<br />r ..,
<br />i
<br />That the Mortgagor will pay the indebtedness as.hereinbeiore provjaea --~- - ~ -
<br />That the Motgagni ~ the ~ow.ner of said ~prnperty- in tee simple and has go«i right and Lawful authority to sell and - ~~
<br />convey the same aafLthat.ihe aaptg islta6 ar~d Meat rf any lien or et~ritghranCe; and that' ~titstgagor will warrant'.and ~deferid'ttie - -
<br />title io said premises against the daitns of ail Pe+aons whamsoever. _ = -...' : _ .•
<br />To pf$ i~tet3iatety when slue and payable atl genera! taxes, special taxes, special assessments, water charges, sewer serv-
<br />ica charges, and other #axes and charges agasnsY card property, and alt taxes levied on, the debt secured hereby,.and to turntsh the
<br />w Mortgagee, upoit•retj+i+est,_with theat'ikinal os duplicate n=ceipts ttrerrtor. The ~ioifgagor agrees that there shall tee added ~to
<br />..r' eaeit monthly payment requirnd hereunder or under the evidence of debt secured hereby an amount estimated by the Mortgagee
<br />to be stt8'icient to--ettebie the Mortgagee to pay, as they bcanne due, sit taxes, assessments, and similar charges upon the p~m-
<br />ices subject thereto; any defitirnry i+ecause of the insutfiriencg of such additional payments shad he (orthwtth depasifed by the
<br />~ hfnrtgagor with thr• iortgsgee a{urn dr•ntan.i t?S the tta+rit agee .4ny default under this paragraph shalt he deemed a <lefault in
<br />~ ifayment d tears, assessntentc. ar similar rharga-•c regret red hereunder-
<br />- The itiortgsgor agrees That there. shalt ats+s hr> added 2a f>auh monthly payment of principal and intemst req uireri here-
<br />. under an amount r'stimatcd by the Sfartgagee to he sufficient t., enable the 14artgai;a^r to pay, as it !x-comes due, the insurance
<br />premium are any insv rar,ce prrtirS drd;vereri is the Marfgagcr .any defirienc}' tu>cau,e +=f the insufficiency of such addittanat pay-
<br />ments shalt be fc+rthwith dep+xiteni by the Mortgagor with the \iarigagee uixm demand M~ the ltortgagee.:1ny default under this
<br />paragraph sha12 f,e deemr,i a default ~r. 2he pa ~~n:<•nt c>t insurance premiums. If the police ar poY~cies deposited are such a5 tmme-
<br />ow•nen: ar alt rsk polscir=. srei fhe de Pa'-omits an• incuffirit~r.i t~. pa}~ the r•nti:.• pn~mi::m, the 'a9orlgagee ma}~ apPIY the cirn<x+`rt to
<br />pay premiums an risks x>quirxi to he insurr.~ by ihi. mnrt$age.
<br />Payments made by tio<~ 1*, •.:r?Pagor orates the atw:.e paragraphs ma3. at the option o£ the latartgagre, he held by it and
<br />^,ammingled wish ot!rer su,h to n.'~ •'r +is x,wn futxls t++r flee pay-m ant of such items. and until sa applied, such payment.-. am hereby
<br />pledgeri as security Ior fhr unpaid balance .y firs ntartgage indeirtedrmss. - - -
<br />Ta prarurv, d<+hser t... and n>amiain {+.r t~ter h•nefii r,f the '.torte-a r;e1~ during the lire of this mortgage ariginat !mticic-s and
<br />renewals therxof, delivered at tea;.t ten ;taSs ix f:+rr th<• ex ~~~ratst+:: ++f an. .ua~t+ {x+3xc+e., insuring against fire and other insurahlo
<br />fsararda> cnsuaitiea, and contingencies as the Atazigagor maS require, in an arrsount equal to the 'sndebledners secured by this
