<br />That the Mortgagor will pay the indebtedness as hereinbefore provided. -
<br />That the Mortgagor is-the-dwner of said property in fee simple and~has goad right and lawful authority [n sell and
<br />rnnvey the same-and that the same is free and clear of any lien or erx:umbrance; and that Mortgagor will warrant and defend the
<br />title to said premises against-the~ctaims of alt persons whomsoever.
<br />To pay immediately w+hen due and payable alt general taxes, special taxes, special assessments, water charges, sewer sen~-
<br />ice charges, and other taxes and charges against said property, and all taxes lewd on the debt secured hereby, acrd to furnish the
<br />Mortgagee, upon request, with the original err duplicate receipts therefor. The Mortgagor ageres that there shall be added !o
<br />each monthly payment required hereunder or under the evicfener of debt secured hcrebr art amount estimated by the ;tortgagee
<br />to be w$cieitf to etiah_le the -Rir~rtgagee to pay, a the>- becnmr clue, all taxes, assessments, and limits: charges upon the prcm-
<br />~' ices subject thereto: any de$ciexiey because of the insufiirenc.y of such additional pgyrnc,ntG .hall Ste tctrfhwith deposited by the
<br />~ A.Iottgagar x-ith the Mortgagee upon demand 'ny the \Tetrtgi:ree. ,1 n}• ,tefault under thi:c para}raph shall he ,teemed a drfautt in
<br />_.~r payment of tales, asse>_smeats, nr similar charges required hereunder.
<br />The Mortgagor agrees t}st there shalt also rte added to each monthly payment of principal and interest reyuirrrl here-
<br />under an anxwnt eatimstert by the Mortgagee to he s-ctfF,cient to enable ihr Mortgagee to pay, as it hecti.ame_s due, the cola r:artcr
<br />Q= premium an ant iruuram'.r policy delivered to the Mortgagee Any deficirney }>ecause of the insufficiency of such additional pay
<br />~ tttrnt- strati be inrthwith deposited by the Mortgagor with the Vtortgaaee upon demand by the Mortgagee. Any default ureter this
<br />paragraph shall be ;feemec? a drfautt in the pa}-rztenf of insurance premiums. TP the polio +~r policies drpncited are such as tn,me-
<br />6wnets or all risti ~nicies, and the depasita are inaufiicient iu pac the entice premium- th,• AAxtgagee mar apply the degxi:-R to
<br />pay premiums nn risk: required in be insured bs this mortgage.
<br />Payments made by fhe Mortgagor +!rdrr th<- atx*:, paragraphs m»y. at the <,piion of the ~fcr#gagt'<, t~ held by it and
<br />cc>rnmingled w'i!h ather such funds err it,` =,w-n Suac3s ter rha• parmrni of =uch hams, an_t until sn ap1?iied, such payment.> ar<- hr rehy
<br />pledged a. recur, h' far the unpaad balance ref the mart-,sSe inrlei.tedne^ss
<br />Tn vmcure, deliver !o. and maamair, tar th.~ t,-n.^;3t -:f the Sfo-t gagc~e elu r:ng the lrfe -.f Chas mortgage original po;ict.^s and
<br />-tea-e±s rher~- de?ia•ered at mast ten dais }><-fcr:• ;4e ,~as=, rati,~n ,.t anti ~ucT,: .xaLeu~;. rnsunng against lire and other insarahle
<br />tsararti, rasttatties, and rontingencies as the Mortgagar may r:•quire, in an amount equal to the indab#rdraesv secured by this
<br />Mortgage, and in s~ttmpanirs acct ptshle to the Monga~.-,~ .+,th t,~s. hacahlr riaeasr in fa+ur of anc in form acreptab!e to the \lortga-
<br />ger_ In the event anc 1'a}i: ~~ is na: rrne+.rK9 a+n ;.r 3ndi•rr t. .::3ays t=f :t_. rxyiratann. rho. ~lurigager may prexur.~ solo rsnat ,.n the
<br />imprwetments. pac the premium tta•refc r. an:3 gum ~i:s'si imrn+ii!asri} ,iue and Scar ah$e ..ith rot.-rest at the rate sr.
