;g~ ~~Exl ~~~2 IVIORTCaAGE
<br />~~ ~~, merde this 30th day of March laZ2_, by sad between
<br />,.r M rt awn and Shoran M Gleason. husband-and wife. each in his and her own
<br />riszht-and as spouse of the other,
<br />~ -Bail County, Nebraska, m mortgagor 3 ,and Grand Island Trust Com,-terry of Grand Island, n caepeetion
<br />sad e:iating under the iawe of Nebraska with its prindpa! office snd place of buaineae st Grand Iakad. Nebraska, sa ;
<br />@VfTNE33ETH: That said mortgagor S ,for and is mnaidmntion of the sum of _, ., - . , _ _ - -_
<br />r` Th aand Sfz Hnn~red Fo rr n nd 98I1 ©Q - - - - - - - - Dolla4a~$'_~` £ ~ to h l~.
<br />the rets~t. of which is hereby ackaoaledged. do ,- by these peasants mortgage and warrant unto sard mortgy~esvitrsflaalbst~ni;
<br />fearer. all the following deaen-bed real rotate, situated is the County of Hal l
<br />a~ State of Nebraska, to-wii:
<br />L Lot Cme (1), Block Twenty-Three (~3), in University Place, an Addition to the
<br />City of Gta~ island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />'11r~etia with all hrting, air coodki~g. Wig. and P~7O8 egoipsoent and fixtures, inriuding er:reeas, awn6rga, warm wintiowa and
<br />doers, ad window shades rtr 6lmde. used oo a ®ooaaee[ier with said propeety, whether the same ere now ktcated m said peoPerty ~ he:eaftee
<br />pisoad theceoa. s
<br />'PD HAYS AND TO HOLD THS SAYS, tagatha with all and aingalar the tsneenrta, he:editsmeata sad apparimaaeea thaeeuaDo be-
<br />' ksetzitts, ar is aaywir +PPB• hreever, and waaanc the title w the acme. Said morgagor g_ hereby covenant -with said
<br />aeeetg-~ee that ~. bey are . u the detivsey hereof, the knrful owner~_ of the premier above conveyed sod desetbed.
<br />- and AT'~-_aeusd of a gsnd earl iade6ersbls eetam of inhcritaarz thr+ein. free and clear of sL ennrto~snaea. and th~~hS_iiIl
<br />wa>s~c sad dird tit titbr theraeo tuever tiro claims a~ demartda of a]! praaoos whomsoevs.
<br />~YIi?SD ALWAYS, sad tits ittrtrumeot. is exeatiad asd tiaiivaed to aetaue the prymmt of the stare of 4.614.98
<br />ilitte iltoasand Six Hundred Fourteen and 98/ifl0 - - - - - -Iiatl:rais__ -.
<br />aftle iataet tieesoa. >+o~ ash a3 ~ and sdsaoar ~ merg b+e doe sad payable to said moetasgea under tiro temp ad coaditionr
<br />d tits ptrmrwT awn e5 evna dw hsewith sn$ saemad beaky. exeQStad by asiri meesager S w acid amtp~e, Payable as a:praaaad
<br />aaSd ao0r, acid m ascots tin psioemree of afl the arms and maditiana mteta9aed therein. Tba taea» ~ rid note sea banby ieowperatad
<br />ls... bs tiitr eriuaat+-
<br />k is fks isbat'm amd agea.mtate oftie PaK+r lrentotintsite araetpt6eshallalso astute airy irresne advaaer made to aid maetga{or-§-
<br />try said a+actiep. sad nay sad ad adahadneea in additias to tfb ataoant above stated whirl. aid ametgegors. a any of them, my owe to
<br />aid aasetaem. laoovar e+i~oed. whrir b'i' O0~' book srxouat ar othw+rise~ This mortgage shag ~m is tntl race sad affect 6atwnen
<br />the prtew >taesae and bear bates. Pmaoeaf reQnmr~ativae, aeeeasorr and sssiges. aa:<;l all amounts sectrred heesrmrfee, iaeladieg future
<br />dwaers, ass Paid is 6tE with iataaea-
<br />_ ~ ~ aesig _ a aid rseetpg+re all tea and iomeee ariaiog at say sad alI times iiom acid paeperty sod
<br />besab7 astiees acid ar iss amt. at iw aptisa. repoo dafsak, w ales t3srge ~ aid pevpraty and ooBecK alI raw sad anroa+e
<br />#~eas Brad'' the saes m tin 1 ad ice. Peal. iataam Pse~= taxes. asaesmarta, eaPavs a ~tprovsmeota
<br />aat+reregae3wspstidpsgsetyitartaNaamdhtim. ortaac~ ~ ar Fsymmts for ~ ar is tLe mte ba<eby sscsrod- This
<br />tltaenp~ shdgcae9res w foeve trtd the mypaid balm: of aid cots ie fully paid. Y9re taking ~ PO° hereuadw shall a m meaner
<br />}resraot o< tweed aesii > a tin caHraiea atf aid st®r by f+oesdaetae a otiarw"tae•
<br />T>r EriYaa of dte a arenas ap d is dd+a brmmdrr ~ say tiers shall mt be tio~aad r a weever of its rigbs to rraaert the
<br />arse st nap ~ rasa. •ad ~ iateirt spas sad a~oess sire esa~tiam® wub s® rbe tame sad pevv~e ~ said aNaf sad ~ this mortgage•
<br />Haabt air t abtaY soar to bs prdd m said mwtprgre fie emcee amaa+K dos h hnertader, emd uadx the tarots and prnvirtieets
<br />sf said ants barer aa~mils_ daiiaE f~ advaaor, rind srp attaasieor Q eeasrrair tbseot a acearthaoe wAb tba testa and peevisiaas
<br />_: f~l~. att~ i~li rMlA~r~OS'_3_aliailose~rlJ w7fi aTi tin paa3riPas a[ atoll imf+e and at tfiir a~t~{e• tlrr rheas Peareoa abed be void:
<br />e~an~atrawrridtia~littaeaaarda~td'~,a~iaaidmet+t~r~eaalbt~baetiiad tee ~a aaaf Pynble. fineelare*tbie maetS+Ee
<br />~rtbtwt drt erlti a[ adi a~ritt acrd ai io+~frlirdaar rpraw~d sise~I
<br />:trtlrarrO~ieri~rrlarxiealspe~rdtilaai~k.Jq~eaiewe~*++'~-
<br />7~r~rtiapt~irii~ditri~!IP'asasy~elmBe~mertstie9erreR4afthel~rr, area. ademia~tl~Ora. sooeeerota and aad~"e of rite
<br />rntpatlliwparlyeilaea. ,
<br />~[ '. said #Ilarlpdpc~--Ila-~8..-hr~ aK rh.rtr ha~/d=$-tlre ~y and YeaF fig +~°vs
<br />erttlia. ~ tN'
<br />C - - - i f
<br />[o- ea80n
<br />f Sb®rort H. Gi on
<br />