<br />That the Mortgagor will pay the indebtedness as hereinhefore provc8ed.,.- - • , '-
<br />That the: il4ortgagor is the -6wncr of said property in fee simple and has good right and lawful authority to sell and
<br />convey the astnt andthat-the-same- is free and clear of any Lien or tncvmbrance; and fhat Mortgagor wilt warrant and defeexl the '_
<br />tine to said pteir:ises against ttie ;claims of all persons whomsoever. '
<br />To pay immediately vrhen dae attd payable all general taxes, sper;a! taxes, special assessments, water charges, sewer serv-
<br />ice charges; and other taxes and-charges against said property,'tind-ell--taxes levied on the debt secured hereby, and to furnish the ,
<br />Mortgagee, upon request, with the.originat or dupilcste receipts therefor: The Mortgagor agrees that there shall be added to
<br />each monthly payment required hereunder or under the evidence of debt secured hereby an amount estimated by the Mortgagee
<br />"°~to im suffirtirnt to enable the Mortgagee to pay, as they became due, all" taxes, assessments. sort similar charKes upon the prem-
<br />jnises subject thereto; any deficiency because of ilia insufficiency of such additions! payments shall be forthwith deposited hY tae
<br />J~Mortgagor with the Mortgagee upon demand by the Mortgagee. Any default under this paragraph shaft tee deemed a default in
<br />~payttient of nixes, aVaessmeata, nr similar charges required hereunder. ---
<br />.r.J The Mortgagor agrnts that there shall also hi added to each monthly payment of principal and interest requirer hr•re~
<br />~~ under an amrwnt estimated by the Mortgagee to be sufficient to enable the Mortgagee to pay. as it becomes due. the insurance
<br />~ premium on any insurance policy delivered to the Mortgagee. Any deficienc-v because nt the insufficiency of such additional pay-
<br />~ manta shall ter forthwith deposited by the Mortgagor with the Mortgagee upon demand by the Mortgagee. Any default under this
<br />paragraph shall tee deemed a default in the payment of insurance premiums. [f the policy or policies deposited are such as ttome-
<br />ov+hers or all risk txdiries. and the de{arsks are insufficient to pay the entire premium, the Mortgagee may apply the de{rosit 40
<br />pay prnmiums on risks requir<•ri to F,e lose red by this mortgaKr.
<br />Payments made by the Mortgagor under the atxrvr paragraphs may, at the option of the Mortgagee, be held by it and
<br />commingled with other such fwrds or its own funds for the payment of such items, and until sn applied, such payments are hereby
<br />pledgtd as security for the ••v{raid balance o[ ilia mortgage indebte~!..ess.
<br />To pnxrure, rieliver to, and maintain for the trenrfit trf the Mortgagee during the life of this mortgage original policies and
<br />renewalx thereof, delivered at bast ten days before the expiration of any such policies, insuring against fire and o[hrr insurable
<br />hazards, casualties, and contingencies as the Mortgagee may require, in an amount equal to the indebtedness secured 6y this
<br />Mortgage, end in rwmpanies atteptable to the Mortgagee. with Less payahla• clause in favor of and in form acceptable to the Mcatga-
<br />xee. In the event any trolley is not renewevt on or before fen days of its rzpiration, the Mortgagee may Prrrcure insurance on the
<br />improveme+nts, pay the premium thereto r, and such sum shat! bee:+mr immediately due and payable with interest at the rate art
<br />forth in said note until paid and shall M' secured by this mortgaKe Fadum on the part of the Mortgagor to furnish such renewalx
<br />as are herein required or failure to pay any sums advanced hereunder shall, at the option of the Mortgagee, constitute a default
<br />under the terms of this mortgage. The delivery of such policies shaft, m the want of default. constitute an assignment of fhr un~
<br />earrrerl premium.
<br />Any sums recetverl try the Mortgagee 6y reason of Inss or damage insured against may fee retained by the 4furtgagtr
<br />and applied toward the payment of the debt hereby secured, or, at the option of the Mortgagee, such sums either wholly ur in
<br />part may tee paid over to ilia Mortgagor to tee used hr repair such buildings or to build new 6uiidinga in their place or for any
<br />rather puepose or object satisfactory to the Mortgagee without afttrhnK the lien nn the mortgage for ilia full amount .rrured here
<br />by tm[ore such payment ever took place.
<br />To promptly repair, restore or rebuild any buildings or rmprovemenls now ur hrrra(ter on the prnmises which may he~
<br />come damaged or destroyed; to keep said Premises in good condition and repair and free from any mechanic's hen or Mher lien Qr
<br />claim of lien not expressly sutxrrdina[ed to the lien hereof, not to suffer nr permit any unlawful use of or any nuisance to rant on
<br />said property nux to permit waste on said premises, nor [o do any other act whereby the property hereby conveyed shall trecorrre
<br />lass valuable. nor to diminis(r or impair its value by any art or omission Io act; to comply with alt requirements of law with reatarrr!
