<br />~:'~`
<br />Building Corporation; The Grand Island YMCA Holding Corporation; Young
<br />Vt'omen's Christian Association of Grand Island; and Young >V4en's Christian
<br />Association of Grand Island, Nebraska: Corporations organized and ex-
<br />isting under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Nebraska in considera-
<br />tion of the Burn of Five Hundred Fifty Thousand and no/100 dollars in hand
<br />paid, does herehy SELL, and CONVEY unto Commercial National Bank &
<br />T rust Co. , Grand Island, Nebraska, of Hall County, the following described
<br />premises situated in Hall County, and State of Nebraska, to-wit: Fractional
<br />Lot Four (4), in Fractional Block Ninety-one (91), in the Original Tawn, now
<br />Citi` of Grand Island, Nebraska, and Lots Three (3) and Four (4) in Block
<br />Two (2) in Arnold and Abbott's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska and that part of North Washington Street wing adjacent to
<br />and westerlti of Lot Four (4) Block Two (?) in Arnold and Abbott's Addition
<br />to the Clty of Grand Island, Hal! County, Nebraska, being a tract of Land 40
<br />feet by 132 feet. And, an Assignment of a Leasehold Estate and Leasehold
<br />improvements by virtue of a certain lease bearing the date of 143a 1, 1978,
<br />and anv ammendments thereto between the City- of Grand Islan a ras za, a
<br />manieipal corporation in Hall County, Nebraska, and the Young Men's
<br />Christian Association, the Young '{'omen's Christian Association, and The
<br />YMCA aad 1'1~"CA ?\ew Building Corporation and subsequently assigned to
<br />Commercial Natural Bank ~ Trust Co. , Grand Island, Nebraska, a
<br />natianai banking organization, covering the following described property to-
<br />wit: A steel framed construction with masonars- walls. The dimensions being
<br />120 feet wide by 350 feet long located an the following described property to-
<br />wit:
<br />Lots Five (5), Sts (6), Seven (7), and Eight (8) of Block Fifty-three (53), and
<br />the i&'est Thirty-six Feet of I.ot Five (5) of Block Fifty-two (52), Original
<br />Town, now City of Grand Island, and vacated Kimball Street adjacent, all in
<br />Hall County, Nebraska; and
<br />A rectangular tract of land located in the :worth Haif (NZ) of Block Fifty-three
<br />{,53), Original Tows.^., ..^...::' City of Grand island, Nebraska, and more particu-
<br />larly described as fallocc=s: Beginning at a point on the North line of the alley
<br />r%ght-of-way of Block {53) and Seven (7) Feet Westerly of the ~'4'est line of va-
<br />ca#ed Kimball Stree#; thence running Northerly eighty-five (85) feet on a line
<br />seven {i) feet from and parallel to the Westerly line of vacated Kimball
<br />Street; thence Westerly One Hundred One (101) feet an a fine parallel to and
<br />One hundred One (i01) feet dawn from the Northerly alley line; Thence
<br />Southerly a distance of eighty-five (fi5} feet on a line One Hundred Eight (108)
<br />feet from and parallel to the tA'esterl}° line of vacated Kimball Street; thence
<br />easterly a distance of One Hundred One (101} feet along the Vortherlc alley
<br />line to the point of beginning.
<br />'T'ogether with all the terse=nenis, hereditaments and appurtenances to the
<br />same belonging, and ail the estate, title, dower righ# of homestead, claims
<br />at~td demands u=haisoet~c•r of thf~ said ?1°iortgagar, of in or to said prezztises or
<br />any part, thereof; and said Aiartgagor does hereby covenant, that said Mort-
<br />gagor is lawfully seize°d of =aid err: miser, that said premises= arc• free from
<br />incumbrance--, far the exception of the into-rest of the City of Grand Island, as
<br />it relates to Lots Five (5 ), Six (63, Seven {7), and Fight ($3 of Black Fifty-
<br />Three (53} and zhe lA-est Thir#y-Six Feet c>f Lat Fivc (5# of Bioi-k Fifty-Two
<br />(52), Original Tov~n, now Cit}• of Grand Island, and vacated Kimball Street
<br />adjacent, all in Hall County, 4ebraska and a .-ectangula*• irct of :and located
<br />in *_he North Ha~_f iN,~) of Block Fifty-three {53) Original Town, now CitS• of
<br />Grand Island, 'x'ebraska, and mare particularly describzd as f+~ilnu°=: Be-
<br />ginning at a point err: the :orth ':ine of the- A iir-~~ right-Uf-wati' of $i:ick 153)
<br />and Severn (7) Feet A"esterlyy of the West 1_ine of vacated Kimball Street;
<br />thence running Itiortherly eighty-five ($5) feet c:n a line =c°ven (7) feet from
<br />and parallel #o il;e Wes#erly line of vacated Kimball 5ir~°et; thence ~i~estt~riy
<br />~~ HwndTed C?ne (101) feet an_ a line parallel to and One Hundred Onf° (1011
<br />Feet I)ovvn from the Northerly Alley Line; thence- Southerly a distance of
<br />Eighty-five (85} feet on a Sine One Hundred Eight {108) feet from and parallel
<br />to the VGes#erly line of vacated Kimball Street; thence Easterly a distance oT
<br />One Hundred One (i01) feet along the Northerly alley line to the- point of he-
<br />ginaiuxg, and that sa:d liiartgagor will t~arrant and defend the title to said
<br />premises agains# the lawful claims and demands of ail person= whomsoever.
<br />