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<br />' I
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<br />t.
<br />2tYdtta-RELEASE GF M~Q TGAG~-~Cozyorahaa me rt.:K=•: r v_r:! ~ rr. _~.__ ..~z-om. e_r.
<br />_...
<br />IN CONSIDERATIOAt of thz ¢ayn:ent of the debt hatred therein, !rz The First Na*_ianal Bank of
<br />Grand Island, Grand Island, Nebraska, itzreby rzlc,t;.s tJ,c r,!o:io,:gn made to '
<br />The First National Bank of Grand Island,
<br />h, Thnmac c, Baxter and Elizabeth Baxter
<br />on the foiiouring described real estate, to-nrit:
<br />The East Half of the Northwest Quarter (E~ NW%) of Section Fifteen (I5}, Township Eleven=
<br />(11) North, Range Ten (10), West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />i All of our undivided interest in and to The East Half of the Northwest Quarter (E~ NWT) j ,
<br />and the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter. {NWT Ste) of Section Thirteen (13),
<br />Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />of Section in Toumshi¢ Range of the P. ~f., Hall
<br />County, State of Nebraska which is worded in ~!~ of Keol Estate :1lortgagzs, ¢aga ! "
<br />of the records of said Caunfy. Film Roll itl, Inst. 76-321 ,
<br />( IN TESTIP~lO1`Y Fi'IfEP.F_OF, the said The First National Bank of Grand Islam has. caused
<br />I these ¢resents to be executed by its ¢resident and its Cor¢orate Seal to be affixed herzto this, •• 15th-
<br />day of March .q 79. r
<br />Ll/itness: The Fi_s~ ati anl~of; QC~nd Island ;
<br />..._y...'~ (1 ff
<br />... .. .. .. ... __ _.. ~% ~- t --'E~"~ - err"'a, ~I zlree Pres+dent
<br />i
<br />- - - - .-.attest ..__- - - -- _....._ -_ .-a}!._.:•-,.-I, i;~cesl;ier, Set7<~~'y j
<br />' ,.,.. Nebraska ~ '
<br />a t SITE Or ..-_. ... -._ . . - _. ...- - - ) On this..15th ....-day of t`iarch:~ . `:4 ~4 79
<br />----- ~:
<br />! ..._County ~ss. before nte, the undersigned, a Notarj Pte7~lir en a'sui fmr said `
<br />---- ----- --- -- .hall- . ~
<br />Cann ~ z$roBJ ~'!" me..-. _.. .. -_--.. .. ...... R. Keith Jobes Executive Cice president of the ;
<br />' ~J ......,, ', !
<br />._ i~~ ~'w,~.~..,~ ir~X.yatzona.7._$ank-..ot._Grand.-Island .._-. _. _. a Cor¢oration i
<br />t 4y~"c ~Ca~onall}•'t~tti:,='ft . eSb'~1}~'~'r~3:8~t:t and idettfical ¢erson wha,e name s ar`ixed t! he ~r,:e rzlzase and ! ,
<br />knoCzded~t't$PttStip e.ttrtet -~n thereof to be bets voluntary not and deed as sucFc ojJrcer, and the z~oluntarv act and deed ~
<br />~tiYl ~'d ~tt~§+Pt ~ 7
<br />Grand Island ~raska ~ in s~rid CountZ~ the day and ear
<br />- Ylzat~firs n!V titrnti at~ Vatartal Scal at... Y
<br />l b~~az,~'zx3litt~i) ,~' ~ ~ " t ~
<br />.......' X-. ~~.w -
<br />~r~.- ~ ,
<br />' '`" December 30_-- -- , i 8 p ~ ~"~ `' _....... L'oiar~~ Publir '
<br />My `~F,tifiaa~io,~}pFg.#pt +~' _.. - -- q Q.. ..... ,, 1~ _ -
<br />i
<br />.-. Y.
<br />:~.~"'
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