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<br />53-A-REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE-With lax Clause (Revised 1962} The Human Geoerei Supply House, Lincoln, N br
<br />7t9 ~ a t . ~ t"7 !
<br />••~ ii itivv~
<br />L{IVOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT dames S. Reed & Precious Reed, husband and
<br />wife, and James D. Roth and Donna F. Roth, husband and wife
<br />(Mortgagor )
<br />of Hall County, and State of Nebraska , in consideration of the sum of
<br />Thirty Thousand and no/i00-------------------------------(S30,000.003--------- DOLLARS
<br />fn hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto Commercial National Bank & Trust Company, Grand
<br />Island, Nebraska
<br />(Mortgagee )
<br />- of Hall Cauntp, and State of Nebraska the following describc~cl premises
<br />situated in Hall County, and State of Nebraska to-wit:
<br />I,ot Forty-four (44), Potash Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />In the event the title to said real estate is transferred, or contracted to be trans-
<br />ferred, from the undersigned for any reason or by any method whatsoever, the entire
<br />principal sum and accrued i.-tterest shall at once become due and payable at the elec-
<br />tion of the holder hereof. Failure to exercise this option because of transfer of title
<br />as above stated in one instance shall not constitute a waiver of the right to exercise
<br />the same in the event of any subsequent transfer.
<br />The iatentisut heitte a~ Zutr-ry hrret,y an atrx,lute title in fee simple includitag ail the righis of homestead ana dower.
<br />TL? RAVE A2rD T(} ROLL) the premises ai,o.~e described, with a!I the appurtenances theretmto betongirtg unto the
<br />acid tstartgagee and to its heirs area assign.. forever. pm~'ided always, and these presents are upon the e:preaa
<br />caiadgioa that if tba aforesaid mortgagor s. their h<irs. executors, administrators ar ash z shall PaY or coax to he
<br />pied to the said mart, ogee its heirs. escruts>n, administrators or aligns, the sum of thirty Thousand
<br />and tSO/100------------------°--------° (530, 000.00) -----Dollars, payable as follows, to-wit:
<br />Entire principal plus accrued Lk,ilars nn the day of 19
<br />9ntxrest due and payable Lkillar..~n the 21st day of June , 19 79
<br />Dollars nn the day of i9
<br />Ll;aLars c,n the da>• of 19
<br />Dnl3ars e,n ttw da~~ of 19
<br />witA iatervd therrran at i2 _ S lx-r cent tx-r aaeum. pa. ahie 6 f 21/ i 9 annually aL axnrding to flue teaar and e$ed ai
<br />arestainpromiisaryanteafsa~ James S_ Reed 6 Precious Reed, husband and wife, and dames D.
<br />Raul
<br />latsaris~t esm date with ilreFx• pee~sraes. and shalt pay s11 taxes and assessments leaiexf upon said real estate, and a!1 other tares,
<br />Levu sad assnaameats Leried upon flan nu~tgaRf or the note why this raeartFa,le is gfarz to srrure, before the acme betximas
<br />d~agaeai sad keep the iaatitdanRS ~ sea! prrancnrs sasured fcr the ~tm cd 5 NfA loos. ff any, payahk to
<br />the raid m~ostgaRee, rhea theoe prrs+-stn to tie .vad ~dser+vne t±o tw attd remain in fair tare,.
<br />~ Is e~[,~2"f3[E.t"t Ai,R££L7 tt iT-aat if the load tsartgaRar ilsall tail u, pay such tarn ar prvnare wch inewram.+a, the
<br />acid teoctgaget may pav eat:f~ taxed and procure sueh atarwranre- and the sum ao advaratx+d, xrith iatex~t at 13. S Pa; cent
<br />r>itai! he paid tr- aatd tsaarytagar sad thas mc,riga~ inat9 elated as srcunt.~ #or the same t°? Tlsat a failure to pay stty of said
<br />aaeeey, esllet priatspal ar tairrest whra tier same t,enamea due., ar a fai>ure m cxmply with anY of the fategaiag agreemeata,
<br />sbadi ritue tlae staale attmt rd aonry herein rrcur~nd su la,tr~ar due std aalleactitde at cayc+e at the option of the mo[igagee.
<br />Shared flats 21st day xd f4arch i9 3
<br />r. - - S S . Re .-. - _...-
<br />' ~. - k,
<br />~ ,
<br />• f I
<br />-- -- 1X~rLna F_ Roth
<br />~twnty of _- -_.. 31a11._------- ---- d1b/a DeYilie Ht~s, Inc.
<br />SPATE ~'__._.---- aawtara lea _-..-~- - _ ~
<br />$s~OZe toe. a ttataag• pulrtic yttaiifsed tar said casu,ty, pera~znally rarer dames S. Reed s Precious Re ea,
<br />band and Srife, and Jataes f7_ Roth c Donna F. Rath, husband and wife
<br />;<teiaee fs lino b tae >~ ' _- Aeraraa ~+~1saad the fareg~ag isstttu'Rent and ~trawleclged fix e:esttsus
<br />t~ttaaJ b ie iiat late oar ~ i1~-
<br />~aa sl ilraed ~~ ,. _- 19-.1-.~i..
<br />~' eaas~aitaima aa~: - _ ~~~~ - -/--.---.-...._.-- _....._-._Notary Ptt6lic.
<br />~filTE ~ -. ------ ~ a Entemed on ntttsetieal index and Sled :ar record
<br />`(,~ _ ~_________-~ in the Ram of Ueda O~ of said (",aunty the
<br />i,a. a[...._..__.___._. 7~-_.--. ate_ ~_.~._.__._.o"dock sad.. ----._.__,.,-----.aainutea _.__..-.------A[•. '',,
<br />aid aaaeedad a Eoat.._.____.__ _____ ~ ~_~...~at 1~..._..--------------_......._....
<br />---__........._-,---------._.----.__ ___,_- Reg. of Deeds
<br />~'.._..... __ _ ._ . _.-.._...._ _. __ __.._ .. - ._.......-....Deputy
<br />i.
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<br />