not extend or postpone the due date of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereaf or
<br />change the amount of such installments.
<br />10. Boaower NaY Released. T;xtension of the tiete for payment or modification-of amortisatton of the sums
<br />secured by this Mortgage granted by Lender to any -uccessor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release,
<br />in say manner, the liability of the original Borrotcer and Bon•otccr's successors in interest. Lender shall not be
<br />required to commence proceedings against such successor or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify
<br />amortisation of the sums secured by this \lortgage by mason ai any demand made by t.ha original Borrower and
<br />Bormwer's successors in interest.
<br />11. Forbearance by Lender Not a Waiver. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy
<br />hereunder, or othernise afforded b}• applicable lan•, shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right
<br />or remedy hereunder. The procuremeut of insurance or the payment of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender
<br />shall not be a w•siver of Lender's righ± to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this Mortgage.
<br />12 Remedies Cumtrlative. all remedies provided in this \lortgage are distinct and cumulati-re to say other
<br />right or remedy under this \lortgage or afforded it}- law a• ~>c}atty. and msy be exercised concurrently, independ-
<br />ently or successiaely.
<br />"Ct 13. Sneee~ors and Assigns 13otrad; Joint and Steveral Liability; Captions. The covemtnts and sgreements
<br />herein contained shalt bind, and the rights hereunder shall inure to the respective successors and sssigns of Lender
<br />~~ and Borrower, subject to the provisions ai parsgrsph 17 hereof. all covenants and agreements of Borrower shall
<br />"y be joint and several. The captions and hesdings ai the paragraphs of this \lortgage are for convenience only and
<br />ate clot to be used to interpret or define the provisions hereof -
<br />` h/. Notice. Any notice'. to Borrower providtvl form this \lortgage shall he =teen by utsiiing snch notice b}•
<br />certified mail addresed to Borrower at rite Yroperty -Address stste,i below, exci'pt for any notice required under
<br />~ }wragraph 18 hereof to lee siren to Borrower in the utanner prescribed by spplicable ]:tw. Ant• notice provided
<br />!\ far in chi; _lortgage shall lm deemed to have been given to Bormacr :+l,cn ;leer: u: t:c titarncr i.esignated herein.
<br />15. IIniform Mortgage: Governing Law: Severabitity. Thi= iomt of mortgage combines uniform covenants
<br />for national uvce snd non-uniform covenant; with limitttii variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform secu-
<br />rity instrument covering resl pml>erq-. This _llertgage shall ice governed itv the lore- of the jurisdiction in which
<br />the Property is located. In the event thst any provision or clsuse of this \lortgage or the Note conflicts with
<br />applicable law, such rnttflict shall na*. afiecz other provision- of zhis \Iortgsge or rite Note trhitlt can be given
<br />effect witlmut thf conflicting pravisiot>. and to this c:;d the provision; of the :lortgage and the :vole are deciui~d
<br />to be severable.
<br />16 Batroeer's Copy. Borrotcer shall be iurni~hed a conformed cape ai this Mortgage st the time of execu-
<br />tion or after recordation hereof.
