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<br /> <br />L:.~ ~:y <br />TEiIB LE!„iE Ai3~7 Aa~}tiE:uiraT`?';', ma3a this 22n3 3ey of .a~aoembsr , <br />1~17'S, by and between. DAi,; 3. :tuG'1:~_s;, itiIS L. KC)BTI~isTT, i2AYc'3UND F?. <br />BAt~STk:Eiti and CAROLINE ~. BtsU,.I'.;V, hereinafter oa3lea the Leasara, <br />and the ~I~iT~ HDriv.E T.~VE':i~, IAtC., hereinafter oelle,i the Leeaee. <br />YiITAlF.88.fiH, that the Lessors for end in consideration of the <br />covenants by the S®ooni warty hereinafter set forth, do hereby lsasa to <br />the aai3 Leases, tris .`clicking aeaoribed premises in the City of grand <br />Ial an3 ~ <br />Korth room of bui131ng known as cafe an3 barber shop, and to <br />include lane located on r'raotianRl Lets Gne (1) snd'Two (2}, <br />in Fractional 31ook 'Three (3), Kernohan & Decker's Addition <br />spa 1an3 lyinx pest of room up to Eest line of Hlaok Seventeen <br />(17}, ?sorer an3 :~arr'~s ti:i.iitiLn, but not to include any part <br />of Hlook Seventeen (i7), this saes rot inolu3e any of the <br />Dement platform area that agproaohes to the gee pump. <br />fir- a z ~ ~__._ ,. ~ ,.,~ <br />p°ari3:e of iu.:i- (r~ ;Ye~+r-5, iru%e the iat day of ~1Hran, i~(o, <br />to the 28th day oY r'ebruary, 1~0, Four hundred :bllars (~AOO.aO} <br />payable op the let Say of ~aroh 175 an3 $ like amount on the let day <br />of each and ~verg ~+ortr thr'teafter until the above amount has been paid. <br />during the terms of this Lease. <br />ZS' to 2urther agres3 that 11 any rent shall be due and unpaid or <br />default has been ma3e in any of the covenants kerein oontaina3, it aha11 <br />then be lawful for the eei~ Lessor Lo re-enter said premises and the <br />Lessee agrees to vao_ate eai premleea without notios. <br />The i.assee furtker agrees that he will rot 3eposit ashes, garbage, <br />or any other offensive wetter on said premises but at his own ezpenae <br />1[eep said pr emiaes an3 alley a33aoent thereto continually in neat, Olean, <br />an3 wholesome aap3ltion; sill asap si3ewalk in grant of an3 along aai3 <br />prsmiaES oleare5 of enoH sn~ ice or other ob~eotionable t hinge as the <br />City t}r3lnanae authorities may rewire. That ke will pep for all City <br />water used on aai3 premises ~urirg the term of this Lease and all sewer <br />servlae aharge~ aocruing .luring the term of this Lease an3 be reaponsibl• <br />for and at hie ow-n expense keep in repair all plumbing hydrants, water <br />FiF®a, gas pipes, steam pipes. sad sewage or ether fizturea, inalv;;ing <br />win3ow glass skuttsrs, an3 that axis Lessee will not suffer or allow any <br />dasage to fenaea, walks, xar¢ge or other improve:uenta belong ing to aai3 <br />Fremlaes. That sei9 Lessee will not allow any unlawfl~l ar immoral prao- <br />tiee to be done thereon, nar ~nythina thereon asloulating to fn~ure the <br />reputation or impair the Falue of the premiass or the ad~aoent property <br />or the aeig6borhood, an3 that aai3 Lessee will not assign this Lease nor <br />tmderlet aai3 premises wit but the aonaeat of as id Lessor, in writing. <br />dn3 aai•i Lessee further aevsnsnte with the Lessor that at the szFiration <br />of the Lime mantione3 in th3ta Ltaee peaceable possession of the said <br />premiass shall be given to the Lessor in as goo3 aon3ltion as they ere <br />nox, or may be et say tine 3urinsz the ter® of thla lease; that upon <br />t he nos-payment of the xhole or any portion of aai3 rent, at the time when <br />the saws is above promises to be pei3, or u~:on the violet ion or non- <br />fulfillment of any of the oovenflnts of this Lease, the Lessor may be hie <br />election, dealers, this Lease at an an3 and recover poasesalon as if <br />the cams were bald by forcible 9atainer; th$ Lessee hereby waiving any <br />~Lias of eaoh election, or any demand far the possession of aai3 premiass. <br />$a id pretiata shall be used for business only; Lh&t he w111 not per- <br />sit any noisy ©r quiaancea whatsoever on the acid premiass to the dietur- <br />Danae of the tenants, ar to naL permit anytlsing on or about said premises <br />wltiob might inorfaae the rats of inauranoa and the Lessor, hie agents, <br />mat eater afi an,~ tiRe to view-aai3 premises or for any necessary purpose. <br />