<br />to the mortgaged premises and the use thereof.
<br />'T'hat should the prrmisrx ur any park thereof tee taken or .tamag.~t{ by reason of ans~ putrhr emprovrment u, sunder-_rnation
<br />prta:esrrling, er under the right of rrerinent domain, c.r in any other mar'nee, the ~ - rtauge=• shalt hr tartithd fo al! comla•rsat,.+n=,
<br />awards, and any oilier paymrrrf err -rehrt therrtur, sort shalt [-,r tntitlert, a[ ifs uP[rorr, [u ce.mnrersrr. atrkrear ir: ati.~t prrs~v~ute rn ifR
<br />n':T. na.:.~ any aCtitrn or prtxreditig, or to make atrg comprorrrisr ar settlement in ccrnnertion with such taking ur damagt. All each
<br />cnmpansation, awards, damages. right of action and pnrcecda are hereby assigned to the MnrtKaKrr, who may, afteY deducting
<br />therefrom ail ifb exprrtsrs, release any moneys so received by if or apply the same on any indrtrtedness secured tu•rrby `3•tu• Mnrt
<br />gagor aBrms to execute such further assignments of any comlrensahon, awards, damages, and rights of action and pnrcrrcls as the
<br />Mortgagte maY require.
<br />That in case erf failure to perform any of the eovenanta herein, the MortgaKee may do ten the Mortgagor's hehap everything
<br />iw covenanted; Chat the Mortgagee may also do any art rt may deem irecrsaty to protect the Iirn thra•uC, that the Sh,rtgpkor wilt
<br />repay upon demand any moneys paid or disburxed by the Mortgagee fur any of the aMrt"e purprwes, and such >uonev. togr•[hcr e~rth,.,
<br />interest tharaon at the rate. provided in said notr+ shalt become ~•;u much additional indvhlrcho„> herahy u-curet! and may tee !n-r,,,"
<br />eluded in any decree foreclosing this marlgage and ter paid out of the rants ear procrerls of sale of said pramiara it not uthrrwrsrt°~'
<br />pnld; thak it shall not tee obligatory upon the Mortgagee to inquire Into the validity of any Tien, s•n.umhranrrs or claim cn :ai `-'
<br />vancing moneys as abarve au!hotiaed. but nothing trerein contained shalt fie construed as rcrquiring the MortyaKrr to arlvancr env ".-
<br />mortays for any such purprrer oar ttr do any act hereunder; and that Mortgagee shat! not incur any' personal liahihty trrcausr of any-:
<br />[hlnK it may do or wolf to +fo hereunder.
<br />In kha event ref the default 6y Mortgagor in fhr payment of enY installment, as r:quirwl by the Nutr secured hereby, or
<br />in the parfarmartce ref tht trhligakiun is this mortgage ur in the crate assured thereby, the MnrigaKrr atw{1 ter rnutlett ter declare the
<br />debt secured hereby elite anal payalrlr wr[huul notice, and the M~rlgager shall tee entitled ak its option. without notice, either by itself
<br />ur by a rreeivrr ter tx• appuintcvl by the court lhrrrcrf. slut wilhnuk regard to the adarfuacy o[ any srcunly for fhr rmlrbtednt•ss sr~
<br />raced hvrrhy, Gr entry uptnr and take Iruakeasiun irf ttte mortgaged ptamiasri, and kr coUr•ct attd receive the tents lasers and profits
<br />fhr+eai. Anil ripply the atrme..ttaa eostx of apseati4n and cotlactiun, upon fhr inrlrhtt•dness u~t~rrrrd by this n:txtgage. :..a:t! rt•nts,
<br />i9qurv and prt~te txittg harFhy aanrittnrrl to tree ILSurtgal;rH as farther securfty for the payment of ell indehterlness st•rurnl hrrrhy
<br />T(t+• Mortgageb abet! hsvt the power to appoint mt,{r agrnE ter agrutg it Wray rtrstn• tnr tkrr pu: pcxr u4 repeirrng .sin! prrso-
<br />isea; renting the same; cvrllecfing the rents, royenuea And inru[rte, arui it tttsr'p+ty 01[t of aatd incutne all rxprttnea ituttrral in rent•
<br />ing arui mana6ing the same and of cutiectiug fhr cantata thrrrfrtrm. Thr balance remaining, if any. shafF h.~ app!i.-:! t>>«-ari: tbr=
<br />discharge of the mortgage indahtedrroaa. This aasig[ttrtent is to ttrminatt and become null and void upon release ui this mortgaKe,
<br />~....... _. _ _. -- -.-_.~... _ _ s_...
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