:� y�fj�� . .:`•}11,j.� -U��S�j�R�i1f,_t.:t'i'�,�� �t� r Cf,iL,7.�1R:r.:' 4 ,1�'• !.�,`� .�a� � �;r°:.. : . � �� � �j� :'Sr�'. .ii.:�l-"p �"'•$ � „-I I�d� .
<br /> ' ,.,�r..` �'�.i j - _ . . ���y 1 t, �! C 1 :tA'ALYif<�-_
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<br /> � � . •4, 1, ,'J;i'r_!'a�� .7,��.� } . . _ I I.i_'a ,.. f :U.1 I:ti-
<br /> �I� :�'Fr+f�i�„ !/� :{, _ i'��fIR�'`,?I'� '�kf+r,wy J .. ..,,�4G: µla p'•,•. ..�M, .,,� _.•._. :
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<br /> . �J• —_
<br /> ` ' ' • • , �:.5�'_.
<br /> ' ` n! *��, ` ��
<br /> ��' , Trusta sholl poy dl tox�s,ass�ssrtMnts aid othK cho►qs, includlnp,without IGnitMian,flr�s and(m• �LP' ,
<br /> . .n''�4M1Y��►.�diYti'JY•` : S.TpM/�/���• �.p:.ii:-.�-.sl�.y�._�_
<br /> e.�aw>�.:,wt:;� . ,7 positlons attributobl�to th�ProOM'��,and basohold poiim�ms a p►ouid nmi,if a�ryr,brfon tho wn»baam�ddi Tnrsta iholl �� --
<br /> �t• P�P' �.+e_=_
<br /> � � � �� C�J tip tumish to B�fkiory oli notins of omou�ns du�u�►this paropraph,and in 1h�w�nt Trustor sholl mak�po�►n�nt dM�etly.TNStor slwA - —
<br /> �..:a.
<br /> ' , ' • ' ' C�.1 promptlr fumish to B�mfleiary nc�ipt�w i d�n c inp suc h pa�rmm t:. Trus ta s h o l l p a�r o l l t a x�s a n d a s s�s s n M n t s w h k h m o� b� N v i�d u p o n
<br /> � . Q B�n�fkiay's IMKest hKNn a upon this DMd of Trutt witAout rpad to an�low thot mo�r b�«wct�d in�poslnp polrn�nt of tM MAioM o�on� —
<br /> . .� . � part th�►af upon th�6�ficiary. -
<br /> , � � . . • ..y 6.��������(�y�Nr-Trusta sholl mak�all poynNnts at iMK�st and pinclpol ond po►►mats uf an�
<br /> '. ,. otMr cho►p�s,fMS and��p�ns�s contractod to b�pold to nny�xistirq li�nhotd�rs or pria b�fkiarN:und�on�prior dMd oP trust a mor• _ --_�L-_�.__
<br /> , ' � � tpop�b�fon rh.dar•iM�a.d.linqwnr and promP�h Po►�and discharq�amr and all othK liem,elalms a chorp�s whkh mol►I�opord'a�th� _
<br /> ; �, �. . . . N saurity prant�d Mr�in. If Trustor faHs to mak�any such poynMnt a foll:to pKform an�af tM cormonts and oprdenNnis canta'�ned in this - -
<br />� .. " • � DMd of Trust,or in an�prior mortpope a dMd of trust. of(f ony xtfon a praMdinp ii camm�nc�d whkh mot�rielly aH�cts B�ficiary's in• , ---
<br /> •. � t�r�st in th�Property,includinp,bu►not Nmited to,eminent doman praa�dlnps,a praNdinps inrolvinp o d�und�nt,w i f TNStor io i ls to poy ���� �.�:=---"--�
<br /> , ,�,,���yr.�:;=
<br /> Trusta's d.bis y�MraU�a:rh��becom� due,then B�n�fitiory,ot B�n�ficlory's optbn ond wRhoul notic�to or d�mond upon Trustor ond . ___—_
<br /> � • � withou*nkasinp Trosta f►om on�obligofion hereunde, mop make such oppwranas,disburs�such sums,ond toke such action a:is n�cecsary '�'�`'�'�''
<br /> ,.,�,,,,� ,-;•._��,;��.�;
<br /> to protec�Baneficiar�'s int�rest includinp,but rat limited to,disbu►sem�m ot rensaa6l�a►tw�ne�`s fea,poymmt,purchase,cont�st a com• "' •�•.�:��:
<br /> , -V'1 . '�' . 'ht��...
<br /> � " ' pronpse o4 ony encw+►bra�ce,chaye or lien.ond eMry upon the P.op�rty to make r Ir�the erent thot Trustor shall fail to prawe in• �•�'�:-
<br /> �poirs. '! .1.:•,....
