�i� . �. _. .
<br /> �+ I .. _ �'� ' � . `':��---
<br /> , S, '�,�,� „ •;��:-0�. , .
<br /> ��....a,.,:...�._ � 1 w..'r�iu�.�_,�-.��".
<br /> ,�
<br /> � � i
<br /> �._��� 92� 10U3��
<br /> :_�� _�: .�
<br /> _.,�,. tM Prop�Ay Is a qk�n or damap�d.L�nd�►�hdl haw th�opUon,In la taN a�d ab�olut�d1�crNion,to apply dl auch P�ocMds,
<br /> r ;:-� d1�r d�ductlnp th�nhom all cosq�nd�zp�mu incumd by It in conn�cdon with weh P►ocNdf,upon sny��d�1�d��u�
<br /> - � " i-�' hanby and In wch adar u I.�nd�r n�y dN�►m�n�,or to apply all�ueh ProcNd�,afl�r suCh deduetlons,b th�r�tontlon of tlH
<br /> "' �'i Properly upon wch condidon�as Unde�may d�u►min�.Any applicaUon ol Procwd�to ind�btsdn�s��hatl not�xt�nd a postpors�
<br /> Li"'.: ' tM dw dat�ol�ny paym��t�unWr ih�Not�,w aur��ny dehult thanuntNr or h�nundar.Any un�ppll�d funds sh�ll b�pald to
<br /> , Trosta.
<br /> :,,�,,���t. .� g, p���by L�nd�r.Upon the occurnnc�of an Event ot Defaulth�rwnd�r,or 11 any act is aken or Ipal procs�dln�
<br /> �° r'� commenced whlch mate�ially a8ects Land�r'�Interest in the P�operty,Landor may fn Ita own discretion,but without oblly�tlon to do c,__ __ _____
<br /> °f'"+�`..,,�,
<br /> �ru„w,_ �Y,� so,and without notice to or dem�nd upon Trustor snd without releasinp Truftor Irom any oblip�lbn,do any ect whiob Tru�tor has
<br /> apreed but hile to do and may also do any oth�r act it deems neceseary to protect th�sacurity hereol.T�u�tor ehNl,immsdl�lsly
<br /> �.-�.••�.>,•� ,,: upon d�nwnd theretor by lender,pey to Lender all aosts and ezpenees Incurred and sum�expended by lendar In connecdon with
<br /> �,�� . :'� � the ex�ctso by Lendar ot the loreyoinp riphh,together with interest thereon at ths d�!�ult rate providod i�the Note,which slwll be
<br /> �E•.•i•�;-., , added to 1tw Indobtadness �ecund heroby. Lsnd�r shall not fnaur any Uabiliry becauw o1 anythinq it maY do or omit to do
<br /> �T=��:,'.:'�.,��•z;:::+�., Mrwnder. _-
<br /> ����� � - y. 1y����1pw�yM�yb.Trustor ehall keep the Propertyr in compllence with all appllceble lewa,ordlnences and repulat�ons
<br /> relatins ta►�dustr�al hy�cene or environmentel protectlon Icollectively reterred to herein as"Envfronment�l Laws'�.T►usta shai�
<br /> .�±^�� keepthe PropeAy free hom all substancea deemed to be ha:ardous or toxic under any Environmental Law�(collecUvely relorred b
<br /> �y°°°�•-�� herem As"Hasardous Matarfals'► Truator hereby warrants and repreaenta to Lender thet there are no Hatardous MeteriAls on or _
<br /> �_ �*-Y;.:�;�,��.�s� ����pruporty.Truator heroby�►oes to indemnly and M�d narmless Lender,�ts directors.otRCen.employees and aflents.and ��
<br />---�f" ; '' ' any successon to Lender's interest nom and apemst eny and au c�a�ms,domaqes,losses aad tiab�l�6es adeing In connecdon with �';,'•.;__�-.-:_
<br /> .,��'�, ��d�`��:�"� the prese�ce,use,disposal or transpoN of any Hazardous Materials on.under, Irom or about the P►operly.THE FOREGOING �_
<br />,:_{r' . 10. Aal�nm�nl 01 R�nt�.Trustor hereby assigns to LendeP tMe renta,fssues end prolfts of�he Properpr,�rovided that Trustor
<br />-.�,� �; �• ,1 �`•�� ahall,until the occurrence of an Event of Default he�eunder,have the right to collect and retain such rents,�sauea and profAS as they
<br /> pecom•a due and payeble.Upon the occurrence ot an Event ol 0etault,Lender may,either In person or by ayent,with or with�ut �..