<br />A{artgagr, and in txxnparries aoreptah!e 2c> the \torigae+•e ->.~ith !+~.~~ F?ay ah?e• clause it fay-or of and in for-m arcePtahle to the \iortga-
<br />grc•. in the event any px>lirc r: r.+t renewi>d <_.^. or t><~for.~ ten days ,.t +t expsrateor:. the Mortgagee may pra:urr ensurarn-e a+n the
<br />~imprweatena F, psi the premium tl;erY~tor, amt such ?ur^ =hart fi~rc?me rmm: ~1+atF;ti' d-u+- and payable with interest at the rate- set
<br />fortis in said note anti! paid and shat] be -.:-z^.:n•-d b. th:~ m+~rtgag~~ Failure on the ;*ar: o: the !+lorigagor to furnish suct+ rencvais
<br />m am Herein required or failure to pa>• an>- sum.: ad;ar,c,-;t hereunder ;};a'.t at ?he .,{:.tic.n <,f the \t irtgagcti, constitute a de£autt
<br />under the tertrcc of this martgage The ;irt.arr~ rr? gut-': ;w'•I e~ir-, shalt. +n :'.,.. .>en2 <'., eta:;!t. ,~++nst+t ate an assignment of the un-
<br />aanartl permium-
<br />Any taxers rereix'ed t?y the \i..rtgagfv h~, rea+.a+n cf Los i;t c{arn age :n-asst eta: r.~i maS !+r n•tamed bS- the Mortgagee
<br />aril applied te)+aard the ;>a y~ment :~ Ih.• del>r her.=bq sr-eared, ur. at thi 1 i..~. .f !3e \t rtgaFe.•. .- -h sums rxthet whnity or m
<br />part rsaa~ be paid m•rr 2., the tit--,.-igsg.'t ta. be used t:~ repair curb hu 1i-rtbs nr .. !>z<t!d n.e 6uil<ir.,s. to Ehr:er ptarn ar For any
<br />oi.}u-r purtrxar ar ob}ect atrsiactt>r; tt, ih+> AS„rtgagrr Wahout aftr<~ting ihr'ien nn the =n~-rtXagr fe+r th? fuH amamnt s+cu east here-
<br />te9~ S+etc+re surf payment ever ttok piste '
<br />Ta pnemptiy r+epatr. r<•stvrt• +,•: rrFiu+id any iw+Id+rx$-• .'r .mire,.,; r-menu n+:~+ ..,r tcerea:ter un the premises xa hxrh may he-
<br />- caitxe tlatafgai tx drstrx:yed. 2e tts+cp said prrmis.-s rr: s.x :~t:nLit+~.^ ar~i rr-;=a+r sari frrx 'rc>r.: and rnrchunrr's flan or otiwr lien or
<br />elawa of lies xxxt rzpresnty avt,cn7inated to the lien 9xrtrut rr:a to surfer .u ;x-rmrt a?:~. ui,:awiu usc- .d ar anS- auisanre to exist on
<br />sait# property nee to peraai W--rite nn ssa? ;=ur ..~ de any t:i;rr art ..-ha-r,~`:x '^ ;.r. _ sty ?fereb} conx~yrd shalt heecarte
<br />Sees valtssblr. mot xo diminish e,r impair its s-slue by any arf rr :wis •~r, t+, a<'t. i., .;- ,.eth ail :ryu:rrments of few *vith respect
<br />M the tntxrtga6rd p7Yrnmes and the use tiserr~f
<br />That •irratid xhe presnisrs or any part tiu•rrzrt 't.• racer, ,>r .tamagedtn :.•au.n c-3 an. 1-..;.z't:- itfap; k'ement or t~+txiennatian
<br />pitacadittl„ or ttaaer rise right of eminent dc•raain c.r er an}• other tnannrr_ ihr \i_--~rtgmFr•f- ~:.hatl lx ertirt!a*d ir, ail rnmpexxsatiatss.
<br />atratds, sad tray other paymen4 az rriiaf 2he•reft,r- and gall be entitled. at ;ts optnart to rc~nrmrtrw-~ appear rn and pte>sretitr in its
<br /> esmie say s+tsiatt or prr+crrding. ar to make an} :=mpnxnxsr ~•r ,ritirmrnt in :o:anretxan with >uch taking ur damage. All such
<br />eiaa, a*raxds. damages. tsghi ttf ar:tioa sad t are hereby astdgrted to the Mozigagcti•- w'ho relay, after detluctirrg
<br />theeedattttts a~ its eapettaeeo, telaaae fay mmeys se r~xvwed t+y ii or apt t}' the same oar any i*sdetrtcrtneas ~+~ hereby. The Mort-
<br />ar > b ttaeeale asxch further araiptaxenta ~uf any crompeniatsv.a. awanta, damages, and nghts of ant.=n am3 pexxrerla es the
<br />ldarf~ stay Legator.