<br />Earth in said note trail Paid and .hat; '.+e Y~ur•ti t„ !h:> -t:.,rtiagr Fsiiurr nr. the part ,.+[ the \Sortgagrr i<= furnish such renewals
<br />as ate Sse~~ requimd er failare to tea: any wens a+9.-anc.~d I:,-r.-unrlrr :hat: a', the option nt zhr ti,.rt gt~gret. c~-nstitutr a defauld
<br />under the terms of ibis mortgage T:^.e ,3r1.iYrx- -:F .•.a.h ;,+,,:-,r~ =.±rat! :r. 'hr ..~<r-, ref :Ea-Eau:t. a-.+n:t+tute cat asctgnmrnt ,^f the un-
<br />earned pmni,ca„
<br />Any sums rcreivhl h} the Siort gager hr rra~>s; of 1.>.-.:>r damage cncured against may- he retained hy- the S1.,rtgagee
<br />acrd applied toward the S.ay-meat ,_; :}~ drbi her.-4.. .. ~i ur ni. nr at the ..pur,n of the \Se,rtcag.K~. such >u~t• rittarr uhol:y~ e,r in
<br />part zaa}~ be patd over ic, the Me.r:wagor to tic-- u._.'e.! t, rrfsa`tr ~ucta h~~ldings nr !o hut:d ~nrw Iw alciing:: :n tt.r:r Pla.-r .+r fcr soy
<br />enter purprxce at ob}eel satrstaetc~ry to the }Se:rigarrr ,.tih. ut adecttn~ the tare. •~~n the mr•rigage (or tt:e furl av,.,unt ,ecu re:t here
<br />by ttefare such payment ever funk ptare-
<br />Ta ptontpfly repair. r+rstar+e ur rrb::e3.3 any hu,idtnR- ,:r rmprsnrmrnts n,:•w ur hr reafirs on the pn-mav+> whtcf! may ttc-
<br />oomr dataagtxt of desirecrd. to kip lard preen r+t-s .n grid .v=rdauon std rrpaar and free from any ma-dtanars S;rn or c,t }nee lien nr
<br />tisita of lien vat express!} suboniinated to ;he am her.-c.t. rs.!r ire wf4rr ~-r p•~rmit an: unlswfui use of err an. nuraruv to exrai an
<br />said ptvpe:t}- nor to ,x-unit ,caste cn card t* n,+r t„ <4,: an-> ~,ihe-r a:'t wheel^hy' the prz+gk^rty herrt±} <':+m-r~ed chai3 4rtomf
<br />~ taltsaiu+ oar to dime.©rah er tmpatr iL. vattsr by anc act +,- .+nu.-t,.n i.~ ai-t .., ,-e•mi,l~ ..ittt a!! reyvarrmrni cef law with resfx•Ct
<br />ttt the tarot;aged premrsn and the use thereof
<br />Tlta: aboard tree premrsa-s c+r cry part. xfst•rec.f 'ctr taiien <,t :iamag i 4> era...r. r•f an, puh~=: imp:rarment ,.r t-a;rnlem nation
<br />prva.~eetdeng, to utader t.}ir rrgttt of Fmrnrnt *tearnarn..=t ;n anv c.ittrr srta.rux^r the Mr*ngsgt-r- shalt hr rrnrtlyd to ati zctmprrtssiscros,
<br />tt~asEs_ cad auy cMt.rr Payeseent r r rri.ief ttterrfa,r and stall br eeiitltd. ax ills ctiN4on, u: ez•mrsaernre. a¢prar sn and prxaeavte in its
<br />„eve rmy~ acttctn ur• praz+sdtrg, -nr tc: mske a->~ te~,,rrxtttttsr a.r wiatr~nt err: Y:rn-s~tz=-s: to€th :.t.; !: i3k:nf ;=r eta-a_age -all much
<br />tsattes, scalds. rsgtts tf striae aori 3?>c-+ ass Iarrr~y aestgard m t}4e AdcKitta~>•r.. b3ar every. rdter stettucttng
<br />t#te~etnvaa tt~ iia eaPeeaea- Leltesse say Aeutserrs xt rtxzvved be n yr apply ills same cut arty rnttetxettrre+s st><urrd t+rretry The Nort~