<br />' �.;�; „ , . bringing r�ny ecdon or proceedfng,or by a recewer appointed by e court and wlihout regard to the adequacY of its aecunly.entar _-.
<br /> - ° upon and leke posaesslon o1 the Prope►ty.or eny part thereof,ln fts own name ar in the name ol lhe Truatee,and do a�y acls wh�ch it —
<br /> �, `" deems�eceseary or desirabte to preeerve the value.marketablliry or rentabihty ot the Property.or any part thereof or interest therein. � _
<br /> -• � increaae Ihe Income therefrom or protect the secunty horeot and,wlth or wAhout takiny posaesslon ot the Property.�ue for or �.n►.;.:°
<br /> ° pth�rwise collect the rents,fssues and proflts thereot,lncluding tnose past due and unpa�d.and apply the same,less eosb a�d �j
<br /> � � •• expenaes of operatlon and collection including attorneys'tees,u�on any i�debtedness secured nRreby,all In such order as leneler �
<br /> ` " may determine.The entering upon a�+af takinq poasesaion of tha Property,the collecUOn ot sucd rents,fasues and protita and tAe ��
<br /> � appt�atfon thereot as eforeaeid,sha��not cure or waive any default or notice of default hereunder or invplidate any act done�n �__.v
<br /> '�� � reaponse lo such default or purauart to such notiCe of delault and,notwlthetandlnp the condnuance In possession a1 the Properry or
<br /> � �L�: thw collecUon.recel t and applicata� ot rents,issues or protits,and Trustee and Lender shall be entitled to exercise every dght
<br /> . __ _ ---•-�'�_�-
<br /> ;:�: � :'1t��Slt�±�;`�54� pror ex,er�9e the power�ol se/e.Further Le der'sylghts 8nd emed�es unde thi pa aprap�shaa beladu�^ulative�wlth e�n��n way e =
<br /> � ;;;;�',,(,�%�s(�%%`�'.f:t IimitaUOrt on,Lender's rights and remediea under pny assignme�c ae tieases and rente reaorcted 8pei ntt the Properly.Lende�.?iustee �°�_:
<br /> ����•��! �� '��,•-�;�i g'yt,� �'t and the reaaiver shal0 be Ilable to eccount ortiy br those ranb actually recewed. �u-=�"'��
<br /> .,:�', �, ,�.`'• '' ' .,�t.l' 11. Er�nb o1 DeY1�uH.1'he followiny sNaLI consUtute an Event of Defau�t under thls Deed d Trus� ��.
<br /> ,:.,,,. ,.::�,����}9��•;� --
<br /> �� , ,.�t,,;,��� ,;
<br /> ; ,;Y{�,.,�,��f�' (a) Fellure to pay any inst�llment ot prmCipal or Interest ot any other sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> ��•+�j•t�;r.";!� � (b) A breach of ar default undor any p►vasion conteined In the Note,tl�is Deed o�tcust,any ot the Loan Instrume�ts.or any ��y�:,�__
<br /> e11,,,:,1�,5 r ,� `-
<br /> � .x, . other lien or encumbrance upon the Property: ���.�.+�t%'�:�
<br /> (c) A wril of executlon or atlachmenl or any slmUar process shall be enlered afla�nst Truatar which shell bacome a iien on
<br /> • ���' the Property or eny portfon thereof or Interesllherein; ��=��--'-�-_'"_
<br /> (d) There shall be Illed by or againal Trustor or Borrower an acpon under any present or tuture federal,state or other o�:,._. __
<br /> ` stetute,tew or regulatfon rotatinp to bankruptcy,insolvency or other relfef lor debtors;ar there ahall be appofnted any truatee, ��_Y.
<br /> " ' recelver a liquldator ol Trustor or Borrower or ol all or any part of the Property,or the renq.�asues or profN�thereot,ar Trustor __
<br />- :...r_ °. . �•Yi�.�._-•_.'.
<br /> � or 8orrower ehall make any general assiynment tor the benefit of credltors;
<br /> � (e) The sale,transfer,leese,asalgnment,conveyance or fu►ther encumbrance o�all or any paA of or any intereat in the
<br /> ' ,y,, , permlKed o executa e ealse of the PropelAy that does1not ontein en pt an o Purchase and the term of whlch does not excead
<br /> • y� -���-,y�.�_�-
<br />- .',{-i. , pne year, � .
<br /> "�'•, ,,�,•,.� .. �q Abandonment of the Prope�ty;or ��
<br /> � ' ��('�'�, " (p) II Truator Ia not an indivldual,the issuance,sale.transfer,assiynment,conveyance a encumbrance of more than e total x,�._----
<br />,-_.� 1�"'' :'"f'�.)r.�;\ • r....�{1�t��"��.
