed t£ !n '~.~ mC
<br />Lhici at ~piemhfa
<br />+31 roan -r. tam ar ~ 'e a -.
<br />'tire'd ti VI Sb GeC4pn .], e., .. _ ,;r,p.__ ., h.
<br />..._ ,. 3uph , o i a shall ,-,~ -tl 1 P.h rt.: --
<br />pttrar ,,.s-.... _,. ,., C ~., - ... _. , -, .... .,. ..
<br />nvtica ~ Imo,.
<br />.g`. erii?Uig ~ ~Diicfr.- rcr ~I ~.,: ~. -...
<br />sact!a!-
<br />n; GBraza? Rsie.- a==~-s a:;t>,£r r;:n .. ;acted
<br />is lire ma.rre+ i;lescrii,Wd i~, ir3J9 ~.. s,:~a t,; ._
<br />OlleEd tEti!!sg /si:Gd. -eC!1 nC1rC c pi ;Ian '.;::dii !., ,',:e1f
<br />-s filed pis ;r,~ -_: ca) wnicn r. •la aeco:e3, , „nh
<br /><; P?d C9 •FCr FI?1^.g.-' rul~~cc o1 - ;
<br />G,Irng li,z rEquir:G ratAtsg ae:'a. st.3fi Ce e!}Giti>a aniy ri
<br />!A? I! Such ItCth'.a of i.£", I re!ilCd i.. ;n F, C11t~C N
<br />wbicfl tt~e 7riw r.ptive of ¢2v ,as tfed, 'rnC
<br />IB) !n ary ra,o w which, fil days Ct r:e;o ."sin :a the
<br />data cf a retiling cl natcC ui IIeP wader shndar3ga;~h
<br />(A;, IhE Secl Dtary IxslvEd wlrt;an intcrmansn I:: tnD
<br />manta D+ESC[i LNd !7 rCgCldt~~rlS I~SCaL' :'y ti.0 ;:I:C`!'t~'VI
<br />CClpeininD a Cnal,ge at !-a la]Pa{ac's riei+dcirCi'. :i ;.
<br />CCtic9 C SJCn ijCC S dISCt;i'f.G ', a[C'„'d3!Ipe wdH $;!h
<br />section 11i in ;ha Stela nr which seen rasltlence is Ici,atEG.
<br />~_
<br />0
<br />c
<br />a
<br />N
<br />iii Regatrfrfl Hcfmng Pertofl.- ih the case W
<br />Weans _,. .. ... .... . .... ....... ...... ,,.. ._.. -, ... ....,
<br />;R) Ca or^-,ear pertc~ enE€~ 30 Gays 2tter the ez~
<br />pitatr.Gn pt 6 nears ar.IN Lhs Gate pf tna assessment cf
<br />ine !ax, a!€G
<br />6 year a^ - e ~cfc a r r? c~ccaG' 7 epuseG ralNmg
<br />Ger1M to SeCn eWIC6 Gt flan.
<br />Sec. 63~'u. Release Of Bien Qr t~is•
<br />::- `~d8?8a58 or L~8;1.- Su:ac': to s.-^ reJ;:':.,n.,rs d:~
<br />.i_ _-zas "i~-- .-~~-_ rt __ ~c~-
<br />t.
<br />IP~ ±r ~i ] Cf'a^y = § ~ HC.;ad b' ___ d!1y
<br />ime ca In_.a ~ d-
<br />-. , .. .__.~.,.. ...- S
<br />,., ..~. __ __ .. ., _ ... ._iain
<br />1 n,C'i'' c.r _ p£Cl -JJ} 531+sitcG G hai
<br />z.-, . ~ __ . ~ ,_ _ a: ... .,,.~a~
<br />J'%J'~ir!a Pay~,i'.: J.t ~[hE a-n[+i aS:. w-':C t4~:Vi:01 k~i:
<br />.. .. ..,_ . _ _Pe lh.. _L ...
<br />.u:a:, aaG - . ::',a aJtu sr„ .a,,a.'r, m,..r:en, a5 may he
<br />.. e`. r ! iJ::+. !k±;~r,i ir;?;iel~ji[~f l(i!! l?S-
<br />ciosJre of returns and re-
<br />iUtn infOrnlari0n.
<br />;ui olsciosare of Certain 'neisrns and
<br />natHrn 9n`rerina[iDa For Tax Adt^Otistrattce fur.
<br />yD6D$. __
<br />iT D6Cipsl'te pt amCCnt of d£13ididlP.g iiCB.-ii a r.==?Ika
<br />a1 heR nay GEen f!ed D'Crsuar~7 tc < ,. .'. F?'-v:. 1. NC
<br />et J
<br />ani0001 £! iha ptit5tandblg CCI!gdl>eR SCCL'+Ed hY SCCn !ta'?
<br />may he Giscicsed to aqy cesm whe iam~.hes as iutaCt~y
<br />wtIIICn Ci ria•"~:::nai h.C haS a ir)h' N the PICA G+t) `,': Cls.t ;p
<br />:!'ch ile:. ~JI r,rFns tp ohtam a 11!;h! ,- ,a;h ;.raperry.
<br />
<br />
<br />