<br />;at~t trt~ ter meawtte srtch fttsthrr aatti;rnmcnCY cal an>, r++n{wn+ata„n swan#s. r~atreaagr•u, and r+ghts .;+f wtx.n and PrcacrMi}a ere tttr
<br />'- cry rct~etee
<br />TLu an catae of failure u, #aerfe;rm say of t4u ern rnantn 3trrrt>Z tsar `+1 c: rigaFnr may .t.: .r; the L1...rtgaK„r + behalf rvrrcthing
<br />tee, ~; L6ar! 13rr 3ai<.rtFSfe~ rosy ait..• dx-, anp act nt scary- :ir.-m -,r.'.-an~r3 z.. i;r;ar ,t t±u~ Etrn ttkr,:>f hurt the \i c,rtgag~r will ~..:
<br />rttgpy tepaat dapumd say tstarveyt paid r.,r dsxburaed i.n- ttw }ia,rt;arr. fear anc ref tttt atwnr and .urh mr,ra~v-s rcrgrtttrr avath
<br />its titaa~eam at t6he ante 'ps>r^idr+d in said strafe •ha#t tx*rtans so march adetrtitwasi in<tebtedrxas hrrxdty ±rc+cured acrd rocs- ire sn- 1te4
<br />r3etieti ~ aatX fob tirsa rnrrtgagt attd tae pace .xtt of filar trrta nr procwxfs of sate ,?# ..v,d p7rnttae>s if rsaT ottrert~rr _.
<br />per; t~ it s~ttsli :tent be ttErltgefze3 upon The Mrutgagtw to tnqutr•r^ tnr>.t the- validrty of anc tic-n.. rruvmbrar>tr, ur claret to ad-
<br />ttttteaatte ttttnotr~s es ttbtat>te stttaa[taed. iwi asrtYtiaE ttereia tvtntaieed t~t11 be cbatstrired as regwnttS flee Mur~agef ta> advarttte an}•
<br />>~a fae iteS •aiaelt poePorc ttor tee a3o aey act }tertwoder. and that hlorttarw shat{ nut inrvr any t,ersautal faahihn~ iaer-aut+- of any-
<br />tking is tttass Ae are a~esit to do ls~eeerrsder-
<br />Is tTnr event d the default }"3 Morirettx fie Ctvr pay`me=at td any instsltttterat- ac rrquirad b. the tiote seearre:# hereby. nr
<br />itt the ~ of Lht nitliEatmn ra ttm err m the cots<2 tlarreby. tttr :.tortgagcrr .steafl t+r entitled to detiare the
<br />dcfR a~tarr.~ ' dae .tend gm;,~ witE,~t saGinr, attd t.6r M^rt,ee ratan he ettitled at at: rrplinn. +,*itluy3t n,trc-e, either by itself
<br />er ~ • 1e0t#Ltalr to be foy tie tuoa't titereaf, a~ sritltauE rs;artl to tlr ttdeq»ttry of eery aettrriiy fur the indebtedness se-
<br />t~itad i kn rim ~ ~ ..~ ~ t~T~'Y and ta-~i:r tl~ strata. iuues a~ prs~ts
<br />titeseaR; aid ttplitr fire aatmr.leas este4 of apae~rat7rsn and rt®ttaetion, ui+oat the imdelrtfdness cerv.ed by this mortgage. said rents.
<br />iaraiMts load psaiia-tom aatt~aed Eo Eltr 3lealg:agve ~ fart}ter aexvritY felt tl+e payrwnf of s1T indrtrtedraetw secured Iterr^tty°
<br />Z'be lMisafpteee sttaU (tare the pesreer ~ t~paint amy agent err a;estts it may dexiee for the purpose of repairing said prem-
<br />iarr, ' tbia Jtlai-R; ~- ,fire ttptia, re4eneett and irttxrrme, curd it retry pay out of said irtccame a!I ezperxses inetrrred in rent-
<br />~ fled--arse! $se tttttmtie cad ref- t)se resitels thaseftpra:-The ttttdance remaining, if soy. shalt be applied toward the
<br />d trite ~#' - 3tFtt >aai~ment is to tetsrriaate and berotrte nail and void upon release tsf this mortgage.
<br />