<br /> { !`;:�:::
<br /> • �" of percent ot(if a carporationl its issued and outstanding stock or(d a partnersh�p►a totel of percent ol , ,,,�J_,,. .
<br /> i • �� pahnershlp interesta during the perfod this Deed of Trust remains a Ilen on the Property. ��>."""-=��._•
<br /> °j�� + 12. p�nNdla;Acc�IKdlon Upon DNaut1.In the event of any Event of Delault Lender may.w�thout notice except as required by .'.,_�
<br /> .>,�„
<br /> •• law,dectere all indebtednesa secured hereby to be due and payable and the same shall thereupon become due and payeble ; ,�;,�
<br /> . � wfMout any presentment,demand,protest or notfce of any kind.ThereaRer Lender may: ��•'��
<br /> f ,!r:..:':;
<br /> n (a) Demend lhat Trustee exerase the POWER OF SALE granted hereln. and Trustee shall thereaHer cauae Truator'a .,_'`'`,
<br /> . ' IntereSt In the Property to be Su�d and the proceeds to be dfstnbuted,ell fn the manner prov�ded�n the Nobraska Trust 0@eds �: ,
<br /> Ack .
<br /> �b) Exerc�se any and all nphts prov�ded for m any of the Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence ot eny EveM oi
<br /> Defeul�end
<br /> '�`''� (c) Commence an acnon to toreclose this Deed of Trust as a mortgaye,appomt a recerver,or specit�cally enforce any ot the
<br /> . �' covenants hereot.
<br /> No remedy here�n Conlerred upon or rese�ved to Tr�stee o�Lentle� �s�ntendeC to be excius�ve o}any otner remedy herein,in Ihe
<br /> Loan Instrumsnta or by law provided or pe►m�tteC,dut eacn snell be cumwauva.snaii de�n aacf�UOr� co every other remetly g�ven
<br /> . heteunder,in the Loan Instruments or now or herenfter exishng at law or in equiry or by st9,tute,and may be exerclsed concurrently, ,
<br /> ' � • independently or succeaaively
<br /> ' 13. TruN�.The Trustee may resigr al any nme w�thout cause.and lender may at any t�me and w�thout ceuse appo�nt e
<br /> succea8or or subst�tule Trustee.Truatee sl�all not be uabie to any parry.mclud�ng w�thout lim�letion Lender.Borrower,Trustor or any
<br /> �� purche98r at the Ptoperty,for any lass or damag9 unless due to reckless or w�Illu1 m�sCOnduct,and ahall not be requ�red to take any
<br /> aGtlon m ConneCtlon wrth the enlo�c�Q�e�t„�innp���nn.Tr steetmav become a pur�chaser at'e��y salelol the Property Uud�c�ia�o�
<br /> ' _ "— - ellpdnstlO wnii.i�uiar i.@ o00:.....:......._._.. . .
<br /> � under the power ol sale g�ented hereinl:poslpone the sale of a11 or any po�t�on of the Property.as prov�aea by iaw.ur 56�i i��e
<br /> Proaerty as e whole,or�n geparale perce�s or IWa al Truslee'S d�screuon.
<br /> 14. F�And Exp�nsN.In Ihe event Trustee sells Ihe Property by exerC�se of power o1 sele.Truslee shatl be entrtled to apply
<br /> . , any sale proceoda I�rst to payment of a�l cosls and expenaes ot exercisinq powar of sa1e.�nclud�ng all Trustee's�ees.and Lender'a
<br /> eyht prov ded by law to ceu e en Eventno uDe ou1 4endd sna11 be enUtc+tl to reco er from Trust oai�osts and Qxpen es 1act al y
<br /> fnCUrred es 8 result of TruStor's def�u�t. �nc�ud�ng w�thout I�m�tetion all Trustee's and adorney s lees.to the extent permitled by
<br /> appliteble 18w-
<br /> 15. Fulur�AdvaneN.Upon r@quest ol BOrrower. LHnder moy.at its option,meke adddionol and lutu�e Hdvtances en re•
<br /> advanCes to Borrower Sucl�advances and readvances.wdh�nlerest thereon,snall be secured by this Deed o�Trust At no Ume snall
<br /> the pnnc�pal amount o11he mdebtedness secured by this Deed ol Trust.not mcludmg sums advanced to protect the secur�ly ol th�s
<br /> . t peed ol Trua4 eKCeed the onpinol pnncipel amounl stated here�n,or a_.__— _ wh�chever�s greater.
<br /> + �
<br /> .�
<br /> �
<br />