<br />17. lYaaaiar of the property: Assumption. Ii all or any part of the Propeny ar su interest therein is sold
<br />ortransferrtd by Borrower without Lender's prior written con_ert. excluding +si the creation of s lien or encum-
<br />brance subordinate io this \lortgage. tbp the tt•eatiata of s purrhae money securitn• interc~t for household appli-
<br />anc~• a transfer b}• devise, dcsc~nt or by operation of law ulxm the desalt of s faint tensnt or t d t the grant of
<br />any leasehold interest of there years ar less not containing alt option to purchase. Lender :ns}-. ai Lender's option,
<br />derlnre all the stmt secured by this liartgage to i+c i?:nnediately due rind psysblc- lender shall hate waived such
<br />option xo accelerate if, prior to the ssie ar transfer, Lender and tlee 1;<°ran to whoa; t're Prolxtty is to he sold or
<br />traosierred r+eselt agreement in writing that tt:e en~iit of such }nrsor. is sstisfactan• to Lender and that the interest
<br />payable o~n the strrr~ secured br this \iangsgr shall '>ti st weir ::ate a~ Lender shall revluest. If Lender has waived
<br />zhe oPtios w accelerate pmvi3ed in this }aatsgrspl: ] r sntl ii Bornitver s sarce~sar in intcri ~t i::ts executed swrit-
<br />te~ at~rmption agreement accepted lit writing by Lender. Lender •lisll relea`;e J3ar:ower fntm all abligatioas under
<br />this ~dortgage and the \ote-
<br />7i Lender ezerei_ces such option to setelerste. Lender shall msil Borrower notice of acccleraxion in accordance
<br />with paragraph 14 hettcii. welt nattte si:sli praeide a penal t~f rot less tirsn 30 +is}-s from ti,c dste the mite is
<br />castled tc-itltin is-uich liermu-er tnay },ar the >u^ts dec•lsred Diu.-- Ii 13arraw~r :sties ? layc .u~t?: mums prior to the
<br />ezpira;icv: of vtls period. lender may. xvitl;aut iurzher no2icr ar •ien?stxl tt:= $orrosv~-r- tnvak«• an}• remedies per-
<br />rmitted by Paragraph 18 hereof.
<br />\;ta._I`c~wja+a t'ncr~rs~.•~- J3carrtaterr ;trtd Lender f?trilta•r c•ovrnunt anti a~rer a~ iollo+t's:
<br />I~ Am~rttioin: Sesaedia>z Excer+t a~ 1°ritia.! in ;~at;.gra3~1-. 1; `.•=reel- a7k,:; llc+rrawer~ irrrxrit ai xnv
<br />novenant aztgtec~r+t of $arrower i:. thi- \]at?xag,•. inrlu~ing t.,~ s^a,ert:sat- t<• ,=:xt• nlx•n ~iux :;ny =ums ;et•ured
<br />be this'tlortgs~. ix^+r3er ],roar to ni'tro•]rr`atdan ~i,nil n;:,ii n~>a:c~~ t.• lit+--^,,:9°•: :. +.s.i+s n, h:xt~grspl; i# hereof
<br />sPetii}•irsg: all 7}x h;ttsx'?;. +~+ tl:e settle; ~~au:=«-, ,a .•. ..., 3, .. ... t.~±*, -titan ?hirtr <lsys
<br />frzxia ttNe Gate ilx• natm~ i. t~ssair-rt to }i~=:~_3v+e;-. '•v t+ ~;.~~i -,~,-.zf.n•::rt, ;s.v-a t~ +~s;r.:. ~n:i <#+ ?#tat {ailura• to cure
<br />az3r•1[ lrrcat3't on or laeiore t.,4• date .lt-c+ficai rr, tix~ t.t°tir•~- .;.a}~ ::~.sut _n xce:.;..,.~tr«k:: r,t rise sunk: seq•tit'ed 6y the
<br />'`lortgage sad ctf tle Property- 12 ?ix l~rraci= :- rest cun,3 :at. + ~ t.~t•<ar+ ti:, ,te>=,.~ .{ac-sfi#ri3 in the nailer. Letuler
<br />i<t Lzt~lla=r= a~+tia , u;a~s d~lar~ sll isf th~• ~uu!- .x.,-uret3 3,v -.., ytar?;;, g=• z. . .,.,..._=iesax°ic rl,wx• ynci parc'aL•le
<br />'ariS`.'x ?=tt1~•7 ~j!'3:+~!d'1 ~j tr231" ?l~•~s^t-i•~°+•- t4 ~ 1],_rrZi~- 3 ~.:3.-.. ,~. j -ue ^a ' G~ Lc~ - ss- ..ia~: IK~ c•S~~e :t ir~'i is CaiicYt
<br />ie ruch F:rar€~etltng sli ex}>4•rze~ to iot:•rr*-ar:. :n< .. .;=,r; •.3 - :r+ •, ,. t{ ,-~.,,- + t.,.r,.tHrt erit3inee.
