<br />The Huffman General Snyyi7 tio¢ne, Liaeotn, Nehr.
<br />~ ~, ~ U y xivow AT,T„MErr BX THESE PRESEPITS:
<br />THAT 1 or i3'E, Chsrles W. Winkler and Chuck R. Winkler, and Gerald W, Jones
<br />aj HALL County and State of NEBRASKA , in consideration of thr sum of
<br />FOUR TKODSAND, FIVE HUNDRED AND N01100 ($4,500.00) --------------------Dt?LLARS
<br />in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONI'EY unto
<br />Mid-America Co. (mortgages),
<br />of SAIL County, and State of NEBRASKA ,the folloaring described premises
<br />situatrd in AAI.L Caufefy, anti State of NEBRASKA to-unit;
<br />Tis iattaitios bring to coss~g kerrlYs an ai+se?lytr fitly is fee si+splr inrhuiing ail the rights of haserttead ayd doyxr.
<br />Tt? HA'YE AID Tt3 HC}LD tf>t Prewasrt abate described, rcitk ail the appwtrsasrtr tirrexsto briasgisg ysto
<br />tin said yustgagEr or swrtgagars asd to his. her o- their iei-.f asd osrignr, farrtw, pratidtd a!'aasys, asd these Prrs-
<br />sets aft yPos tie esPfess rosdatwa that tf fir stud swrtgagar o- sua-rgagars, tyc, irr or S,6tir is7s, szstytass, adstis-
<br />istfatofs ar attiglrs siotE pup ar raxtr to ~ to tkr said ytortgagre or nwrtgagrrs snd to kit, fur or Heir isirs, es-
<br />ststsfi, tNbri:3abatorr of asaigys, tie stns of
<br />Fctssr 3.~assaaaad, Five Htudred and NO{100 (S4,500.00) Goiic>~s, payabir as jaaoiet, to-a~it:
<br />Due April 2,19$0
<br />aifle iatefast tLer~s at i0~ per cyst per , pj}+abls asxiwt3}~, arrording to tka teAar and rjjrct of
<br />#t preatisrofy eats rt,iti isttrrst rtiyPasr attarited of mid .AfartlJ,agars, bearing rnrwc daft ttith these prrs-
<br />and ~ ~ nit txsrs taard asp istrrrst t,y, ar ~ iartaiislrats of Prisrijtil, dnt os wry }+riar p+ertgage eyd
<br />~ ~ scpma s~ rs~ rs~tr ~ a;.' v krr ss.:€s, irzrs tad ;ssrs~tsts ?tacv sprees this martgagt cr fir
<br />sate a~Ieici tiffs asarsgagr is gic+rs to srrsrr, lntjare tiu sees btro+srs driingytnt asd ktrp the byiidifegr on mid
<br />issurad jcas tint sxm ~ .ions, ij any, puyablr to r+1ch ,first awrtgagrrs or this rnortgagte, ar both,
<br />ties ~ be said otiaerstisr ttr fw atsd rtau~ is fyii fatty,
<br />!T IS FL'RTtIE~ r2!sREE1} {. j That ~ fir said aor#~etg~ shat! fail to pap stub taro csd snrh interrst aa,
<br />~ :9 ~ ~ ~. ~ os ~Y t aeartt~agt and Procart s~k issuranre, tktn this uortgagsr ~3
<br />tam asd sYrt# is,~rsd ~. t+s' ~ nrs#aats o j peas:pat, dst Cqs sack ~+rixrr rssrtr afst }s'aty'r s
<br />ayd the ssus m atl~crat sittf ifaierrsf at yiyr 1~r cyst .~wU bg paid by said mortgagor, and tiffs yyrrt-
<br />t ~ s s#"rd ar 3' far mss. {"z) T~+m a faitsrr tan #ay Bey of said tsa~re;, eitbtr prrstcpat w istrrest au
<br />3i~ ~ tom, s #ir ~ca~s ~ ar a jai:~a to cas~p.'y ~'k sty aj tkr jrxrg agrrseseuta.
<br />s4if swap iie aei~ods stet of s isrrtse .scssad to btrars dtts asd eaikrkstlir at rmrt of t/u uptiaa aj tlrr twrt-
<br />_` !3" dS Filt?i2'fIF.3t dG T~ said wartgagre, PrJ j~srtosave of tins ssoregaga and after datrrr asd
<br />tip ar a ;f>asF eatd ! aair ~ pruad>hes ytm#9a9~sd. may Pay such farts and
<br />~' ~! ~ ~ t~ ~ ~~ Fr~'s'r .rirslt rater asd tutb ,t~1w-r sialt he
<br />sddr+i t~s ~w tt t~we as d+e $ rat of ssLt hp t#e rrt.erdsfsd tskrn ont of Prarteda of ffits,-
<br />K' if ea~pntrsl[ ,g..,ci~~yr A1' 3aie ssdt aett sia~ #e tallettrd the sa-see as though it ttxrs a Part of sxch
<br />E ty ~festacs a# ..~
<br />n
<br />~ r- ~ .
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<br />~ _ ~ -'-'
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