<br /> surance a to pox�a«es,assessmtnts,or ony other char��s or to maiee aq►poyn�ents to e��stpg prior lie�lioklers or be�e(iciaries,Beneficiery '•��,`���•�'����`��
<br /> ,• � � .�:.�._.r�:�r�:;
<br /> S; '.,;.:;;• ,; . may prvcure such i�u�once ond make such paym�nf.My amounts disbursed by Beneficiary pursuont 1a tbis Peropraph 6 shall b�cortN additional ;,;,�,;,,_:__-��--
<br /> ��ri
<br /> ,.:.:..�;�;:��-�.�� �'��' indabtedness oi Tn►stor secur�d b�this Dead of Trost.Such omounts sholl be poyabb upon notice from&neficio►Y to Trusta raguestirg poy .n`�l�;y:,:N
<br /> : -'.:,;;%{;tl�;`�i�t�''�'' �;;,, mem ihe►eof.rn+d s�+ak�bar interost from the dote of disbwsemeM at ihe rote poyable hom tin�e ta time on outstonding prineipal w�d�r the 4_
<br /> ���'..`".. __-- _--
<br /> ;t` : • �!��'�'','. � Note unless payment of i�+�rest at such rote wauld be ca�rort� �o applicable low,in which evem wch amouMS shall beor in1erest ot the hiqhast �;'� ;i14,,.�
<br /> ., ,f� ''.tti.;�:�;�t<{.�• . , �`'}r. _—=:,
<br /> 'r••� ;`, ,s`;:�:;:y+'�! . ref�permissibk un6er ep�licobla low. Nothinq contac�e� �tl'�is Pproqraph 6 shall raquire Bar1'�ciary to incw an�eicpens�a 4�eony action �,;��s'� � .
<br /> �•� :'i�l.�:`;��;;•� hare� • ' ���R,
<br /> �'�i:j����•';':': 7,Aag��e1 R�tt. Beneficiary shall have the right. pe�ev and authority durinp the caiticwonce of this Deed of T�vst tucollect the "� c:`'-�
<br /> C. •.; ., -
<br /> ��� • r� •�`'�"�. '' rents,iswes and protits of the Property ond of any parsond property located thereon with or wrthout toki ssession of the opert offected � ��-�� �. ^
<br /> n9 Pu Pr Y f �, . s..
<br /> '� ,.� � �>�
<br /> , ,� „ hereby,ond Trustor hereby absoluttly ond unconditionally assigns oll such rents,issues and profits to Beneficiay.Boneflciory,however,hereby �p�� �_3 �...`
<br /> � � conunts to the Trustor's collection and retention of such rents,issues ond profits as the�accrue and betome poyoble so long as Trustor is not, ;}';'%i��%t�:a�_ —
<br /> � ••. - ot such time,in default wlth respect to poyment of ony indebtedness secured hereby,or in the performance of any opreemeM hereund�r.Upon �``� ,;:; _
<br /> ' '' ,;fr,�''`tr�:,:.
<br /> ,,,,1.. any such default,Beneiiciary moy ot on�time,either in person,by agent,or by receiver to be appoint�d by o cowt,without notice and without
<br /> �,,',i'.�';�' •� reyard to th�adequacq of any security for the in�leGtedness hereby sewred, (a)ent�r upon and toke possession of the Prupert�a any part . :7:.,•�+�,:L,
<br /> ' ___� . thereof,and in its own name sue for o�otherwise tollect such rents, issues and profits,including thosa post due and unpaid,ond appl�the some, �• � �
<br /> • � + "� less costs and expenses of operotion and collection,includ'ng reasonable attorneys tees,upon any ind�btMness secwed haraby,ond in such -- - -.u�--�_;
<br /> ader os Beneficia►y may determine, (b)perform suth actt of re �r or mection os mo be nocessar or o r to conserve the volue of the �T � ��
<br /> Pa� Pr Y V P► PB � .:u':.°',
<br /> '' Properry,(c)leose the same a any port thereof ior such rental,term,and upon such conditions as its judyment may dictate a te�minote or ad• ;
<br /> just the terms a�d conditions of ony existing lease or leoses.Unless Trusta and Benefitiary oyree otherwise in writinp,any applicatian of rents, � .� ;
<br /> issues a profits to any indebtedness secured hereby shall mt Q�tend or postpone the due dote of the instalknent poynwnts as provided in said
<br /> � pomissay note or c�arge the omoum of such installments. The eMeriny upon ax! tokirg poss�ssion of the Property,the colledion of such j ,�-�
<br /> rents, issues and profits,and the opplicatian thereof ns oforesoid, shall not waive a cure any default a notke of default hareundar,or in- ` =: �
<br /> val+dote ony at done pursuont to such notice.Trusta also assgns to Beneficiary, as further security for the perFormonce of the o6ligations �` .r �
<br /> . ' setved hereEy,all prepaid renfs and all monies which may have been or may hereafter be deposited with said Trustor by any lessee of the Pro- '
<br /> ;: pe�t�, to seture the payment of ony renf or dtxnages,and upan defoult in the perfo►mance of ony of the provisions hereof,Trusfa agrees to �` �
<br /> • dlliver such rents and deposits to Benefitinry.Delivery of written notite of Beneficiory's exercise of the rights qranted herein,to any tenant oc• ; r :
<br /> � :�. � � � cupying said premises sholf be sufficient to require said tenont to poy said rent to the Beneficiary until further notite.