<br />ah~ateeea and tatle Ott`
<br />!!. leee+otwr's 8ig3xi m aAe.. \cxattit=;s>.i .;,, l.aa;Lrc - ..e~r<>~rc,t*.c~r:..: tt;r -urn- Keurcd by this
<br />ldatt~r, J3attu+ver sha7; base the tt3 ltars• srsr 13tt+rc,E~i.n~, tag,-S, }_} i_«,tG«•r t°u rnian «• lilts Mortgage d-
<br />sed at a>;x t~ ]tt•ior• to csrstt; ai a Eu<igttiert e.aigrran~ tie.- 1i~t=.::=g:` a;. €torrux=.r i«ays under all
<br />s~ teoulsl ik tl~ dt~ under chi- \3artesg~ - tlne Note nn<i nom.-..~cLL_:n~ f tst un -A•Gi ~nct•: , if any, ha3 no
<br />~m oeeuradal; ,bi J3otaoser cure:- all larYxt*;er e. ant tsth~r no.,-r:arct~ ar ai;r<x-nxnt~ ai Borroxcer ton-
<br />taimad its this ~: iti 8osrvtrer payr, nl] tc-swrtsl,r eet.rr=:,«-- :.=+-urr«~. t.~j l.rn°yrt an ..niorrinK the tarraan2s
<br />ssd ~;~' 3L...~e. tont~.~~ iv tlti- ~7so!,Er'~e ~d--- -- -- - -` l.•t.,irT', r« st:edi«+ e?, prot•tded in para-
<br />graph ~ heT80f. ~~ btx not lrffi32Cd xa- reauonatriz~~#tt4)Sl2c'S'•rtttt'Ys.. an•1 tit t ]iartaA"#'r taka•s 4LLetl aClTan $^
<br />I.apdet map rtdlg tret}stsre to a~tre ttmt tlrr Bert of x];i~ S]ortgs.}te, 1..-teilet'r imerc•-t iu tree Ptopetty snd
<br />$a[so~ter's ur pap tltt suraa aex+rred b?: this \lungst:r ~i:aii continue ununirain~i. 1'pan such payment
<br />sad axn^e ~ $ratoirrr, idtis tsiottgagc sold the obligr-tians «:eeurr;i hereby ,hail rrrnain in f u31 tom and effect as i#
<br />zio - lmd oeetttsed.
<br />ffi ~ d lid ~ ~ J6trw+irar; Ls is Post. A- aeltJitrarsal seturii}~ here•-
<br />>tp&r,$ars<+rrsersi asla I.+'attiertl~• r+rnta of t]~ Frapert}•. }rrovKlt+d thax $at•rower €haii, prior to aereler-
<br />33iea. t lauuAtyst*ph 1$ htrtraf m' abandonment. of she Property. have the right to collect and retain such mats
<br />fa beacme day amrl pmt3*abfe.
<br />tJpea aeo~aataam ~ patagrsph IB hereof or abatrdontttent ai the Yrapetty: Letuier, in l+erwn. br agent
<br />or by jttr~cnrllg sppaimed raneivzr sitnll be entitled xa eater ulsarr, take poss€rsion of and manage thc• Yraperty
<br />sad t» Wlieex the rests of cite Prgfmip, inchxling those pa>;t due. Ali rc•ni,` collected by lxnder or the rreeirer
<br />ahalJbeatggtijeditrstLOpapmeataf tlree~isof management of the Pral,eny sad colic-ctran of rent>. inrludirg, but
<br />not limited xo, xceenet•'a foes, ptremiutca on rreeiver~ hand, and reasanahie anon:e}•'< tee.. and then la ahC :urn,
<br />seetmd try flits Mortgage. Lerrtier and the trtxiver shall lx' 1i:thlc to account oni}• {ar those rent> sctuully rcceit•ed
<br />