. _ .,
<br />REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE FoeM FLB ~o, -ae (Rev 1-n)
<br />pate Aril 4, 1979
<br />79- t~ t.t 1 ~s fc 0
<br />Kaye 1. Doane and Cathryn J. Doane, husband and wife f'
<br />t~:
<br />. Mortgagors, I ~~~
<br />ot~ Ha12 _ _ __ - County, - Nebraska In consideration of ~ "
<br />the advance of the principal sw,.reclted In the note hereinafter described, receiptaf which is acknowledged, hereby
<br />mortgage and convey CO
<br />THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF OMAHA, a Corporation,
<br />of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, whose address
<br />is Farm Credit Building, Omaha, Nebraska fi8100, !!lIII(.
<br />Mortgagee (subJect to oil, gas, and mineral rights owned by parties other thsn Mortgagors; existing easements of
<br />record; reservations in United States and State patents; 3:dtne rights of the public Sn 51i highways), thefo11ow1ng-
<br />described real estate Sn Hall ~o,~,ty, Nebraska
<br />SEC. TNP. RG.
<br />N'~ of Lot 8 and all of Lots 9 and 10 in Block "H" in
<br />Mac Coll and Le Flang's Second Addition to Wood River,
<br />All in------------------------ 19 lON 11 W 6thP.M. i'
<br />1:
<br />i1
<br />i
<br />""
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<br />~:
<br />..
<br />rage*.her with all of the right. title, and 'nterest o_r the Mortgagors In said property, including all ouildings, ! -,..
<br />improvements, fix~ures a^ app~y^tera*~es row or hereafter acquL ed, including all apparatus, equipment, fixtures or ii
<br />articles used to supply heat, gas, air car.^_itioning, water, .ight,povrer,refrigeration, ventilation, or other sere- i
<br />ices, and the *urn: shings customarily er appraPriately lacluded by lessors to lessees including, but not limited to, i ,
<br />mirrors, screens, windows, storm windows 3.d "pots, cerpe~ing anted other ficbr coverings, in-a-door beds, awnings, i
<br />stoves, refrlgeratars, water heaters, sir corditieners, n4~•idlfiers' heart..*. sad fireplace equipment, all of which ~ "
<br />ere declared o De a part of *.he real estate, whether physically at:,s:.hed thereto or not, and deemed s portion o_r
<br />*_he securi*_y for the indebtedness here'na_*ter describe^.
<br />:3us martgoge is given tc secure a promissory Here o_ =.•en date hsewi th, executed by Mortgagors to Mortgagee. in 1 ~.
<br />the principal sum of THIRfiY-FOUR THOUSADiD FOUR HUNDRED AND NO/100 - - - - - - - - - DOL; 4RS,
<br />payable in installments with interes*. accordsg t-o the ceras ~f said Here, the last installment Doing due and pay-
<br />sble on the first day or April, 2004 ;,.*.is conveyance shall De void upon the payment of said
<br />y. Gm1550ry riOt2.
<br />The Mongagars agree to pzy, Sf regaested by Mortgagee, co each Installment dace, is addition to tpe sums required
<br />in the sDOVe-tiescriDed promissory note, a sun 2gsi to the a.~ncunt determin=d by the Mortgagee required to accumulate,
<br />and pay Che Snsarance premiums on palic`_es a fire and other hazard ins,u~ance coverlrg the mortgaged premises, and
<br />the real estate taxes and assessments due -:n t2',e mortgaged pre^ises 15 days prior *.a the due dates tnereef. In
<br />the event that the sums acc^ued far the ~a 4^nent of :'ze sxid pr ~;iums. t~ces, er assessments ~ e lnsufflcienL, Lhe
<br />Martga3crs will. upon ^equest, pay °uch s,: ,tic-al s~^s p-1or t„ the due dzte thereof. all sums receired therefor
<br />shall be applied on Lhe prlrcipal baiancevur.til sup..*,}t`_me as they are wlLhdrawn by Mortgagee for the paymen*_ of
<br />said pre!ei=>3as, taxes, ar asses.sr;ents.
<br />1~.is mortgage is sub~ecL *„a *.h? provisi:,:;s of ~E F~iM ~~:CIT dCT and all acts amendatory thereof or suppl?mental
<br />thereto. The proceeds of the loan secured hereby will be used far the purposes specified in the tgrtgagors~ app11-
<br />cation for said loan and authorized by said ;,ct. ~
<br />i
<br />The Mortgagors, and each a1 them, ~eret+y wa,_3nt *_hat they are fee owners of the mortgsg~ G real property; that. they
<br />will defend the •itle against s11 c1a1...ants wntrasoever, and *_hst said preFerty is free prom all encu...Grances; that
<br />they wlIi i:eep ail the ~mprovrements, futures, and app+.lrtenances occupied and in good repair and permit nr, acts of
<br />waste; and Lhey will relinquish all rights o_* homestead ir. said premises, and covenant and agree with the Mortgagee, ~ "
<br />as Zoliows:
<br />ji) 171st Lhey will pay ~1en due a13 Loxes, liens, Sudgments, ar rise"ssments KnicL may De lawfully assessed against f
<br />Lhe property trerelh mortgaged. i ;;
<br />(2) That they will insure and keep insured buildings or other improvements now on or which may hereafter be placed
<br />on said premises to k,e satisiaetion of the Mortgagee, suchlnsurance pol2cy shah De endorsed with a mortgage clause
<br />- with the ions -thereunder to be payable to the Mortgagee. Any sums received Cagy be used to pay for reconstruetlon
<br />-ai the destroyed improvements; or, 3i Hat sn applied, issy, at the option af~the tfartgagee,.be applied in payment of
<br />any 1nAebtednesa, matured-nr unmatured, secured by this mortgage. ~ ~ `
<br />.-{3} ialat~in the-event the Mortgagee is a party to attY litigation sfferting the security or the 11 ea oT its mort-
<br />_ gage, lnbinding spy suit by the~MOrtgagEe toforeaiose this mortgage or aqy salt in-which the Mortgagee may be named
<br />_ e party defendant In which St is obllig~ted to protect its rights or lien, including condemnatlan and banRruptcy ~ ,~
<br />-proceedings,-Lhe Mortgagee may lnevr.eapenses aad advance-payment for abstract fees, attorney fees (except to the
<br />extent prohibited n5' law)., costs, exyenses, and otdter charges.
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