<br />s
<br />not extend or postpone the due date of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or
<br />change the amount of such installments.
<br />10. Borrower Not Released. )/xtension of rite time for payment or modification of amortization of the sums
<br />secured by this 13origage granted b}• Lender to any snccessar in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release,
<br />--~ in any manner, the liability of the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not be
<br />~..# required to commence proceedings against such successor or refuse to extend time for payment. or otherwise modify
<br />~ amortization of the sums secured by this \(ortgage by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower and
<br />a.l Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />~ 11. Forbearance by Lender Not a Waiver. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising am• right or remedy
<br />"°„ hereunder, or otherwise afforded br spplicabie law, shall not. be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right
<br />or remedy hereunder. The procurement of insurance or the payment of tsxes or other liens or charges by Lender
<br />shall Hat be a teaiver of Lender's right to scceler:tte tl:e maturity of the indebtedness secured b}• this Mortgage.
<br />(~ IZ. Ilemadies Cumulative. ail retttedies prvvided in chi- \Ivrtgage are distinci and cumulative to any other
<br />~ right or remedy under this \Tvrigage or afforded he talc or equit}-. and may be exercised concurrently, independ-
<br />ently or successively.
<br />-13. Successors amd Assigns Bound: lout sad Several Liabilityr Captions. The covenants and agreements
<br />herein contained shall bind. snd 'the rights hereunder shsll inure to, the respective successor.: snd a.-signs of Lender
<br />and Borrower. subject to the provision: of parsgrap}; !; hereof. 311 covenants and agreements of Borrower shall
<br />be joint snd :=everal. The csptions snd headings vi the psragrtph~ of this Mortgage sre for convenience only and
<br />` sre not to be used to interpret or define the nrot•isions hereof.
<br />14. Notice, any notice to Borrower provided for in this Mortgage sh:til be given by ensiling such native by
<br />certified mail sddre~sed to Borrower st the Property Adtlress stated below, rxcept far ;roc notice required under
<br />}wrsgrsph ]8 hereof to be given to Borrotcer in the manner prescribed h}- applic•tblc law-. 3nv notice provided
<br />for is this Mortgage shsll lac deemed to have been given to Borrower tclten ~ivcn in ilx manner designattvi herein.
<br />I5. tTaBomt Mortgage; Governing Law: Severaabiliiy. 'I'bis iontt vi mortgage combines unifonn covenants
<br />for national use and non-aniform covenants with limireai variations br iurisdiction to constitute a uniform secu-
<br />rity instrument +rovering real property. This \tor=.gsge shall lie governed by the law of the. jurisdiction in which
<br />the Property is located. In the event ihst any provision or clausc> ai this Mortgage or the \ote conflicts with
<br />up'giZ;aus'e 3aN, Jucir cr~n°niCi ~i1a11 Hui ;alit-ct viiiCr l~lv~isiarl~ ai ilii~ Mari gagi'. ai' the .VOLE.' which can be g7YCI1
<br />elieet without the conflicting provision. and to this c•nd the provisions of the Mortgage and the IQote are declared
<br />to be severable.
<br />1& Bacrower's Copy. Borrower shall lm iurnishr~i a cvniornted copy of this \lortgsge at the time of execu-
<br />tion ar after retardation hereof.
<br />19, lYander of !be Property: Assumption. Ii ail or sm- psrt of the Propert}- or sn interest therein is sold
<br />ortrst~ferted by Borrower without Lender's prior written consent, excluding tea the creation of s lien or enctttn-
<br />hratnce suhardinate to this ~lartgage. +b i the rrYatian ai s purchase money security interest for household appli-
<br />anaxs. +'c) a transfer by devise. descent or try otrerstion of law- upon the desth of a joint tenant or tdl the grant of
<br />any h'8seli+>}d intereest of three years or less not rontsir.in:; an option to purchase, Lender may. st Lender's option,
<br />declsre all the rums secured by this \iartgage to 1>e> n:s,nt>distelr clue aatd psrable. Lender shall have wait•td such
<br />option to atcti~*ate ii. prior to cur sale or transfer. Lender sttd the ]Kror. to whom the Property is to 6e sold or
<br />transferred melt agreement in writing that the credit vi wc•h l+etwn is satisfactory to Lender snd that the interest
<br />payable t-n the sums st~c•uttxl br this \iortgsge shall be st such rate a` Londe; shall requc~t_ Ii Lender has waived
<br />the ogtiort to arcelesate prat-id-ed in this paragraph I7 and if Borrower's sue versos in interest hxs oxeeuted a writ-
<br />ten assuniption agreement at>cepted lit writing !»• I_endet•. Lender shall relea.~ Borrow rr from all abiigations under
<br />this Infott~s,ge atad the ?~o~e.
<br />?i der rzertisa', such option to aee+ylerate. Lender siis3l mail Borrower notice of acceleration in aeeotdanee
<br />with ptaragrsph I# imno.ucst net.re ,izslf l~mriaie s l.eriaa of not ic-s, ziasn itt ,3sys irotn the date the Holies i
<br />mailed a-ith~in wlurli Borrower ntsr par tiro scants .tecis~i dm'. Ii Bvrra:rer fails to ;ray such sum; prior to the
<br />tzpiration of vrh period, Lender may witl,aut funiit-r notice or ,len~snd au Borower. ,:i..~lii° any remedies per-
<br />mi~ed by paragraph 1S lietcvf.
