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<br />~~', <br />~~~ ~ HrtPRGYff+J~ff~Jd'T Loan ti„r~x__ 4Qft~--- -i~--~~~ <br />~~~~ rover lio. 27 t nes,r. ! 11tH <br />READ, ESTATE ~1~RTGAGE <br />79-trt~1272 KNOW AIa. MEN BY THESE »l~Tf; <br />T$AT.~48~3.-J~~~~...a14E~._.S~.~l,~~._~__.~eLS..huaband..~nd..~rlfe...joinc?y~ .a~gac~~8~heir <br />oraa righ5; <br />called Mostsagors, is ooasideration of the ama of. aNE THOUSAND t~NE - <br />FI'VE A8D 1.j100--_~.--~--- ~._._ - .... <br />(; 1,195.71 )DOLLARS, the receipt of wlrich is hereby aclmawledged, do hereby MORTGAG$ <br />and CONVEY an absohrta titer, iadudiag all the rights of homestead and mhezitance, mmta FIRST <br />FBDSRAL SAVINGS AND IRAN ASSOCIATION OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, ailed <br />Mortgagee, its auccessom and asawgas, the fallowing ~scabed real estate, ~taated ia___ Hali <br />County, Slats of NEBRASKA, ba-wit: <br />Lot Seven {7) in Block Thirteen (13) in Packer and Ban`s Addition to the Citq of <br />brand Island , Hall County, Nebraska <br />TO RAYS AND TO HOLD the real estate above deacr>'bed, with alt apguxte~sees thsz+s~mto <br />belos~»g onto the said Mortgagee, forever, always, and this mortgage is np~ th* a~u+ess ami- <br />ditian that if the aforesaid, their ~zezecuto:s, administaatora or asei~ shall pay or same <br />~~d to the said Mortgages, zts woceeeots or assigns, the smn ldemmah~e set ~h, all <br />to the tenor cad effect of a certain installment Hate said A+rortgagoia bearing ewes date with <br />thffi amrtgage, and ehaII pay tales and assessments levied n said zeal estate, and aIl other tsnas, levies <br />~1 hsvisd agora this mortgage ~ t}m note-which this x~riFage is gtv~ to eeeate, lrefot+e tiro <br />~o uutallmeaat Shexeof hece®es de~ngpent, then this mortgage to be void, otherwise to zemein <br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED (1) That if the said Mortgagor shall fail to ppaay each lazes, #~s <br />may pay the same and the aim m advanced with interest shall be paid by, said Mortgagoas, <br />and is mortgage shalt stand as eewnwlrity for the same. (2) That Mortgagrors oovessnt wiffi the M~tgagee <br />that They are la _ eeued of said real estate sad covenant to warrant and defend the said real estate <br />ag~t the lawful of all penwne whomsoever. (8) That in case of a fotecloeure of this mortgage, <br />the pleintfH ffi ~ shall be entitled to take po~ee~ of the premises, protect the same tm <br />oollsot the Hants, ia~s and profits thereoL (4) That a fazlune to pay say of said mossy or any iastait- <br />n>ett thereof when the same beaames due, or a faHnre to oomplp with any of the faregcang agee~ta, <br />shall aats6 the whop ram of money herein secured to become dne and coltecf,'ble at once at the option of <br />the Mortgagee. f <br />$igaed this_.__~_.._..dap of_____ ~~~C~....___...._.__......_ .................... 19..? g._. <br />""' F Y~isY '~~............ <br />Llar~a'~~a ~:.... .....~._ <br />STATft AF N&BxA913Ja - <br />~~ taoads. ~m ,. <br />tasldr ~_ der of ___,19Z~ bdaaa ar4 t6s mdahpoed, a Noteq Pare, m sad for <br />add tklat$. ywiraadb' aaros 1~nTc 3. guC}+ga sad Cj,-ara:.j. ,~,~~ tn+nhand and vi fg.~ <br />f~ blows tear io kr Ar iirdlwl p~reauawLoar anew atr afberi to f1r above sad foams r <br />atiee~srupr. steal asoi sdaoswMipd aNd mat b bs 8b oe Let votm-tary sot and drd. <br />tfte dwis rat alaas'~ a~ •e.i at Grand Islat~, Disbras(y~ <br />UugMta~aer~aweitasaw ~~ ~ t.~f~~ <br />COtGa#fr. ~.~ ~ ~ - <br />isr Mw os tt, ear N~ery Pe~iC. <br />>di ars~ooim <br />