<br /> • g.Co�ia�tien.If title to any port of the Property shall be toke�in condemnation proceedinys,by riyht of eminent domoin or similor action, � "`'
<br /> ._,::�.. __-
<br /> ' or shall be sotd under threot of condemnation,all awads,damages and paeeds arQ hereby assiyned and sholl be paid to BQneficiary who sholl . . _' � �',
<br /> . opply such awards,domaqes ond proceeds to the sum secured by this Oeed of Trust, with the excess.if any,paid.fo Trustor.If Trustor receives , , •
<br /> �� ' ! • any notice or other infamation regording such actans or proceedings, Trustor sholl give prompt written notice thereof to beneficiary. _,,
<br /> Beneficiorr shall be entitled,at its option,to commente,appear in ond prosecute in its own nome any such actian or praeedinps and shall be en- ,
<br /> � titled to make ony compromise or settlement in connection with any such action or proceedings.
<br /> ' 9. Rumdb� liot ExtWti��. Benef iciary sholl be entitled to enforce payment and perfamance of ony indebtedness ar obligations secured
<br /> = heroby ond to exarcise all riqhts and powers under this Deed of Trust w under ony other agreement execured in connQCtion herewith or any lows .
<br /> � ' now or hareofter in force,notwithstonding some or all of the such indebtedness and obligafions secured hereby ma�now or hereahe�be other-
<br /> c , wise setured,whethe�by mortgage. deed of trust,pledge,lien,ossignment or otherwise.Neither the a[ceptqnce of this Deed of lrust nor its . .
<br /> enfacement whether by court ectian or pursuant to the pawer of sale or other powers herein contoined, sholl prejudice or in ony manner affect
<br /> 8enefitiory's right to reolize upon or eniorte any other seturity now or hereofter held by Benefitiary.it being agreed that Beneficipry sholl be
<br /> enfitled to enforce this Deed of Trust und any other security now a hereofrer held by Beneficiary in such order and monner as it moy in its ob-
<br /> ' solute discretion determine.No remedy herein conferred upon a reserved to Beneficiary is intended to be e�clusive of any other remedy herein
<br /> or by law provided or permitted,but each sholl be cumulotne and shall be in odd�tion to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereoher
<br /> existiny ot law ar in equity ar by statute. Every power or remedy prov�ded hereunder th�s Deed of irust to Beneficiory or�o which it moy be
<br /> ' otherw�se entitled,may be exercised concurrently a independen�ly from t�me to t�mP ond�s often os may be deemed expedierH Benefitiary
<br /> ond it moy pursue intonsistant remedies.Nothing here�n sha�l be construed as proh�b�t�nq BenPf�;�ory from seeking a deficiency judgment agpmst
<br /> the Trustor to the ertent such act�on�s perm�tted by low.
<br /> 10. Trrahr o)/ropnfr;As�tie�. If oll or any pa►of the property or any mte�est therein is sold,tronsferred or cmveyed by Trustor
<br /> , � without Beneficiary's prior vrritten consent,e.cluding(nl�he creation of a lien or encumbrance subardinate to this Deed of Trust. (b)the creo-
<br /> lfw�of o purchose mone�setunty interest for household appl�ances. (tl o tronsfer by dev�se descent or by operotion of law upon the deoth of a
<br />. _�_ e_ _r._ _.
<br /> �01111 1QIIOf1� M (dl the yront of ony leasehoid �n1E►@ST 0� t1NEE� yCOrS Or iCSS nOi conivi����g oi�4y�w�i i�NuT���uie. va��e���7u�j �7�'v�. ...
<br /> Beneficary's option,declare all the sums secured b�this Deed af Trust to 6e�mmediotely due ond poyable,or cause the Trustee to File a notice
<br /> of default.Beneficiar�shall hove waived suth optio�fo acelerote�f. pr�or to the sale transfer or tonveyance Benefivary and the person to
<br /> . whom the property is to be sold or transferred reach og�eemen��n wr�ting thot the cred�t of such person�s sat�sfacrory ro Beneficwry ond thot
<br /> . fhe intKesf poyoble on the sums secured by fh�s Deed of irust sholl be ai such rote os Benef�c�ory shall roquest.
<br /> I
<br /> . j r
<br /> —� - - ---
<br />