<br />\cxs-I-+tvoe~ itrrt;a~•r.. R:trroa~er ttttd I:etttler :cartlx•r c•trt~rt:,n.:tttt3 a~*r.-t• a. i•o:ltitt~:
<br />I8. 1[Cw3aeatSac: Rem dirs. Exrei t ss l;nrt,ia~,i ,n i,n:zgr:.,.l< 1: i,a•reui. utrun Borrower's t+reaeh of any
<br />coFenant+ar agtti~tnent of Born+ecer in till- Martess;c, int•iudii>> fiat' re,vrt~ant- to i~ti` wren dur any sums secured
<br />bs thiE ~dortgsge_ ieQtsr Wryer =.o ax reirrutic~t:.haii ttt:iti natx-~ to Br,rix~,trr .+~ l+roxade•:i in }s;ragraph 1•! hereof
<br />s~ci#ring: alt [he br~ari., +_t+ thr antic>n n-t:utrcv3 to einr surS`lmescls` 'a 3t a =late. Hat le.. than thirty days
<br />frcmi the date dx• notit•e t- tnailctl to Born>vcr. !+c w l,ir~it atr}. broach i:~,txt t.c hui,•ti. sm.! ~ #: that failure to cum
<br />sorb btcaelr on ar beiote tac• date .perii;ed tr; tl„- taatatw• Wray rc>ttlt Sn arctkratiuti ai cite auins ~ecurYCi by this
<br />tioatgegc and isle of the Pn,peny- Ii tix~ brew}. i> not ,•unv3 at: nr l+;-fv:a• ttac• ,{ate <;±rc~tt}esf [n the natire. Lender
<br />Tti 1.-taselt~r"s motion n1ay t3rt^lat2- s14 of ale .-urns sxrurn•{ t+y ?}:t, .\lortgage tt+ i~• atmna~iista>?~• cane and lrayabie
<br />a-ithout ftuileer dttnarci and may ior~la=~• tLts 19onaiagr ly}- u,•liria, praeczMjtni: Lt•rdrr ~ha;i t~ t ntitleri to collect
<br />in fi•atlt trK:ring al ex+~<n-~ „ ;rttrasurc-, ;,,,,,:;Is:r~,. t,vt r:u: ;ia:ut<- to ru=t, as' .iurutnrt,tar~• evide=-:ce,
<br />abstaairts and title reports.
<br />1'L Doetowrr's ~ in Ham. tiotwitlt_tanding Lender's aecrleratian of the >wus =crured by this
<br />38aet~ag+e, Igmerct~a st,.ti bare the right to Inarc any pracet+-iinga begun I,r I rttiter to enforce chi, Mortgage dis-
<br />atroeiiutaed at any time prit:r to enan of a j+xi>;ment enfctrring flu, ]#ongsge if: aua Borrower pave Lender all
<br />Mme wltiach old be t~ due t:ntler t3tts 31ot2gmg.-. cite \ate ani note- -c~runn>; Future 3dva~e:. if any, ltad no
<br />aoadetataan ~; ibi Brerrow>°r Burrs all t,rc~sc•hc- of acv other coot-r:xat- ur sgnrttients of Borrower con-
<br /># in t~ 31aas#~pe; ;cl Barrover parr- all rrssonabie exlx>n~ inrurri+ai i,r lxnder in rnforring the eovenartr
<br />and agree>~a ~ $a~a>aetr erm,rn~~ in thu Alort~;at~ snd in erterring l ~°txirr'~ ri•oacdie- its provided in lzvra-
<br />g lE ht#, iiag, ~ limitea try, reasattsitic attarncy`- leer: an,i idi l3orrvwv~r takr-s such action ss
<br />Lander ttmty rtartmabty taqutre to satcure finer tiye lien of this liartgagt•. Lender's intemt in the Prapem- snd
<br />8erraerftM.a•'a ~ ttt poly the stuns setttrrd by this ~fongrnte shall exsntinur unitnpaitxri- 1'pott such payinent
<br />sfAd ~ by l3aeratena', this ~ antl the oblilaiiann settarcd hereby shall renraiyi in full force and rffeet as if
<br />t~ - __ ball~es#~-
<br />~. ail ~~Ilr sett d 16n~rsfnrr Leendrr in Poasersioa. ?i.e additional seeurit}• hem-
<br />mtda•, $arxotrea;baebya~toI,emdert~ tent>so# the Ptt>F+erty, lrrm•ided that Barmner shall, Prior to acceltr-
<br />tel~ieet ttsdes~ paw 18l~snat' t+r ~ of the Property. Fiavt the riRlit to rolit>rt and retain such rents
<br />tts ms's! irtiname doe sad payable.
<br />Tlpba aoodeaatim trader l#+h ltt #terett# or abandtsatnent of the Yrolrem~, Lender. in lrerson. by agent
<br />at by ~tr~nlly a~oiated reoeitar shall he tmtitled to enter upon. take posise~:.aian ai and iusnsge the Property
<br />sad to e+ollee#: the Hate of the Property, iaeludittg Those lr$st due- .ill rents collected l:y Lender or the n•t•eit•rr
<br />haaypuxad~'supao#tiite c of ~a>iagrtnent of tits i'ropt•rty snd eaiiertion of r+•nt .including, irut
<br />ttttt limited fin, ttxeirer's fees, prermums at, mrriver•s trotrds and rc a-.vuaUle attorney's for- :tnd rhea to tt,e ~mn~
<br />secured by t2us 7~4rtgape. lender and the rertirer sital9 lrc liable to arraunt only far t8o.e mots .artu:alh` roccivcd.
<br />