31-02-0040 , This form is used in eonnec-
<br />tion with mortgagee insured
<br />~4~i~URTGAGE under the one- to four-family
<br />7~+'~ ~ ~ ~^i ~ © provisions of the National
<br />d Housing Aet.
<br />THIS MORTGAGE, made and executed this 30th day of March ,A.D.
<br />l9 79 .by and between John R. Matejka and Donna R, Matejka, husband and wife
<br />of the County of Hall ,and State of Nebraska, party of the first part, hereinafter called
<br />the Mortgagor, and Mortgage Plus Incorporated
<br />a corporation organittd and existing undtrthe laws of the United States of America
<br />party of the second part, hereinafter called the Mortgagee.
<br />WI7NESSETH: That the said Mortgagor, for and inconsideration of the sum of Fifty Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty
<br />and OOf 100ths ------------------°--------------- Dollars (S 50 850.00 ). Pad by the Mort-
<br />gagte, tbt rcttipt of which is htreby acknowledged, has Granted and Sold and t'iy these presents does Grant, Bar-
<br />Baia, SeO, Convey and Confirm unto the Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, forever, the followirsgdescribed
<br />real estate, situated in the County ~ Hall .and State
<br />of Ntbnska, to wit:
<br />Lot Thirty (30}r Block Six (b), Unit Two, Continental Gardens, an Addition to the City
<br />of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />of ~e Sixth Principal Meridian, aantair in a!t city property acres acaxdi~ to Gavera-
<br />Tfl HAVE AND 2'O HOLD the premises abo~°e described. with alt the appurtenantts thereunto belonging a~ iacluditffi
<br />~ tfeatittg, plombiyg and fixtures and equipmtnt now or hereafter attached to ~ used in connection with said real estate
<br />amtre ~e tliottgagee, and to its successors and assigns, forever. Tht Mortgagor represents io, arrd rnvenants with. the Mottga-
<br />gee, arat tat Aitortpgor Itas good right w stn and convey said premises; that thty are free from encambrance; a~ that the
<br />win warrant a~ defend tae same asst the tasiul claims ~ an perxans wlmmsotver; and tae seal Mortgagor har-
<br />irY rrunosisaes aR riglads ai haeeesuxd, and aR married rights. eitlttr in law ~ in a§tt~g. a~ al; other ~t ~tr~ts ~ tat
<br />in and to taeabove-descnbed prtmists. tine isttation i~evrg to canvty heathy an ~satute title, in fx smepie, ~c1ud-
<br />ntg aB tuts of bamestead, and otatr rights and interests as afortsaid.
<br />PRflVff?ED ALWAYS, and there prestnts arc executed sad delivtrcd apon the fogawit~ carttditians. to wit:
<br />Tae M~a agrees to pay m the Martgagtt, or order. tae principal sum of Fifty 'thousand Eiqht. Hrutdzed Fifty
<br />seal 00I300#hs .._- _____ Danars (S 50 , 8x0.00 ). wtth mtertst from
<br />date st t3aee rme of ~ a~ ate hAl prr ceatuat t 9.50 ~_) ptr ine4m r>o
<br />tae ur~pmd. Tae sand and iaaortsi slsan §t paYatsk u tlrc offict of yp~gage Plus Zncarported
<br />in Er~lewod , Colozado , a at sttch ether plate as tae Golder of
<br />tae sox Gray dessgnate is ft~i, is atocs of Four fie;ndred Twenty-Seven anti 65f 100ths ---
<br />DoUars t5 d 27, b5 i. e~mendirrg cat tae first day of
<br />~j~,y .1479 . and on the first day of tech month [tsaYafttr astir tlrt psiaeipa! and in-
<br />Eafral aft fairy Pf>o,-tsCtpt that fee final gayragti of principal and urttitsr, if aO4 soaoG paid. shag bt due sad
<br />pa3s3+1e os Bee frost day of rs 1 2004 : an according to tae return of a cert~a peomis-
<br />74ry an6t of trrtn dax tfvevtRa ix by tat ford ~.
<br />~f lllt ~IRT~' ~ a[~!f'~tirt fB~Y b p[agtii tit ~CCOrMy of LInS ~aftgagt. a$rtts.
<br />1. Twat aG ~ pay tllC ias6ea~edatai, as Marc provedeet. Pnviltge is rcfcrvai is pay the debt m whale, or In sn
<br />sneerer afwf to oat or mc+ne rY PaY~s m the principal chat are next due as the note, oa tae fine day of any month
<br />priror to rs~teilty: Prorided, lta,1}at aaticx of as tioo to sxercise such privilege is given at kart natty t3t1)
<br />~~
<br />~ ~, tf~v >~r, ~ m sdditiwa ta. tae aartaly pay ~ > and ~atxt payttt+le cruder ttu emus of the
<br />~ psi. ba t~ Mkt, cos the day ~ each tttorBh u~ tlm saRl ~t is fury paid, Sat
<br />sf~
<br />*,.. {aj Aasomt ~Sdmi to ~ere3dt tat I~saider atroof w~ids fends to posy tIu erestt mortp~ i~rsurmae premium if this
<br />~; pmt and t3se ia~e aaw~ aeazlry >ns Mwrsd, car a rnimtaiY eaarge lin lieu of a nwrt~r inarrenct prv-
<br />ry^;E mfirmsJ if ~ arc add ay tae Setrttaty ~ Hor:dnE sad Urban Devalapment, as fonows:
<br />{1) If and m ~ as stud note of area date and this iastntrrrent xrc insured at are reinsured under flee pro-
<br />s;..:'~ ~' ~ ~ A~, ~, rGmeur,r wffit 1Q arctunnt^r: ~ Hit hnodi Rf >hr h~dtr one
<br />Nrwiaru E'ifitWnf Ms ty0iatiM FHA-~t43M tta~77)
<br />