79- ti3 ~ ~ ~. r ~~
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Raymond W. Wernke and Shirley M. Wernke, each in his and
<br />her qWn r1 ght dnd d5 Sp0U5e Of each other, Mortgagor, whether one or more, in consideration of the sum of
<br />~'-'--~„ r..,., Tr..,.,«.,.t ~.,.t nt.,llttn----^-------'----------------------z-------------- DOLLARS
<br />loaned to said marigagor by The Equitable Building and Laan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 320 shares of stock of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 23376 , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br />described real estate, situated in Hall County, ebtasta:
<br />LOT PINE (9) IN 3LOCK EIGHT (8) IN
<br />
<br />together with all the tenements, hereditsroenls and appurtenances thereunto belonging, including atuched floor coverings, all window saeens,
<br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heatittg, air conditioning, and ptumbinF 3 avatar equipment and accessories thereto,pumps,stoves,
<br />refriget:tan, and other fixtures and equipment now oz hereafter attached to or used in c.,:...eetion wti[h said real estate.
<br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and wiA pay all taxes and assessments kried of
<br />sensed trpon said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond secttred thereby before tit same shall txcottu delinquent: to ftunish approved
<br />ia5urutrx uprm the 6ttildings on said premises situated in the sum of S 32, DDO. DO payable to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said
<br />l1~OC7ATttkti rite palicirs far said insurance; and trot to commit ar permit any waste on or about said premises:
<br />to case of defatdi in the performance oC any of the tettnv and maditions of this mangage or the bond xcttred hereby, the mortgagee shall,
<br />oa dasaad, 6t entitled to isnrttediate possession of the mortgaged premises attd the m~.rtgagor hereby assigns, transfers and sets oter to tht
<br />mortgagee all the trots, resenttes and inrnrru to IK dented from the mortgaged premises doting such time as the mortgage indebiedtress shall remain
<br />uaQaid; sod the shall have the power to appoint any agent or agents it rnsy desire for the purpose of repairing said premises alai nesting
<br />the same and mBotxiob tau ants, revenues and income, and it may pay out at said income a!S expenses of repairing said premixs and ttecesaty
<br />oo atwl expeapes incurred in reatittg and rtnttag+nrg rtu same and of coilectirtg rentak therefrom: the balantx rznnitting, ff nay, to fx
<br />appiett toward the discharge of saa9 mortgage iadehtedaes; Huse tights of the mortgagee may be exercised at any time during the txistmtx of stilt
<br />def:ult, irrr~+et~ive of any tetnporary° waiter of the same.
<br />These Presents, however, era upon the Coaditwn, That it the said ~fartgtgor shaIl repay raid lean an or before the maturity of said shires by
<br />payrnesr pay ravsttidy xo said ASSOCIATION of the sum spedfsed in the Bottd se.-wed iurtby as interest sad priaapal oa said Ia:a, ao or before
<br />the T'wmtieth day of each and every month, uairl said lean is fully paid: pay all taxes and assesstturtts levied agaitur mid premises nerd om this Mortga=ge
<br />rod the Bond rrsttted saerelry, before deliagtrency: furnish approved ittsrtrana upon the buildings thereon in the sum of S 32, (~. ~Q payable
<br />a said :~ClATI~: repay to trod AS'SOCiA7101+i [[t]ort drmanrl all ttroney by st paid tar srtch tat~es, assessrrunis and atsurarttx vrsth ttnttaeat at
<br />the t~cittmae legal rate xisretut S ore date of paytneat a#1 at whiff Mortgagor hereby aaees to par: prna:K na waste on said prr,aises; troop urd ~WS"
<br />with all the agetmeats and mrsditiotm of the Baad for S 32 a ~ - ~ this day given by° tau said Atartgagor to said ASSOCIATIONl, ttnd mraply
<br />]rah all tl,r te~getirrmenu of rite Cotraitwian and Sy~aws of said ,15.SOCU'flOk; then these pxesstu shall txcaate nuD read void, othet~rin they
<br />t~ tettrasr is furl fora and tarry be foreckned at thz option of the mid ASSOC'IA710* aftsr Catlure for thta months ro matte arty of slid
<br />pa}•aeeau or be three aswttha is arrears is making sad atentbly p~raents, at to keep and anmph• with the sgreearnu and mnditiuas of said Bond:
<br />and lioatpgot agrees xo hate a rcteivet appointed fartltwith in sttclr fotec•3osurr pro,roafirtgs.
<br />ft three is rwy duagrr m at tIU real estate ttvortgttsed berate, b} tie ar otherwise, tltea tlu entire temaiaats ittdabtedaess htteby
<br />faceted $yE. n the of T'~ Ecptitabk Bailditsg and Lava Assamtian of Grand Ishnd,Nebrasts, 6ecoafe itnmedittefy doe and payable wititaat
<br />f attties, and the att+asnt aestsaioirtg dire trader said Laasd, attd any otter hoed for any additional advances ttaddr thereuttder, ahatl, from the
<br />~ d t:xeac~e of aid opaoa, bear istexesa at she ma:imtan kglal [-ate, and this any rhea Ix totedoaed to mtisfy the amoast due on slid
<br />bawd.aed tiny other Lend Coe adt~ionil advaaas, tagethet wise at3 stags pmd by ~ TLe E~ratable 8uih#ing gad i nut Asaoeiatixt of Gttmd !,
<br />!:a fate iaepttbltY, taxes stn! mrsmcats, astd ahsttatxinig eexieaman rfurgts, v+iUt interest thereon, from date of payarat at ttte ttnxintvm
<br />~~.
<br />,Ss m tl,e Bold secure:! Leret+}, w'ltile this taorigage remains in effect the rmrtgsgse may hereafter prance additional wets w the
<br />sswfrsas of stir! &+erd, til+ah asaapts ar sucssaars m iatetest, which stuns sttsH bt within the security of this mortytge the same as the ftrnds arigiaally
<br />stxttrcd titearby. the fatal ame~tatt of pr,ndpai deiu iraz w exrxtd at nay trmt the arigitral antouat of this r~tgage..
<br />tLs ~}f day arf March A. D., l9 ~~
<br />.{ ~ 1..fF~+~a
<br />- r- e a
<br />~~ ace. oa rhix ~3th day of March 1979 , before me,
<br />~. ~ ~ S#~i They M. 1~G@a fSe tetd~nti~i, a NatuY Fubl"sc ti gad fax send County, ptraoaslly aa+e
<br />• tare Isis an+d_'#~r CIMII l"l~it ant! 8S spouse of each ofiher, who are petsmnUy known to
<br />sae ~p ba t2iri8eetiai }aeon s w5taa rraee s a7tE a$ioted m~ tie above instrument as mortgagors gad ~Fley tevrraBy
<br />adraaiadBe~ [tee ~ ifatraoteiet ets be #,~!~ T voimatary art and dived.
<br />si9l sy bstrl sad lYaitmaf Saai rbe data afmtuitl.
<br />~' asplem
<br />,,,~,~ S ,_~:' S ~ _ " Notary I aeiic
<br />.,-
<br />Renato 1 k5 ,4 Slt£'F'
<br />` -rs Nx :~.,..~. Ezt;ngv~. 31.13"3
<br />