79- ~~ ~~i2 i'~t®RTGAgsE
<br />THIS INDENTURE. made this 2$th day of~ March 18 79 by and between
<br />KEViN G. PFEIFER and CINDY iZ. I'FEIFER, Husband and Wife, each in his and her Dore right
<br />and as spouse of the other,
<br />~ Hall. County, Nebraska, as mortgagor e , arsd Grand Island Trust Company of Grand Island, a rvrporatina
<br />organjged mid existing under lice lsws of Nebraska with its principal office and Place of business ac Grand Island, Nebraska, es mortgagee:
<br />WI i'NESSETH: That said mmt3~6°r ~-_ , far a~ in consideration of tAe sum of -
<br />**llcree thousand Tiro Hundred Ten and No/100the** ~I~is3,210.Qfi i
<br />the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do - by those presents mortgage and warrant unto said mortgagee, itv successors and assigns.
<br />Bever, nil the folbtriag described real estate, situated in the Councy of __ Hall __
<br />`and State of Nebraska. Lo-wit:
<br />Lot Tyro {2) Rlock Eleven (11) of Schimmer's Addition
<br />located in Graa3 island, Hall Cottntp, 8ebraska.
<br />• with ap heating, air coaditioniag, fighting, and piumbitrg egaipmeat sad futures. inehiding sctvens. awnings, storm windows and
<br />dears, sad viida~e shsdes ar blinds, used on or in mnrssction with said praperty, whether the wane are mw kxated oa said property or her~her
<br />N1md ~a-
<br />Ta IIAY£ AND'PO HOLD THE SAME, togathes with all sad sinbvlsr the tmemeata, bereditame°ts sad apprutena~ea thereunto be•
<br />k~, ar is sayvise appsYSiaitrg. faeevsr. sad warrant the title to the same. Said mortgagor a -hereby caveasd - wtth sard
<br />tirR t heL are _ . u the delicerp hereof, the lawful owaa~-_ of t~ pxmtises shove ~vn~ed sad described,
<br />ml :rte ssi:ed d a good and iaddesvble estate of iaberitaaee therein. free and cl~r of aIi oncnmbraaces, and that.L_ he7Lwitl
<br />aaur-at and Arisad the L~Ie thereto fraev~ again the clatiirs and demands of aI! persaat~ wboa+soever.
<br />P-rOVRDFD ALWAYS, sad tlia insZiwmeat is ®tscuted sad ddsetead w serene the payment of the ~.e, of _ -
<br />-aw~~ thtt~aad tyro Btaadssd Tea sad 2io/i00ths** pa~ix3.210.Q0 i.
<br />afiA intsnest the:ven, & with sacfs ~ tad advaarea ss map be due sad ptpabie to said mort$eg-~ ;rte t`..e tm-•••s a~ saad:~*.icss°
<br />of Lka pra®i~ory mie ~ som dabs hanritb sad sxausd hereby, ezncntad by said marrgtgar D to said mortgagee. p.ythie as a:passed
<br />~ said ante. sad is aswre the pefarsraee of aft the terms and cooditioae onnaiard thuein. The tarma of slid ads are hereby ioarparued
<br />hwem by tLCa ne[ta~-
<br />Ii is slaiaesatiaaand ap+teevA+t of the pubes fissure Urt thn asxtgwge a6tll abo seeum nay Ensure advances made re said maetgtgotl--
<br />bJ Yld ~~~• al i~Y sad tIf iadahla~ldi is add4lOa to the r tbV~Y 12iGtd NIIICb Slid mO[Cgt$Ora. Or taY Of Lbam. racy Owe t0
<br />~d s• Lesever e-edloaad. +rf+dher bo late, beak iMPnat iH atherirl9e. Thts m~igtge ahali remnm is full farce sod effect between
<br />tin parties kessta mod Lhea lets. Peraaotl sepsseatsti'n'ea. and assrgm, caul tli amounts senn'ed hereunder. mchaitog faLUR
<br />adaaaa, ran ptid is fal: viii ititeeeet.
<br />Tis asert~a~ar.,i_ hvehY -- to said >t all cants sad inwme artanrg at say sad all times from said property and
<br />knsly seiiteise slid ar as - g its o~.:r;zm defsub.. to rasa eLarge of sad PreP~Y sad wUect ail rents sad iowme
<br />ffewitaan ad apply tie ssax to tla prysseec d ieaerest. ptacsirt. ia+areaor P~s• races, asaee~+eats. LepaQS ar iarpewdew.nts
<br />asassey to lysp said pcoPeK}' is t osiaditian. or to ixha dv*8~ ~ ptvm~ts prnided far herein m in the mta hereby se.-u'ed. This
<br />rani sarisao~t abrll ~sre m force uffiai the aepaid bslaane ~ said mte xs tally Paid. The takut8 of poase~an Isnteunrler sha- in no manner
<br />ptewst at attad •sid aasfgpea ~ tie of laid rates by fsteelosme or otLervrss•
<br />'Plc S~ of the to assns ass d its ri6lta hseuncler as ass time aluk not be ~..m+ as a wanYr of its rrght to assert the
<br />see d nap ~asr tiR and to insist t~tsa tad salsas strict with all the cams sad ~ovisiom of said note a~ of this mortgage-
<br />If said srl! ahsa ante is be paid m add mtaSgegae tle rxuire satoum. drre tt lereoader, sad under the arms sad pavisbns
<br />d said sets fesadty aa4end, sade~ f~xte advaacaa tad aeo• e:tr~iom tr reoevak thereof m tmadaeea wilt the tetras sad pcriieioae
<br />tiYrratt, sad Y said saCfie/ar-.i_si~ nete~Y aryl s3! tie peaviaiara od said aafs imd $ this mor2pge. tlsa fleas peeseots alafi be vaid:
<br />atltns3rtoaastutrie lsls fsets and trans. aed add ssart~aa aisfl bs aete[1ed m tie pawssai®ot a~ of said pao;+attY, sad may. a ua optiat+.
<br />dsdsa+tie s~isisaf raid aces sad tY iraiakardesssa rspesurtrad tlreeb9 to be f~anGWsiy des sad PsY~. and nsty (aaeckab this mortgtge
<br />at dw a~ aflir LEst aa+aa io pesiarat atls s~ii- Ap~a~aeed van"e'd'
<br />"Ilia r6a$ is hred~~a and s~ mac to Ilse baw~t e3 the been, araedara. admit.-ors, atx~sars tad tasigaa of the
<br />patsies iia'°ta. _ _ ..
<br />~ ~ ipl#Ei>E9DF add ~_~_~_ ~, ~:bair ,-hand ~_.ttr day nod Yev liras aMvr
<br />awiEEas.
<br />r - -
<br />..s ~. €z€far --
<br />