<br />7'hit is tsar of failure rrt perform shy of the ct,venenLS barren, tlx• \t altga6ee stay do nn the ltartgagor's behalf ei~ervihing ~. -
<br />- ao ~; that the Mortgagee may ahr+da say art it may deem tiexrs-nary t. pratrit tix• iteri thesxwt. that the \tar3gagar -.viit `-mss
<br />arty ttt3aeys paid nr daFbrtrsed b}• fire ?Hartgager far arty of the aba+'e prtrpaisrs. and surtt marirys togrt}irr with s '
<br />iafaeuotE tlseeean d the rate pz+avsdeul in said note shalt tm:cserie sa much additional indebtedneae ls?teb}' secured and may he in-
<br />s!~ is ya}r ~ foa>xlr~rye taus a~-•rigtge s~ hr paid cwt of the rents or prccre~ds c+f sale of said prrmrars if ran othernise
<br />- ~; , it ttlmii sat be ribti~iatary upon Site Mor~lgagar to taquirr tots, the aiidrty of any iten. r•ncumbranreh. or rla+m +n ad-
<br />- Wesaeall; ~s as aset.hetiiaad, teat t~inE betcia oee;ttatxrd shall he tsomstrurd ffi requiring ilk. Mortgagee fo AdvirSCa say
<br />ww~sjpe, sage srL Patpese sat b ditu cats act h~eumter; and that Moiigager stisii that torus an.' pers.mai 1iaM!ety t-.era~u>,+• :,f asoy-
<br />+t;iss it sag do fir atai3 m tEe b-
<br />Ia tide eestmt of the da4>uit t+Y 7LLart;aSoz is tier. payte~nt fat say itsixial!ment. as required try tlw Note eerusad thrrrbS' or
<br />is the ptrsfwsnpte d the t>lakaatimsr ie fixes ttaortgatte •c+r in lire note ahrurr.d ti,srrby. fire 3tartgas~' shalt ~ er:titiri t.> dt~!are ihr
<br />.seared, ~7 dada aodt~ withrxut aretiee, aatt.the Mwtsaset shalt br eatiiled at its optx,n. riltrc*ut r.+ticxr, e,thcr h} ttarif
<br />tr[ to a LxspeiuatY t6a'tia-t9y tiye t:artt tbez~, aced ivithtatt retard Ea the idngttary of any t+txvrify for the indrldrrlrlesx se
<br />,~ }~br, ee -igxat and gaA!twiotsii aT Etta ~ prr~aee. and to tbltec't and rreetvr the rents. issues arxd l*r~ta
<br />'!' tl.aa`?ty1~ Etas-+rwot Jas aet~EEt crl aipeta~dat seta eotteeEior~ mpm Ev4ie itrddafse rtxaited try this mrrrtsa~e: atria - rsata.
<br />;.iiet`sea3 '~iatt~E'i~3'+aeir~ad ~ ~~,ss i°>etir"` aernrity f'cr ti7e rwytaesl:-c~ sit inaeEttrdars~s rrrrr..«d hereby.
<br />:- 't'ltelia~E~ttpe tttt~ Mars the jtntaer Eo appaiat any steal ar sprats it racy dealer for the purpoer ass rrpa,naa caul prem-
<br />. i~ . ~ Ott: ~ #~' leptlLR. atarttxiles std itteQne, sad it may pay out at said irrccwt+e atI expenses txuvrrrrt in rrnt-
<br />~K and tstaea~tstt the aaese sad sit t> ttie tsntais tltrrsfttaex The balance rrenatning, if any. shat! t.r applied toward the
<br />dsdafe~ et the t iades~daeaa. This asigrcmerit i$ to teratinate artd het<une nuN seal •o,d upon reteas:• of th,a mf,rtaage
<br />