79~ ~~27~7
<br />hfORTGAGE
<br />MrJRTGAGELOANNO. L23+~75
<br />KNOWAL.LhtENBYTIIESEPRESENTS:That $erV1Ce5 Unlimited, Agricultural Consultants, Inc.,
<br />Eldon I . Ben50n, President, Mortgagor, whether one or more, in consideration of the sttm of
<br />Twenty Thousand Four Hundred and No/100--------------------------'°-------'-- ~oLI.ARs
<br />loassrd to said tttoRga~°ar Gy The Equitable Budding and Luan Association of Crand Island, Nebraska. Mortgagee, upon 2D4 shares of stock of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 23,3?5 , do hereby grant, tonne}' and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br />desuibed real estate, situated in HaIl County, Nebraska:
<br />iogcthe: with all the trnerixnis, hrrrditarstents and apptutrnanxs thereunto belonging, including aitarhed noon coverings, aU window srrtens,
<br />w~dtw~ shades. blinds, stern: windoa5, awnings, iteatitsg. air ~nditioning, and plumbing and water equipment and acceswries thereto, pumps, stove,
<br />xrfri@trata~~, and athrr i`ixtures arrd rgixiptneni rtau of hereafter attached to or used in a nrertion with said reel estate.
<br />4.td wlxreu tlx said znartga3<x ltas 2gr»d one dou htrtby agree that the mort~a;ar s'zall and will pay all taxes and assemoents kvitd or
<br />assesvxd utxxi sah7 prrrt»sts atzd upon this mortgage and the bond secured thrrebv before the same shall occ~orne delinquent: to furnish apprrntti
<br />iztsurarxx upcm fht btaldire€s on said prernixs situated in the sum of 524, ~{~. ~ payable to said ASSOCIATION and to deli,er to said
<br />ASSOClA'{'!Oti the pol:ss for said insurance; and nut to mmmit or permit any waste on ar about said premises:
<br />in rise of default m erne pedormanre of any of ins terms and renditions of this mortgage ur the bored secuzrd hereby, tht rrmrtgagee shall.
<br />ost detrmid. be eatitkd to unmediait posstssiort of the mortgaged premises arxl the mortgseor lrercby assgns, transfers and uts over to the
<br />mortgagee alt tht yenta. rcstnues and income to be derived from the mortgaged prcmiscs during wth timt as the trturtgage indebtedness shall tetttain
<br />unpaid; sad the mortgagor shall ruse the power to appoint an}~ agcni or agents it may desire far the purpose of repairing said premises and renting
<br />tlvr smte and r<>$ectittg iht rears. reveatra aml inro>~, and n may Fa\' out at said income ail expetrses of repo ^ng said premises and ttettstan•
<br />and rxpettses tnz~zrr:ed m renting and *,+~R_-_s~ ihr same and of colleciiny rentals ttitrrfrom: the balantt rtmaining, if any, to bt
<br />xowxrd the dts.-turgr of said rnt:rtgage itsdet+ttdness:thase rights of t,'te tnertgager snag be rxer~std at any time during the existence of such
<br />cult, un^sFirctive of ar.}' temgorar} waissr of the same.
<br />Thrsc Prestnts. twwrovcr, ire upon tlir Cartdtwn, That d the said \Iarrgagar shall rrpa} said loran on ar before rht maturity of said shams by
<br />pa}attetsi, pea}' ntosethty to strd ASSCrCIATiON of ittr vets: speafied in she Bond srued btreb} xs :nttrtst and principal on said loan, on or before
<br />tffi Twrntitih day S t~ and rve;,~ mono;, until said laaa is fuLey paid: pay ail taxes and assrK*~*ents lotted s<sinst said premises and tm chic Mortgage
<br />tmd the tfirnd srrurrd the?r, _ , btf~e drliagiten~j : f u.•nzslt approved mstua3. a upon the buildir;gs =hrrton in the sum of S 2~, QQO. QD psriblt
<br />ao sva AiaitttAT3[DN: rem} tt~,u-a.~ ;.SSOE`IAT;u`a ;:r..n d~*r_nd sat t*~~r!s} b} iz paid far suW toes, a~ssments and snsuzanot with interest at
<br />the tsurtintrms }rgal nett iherron foam date ai payment alt of w,:ich '.r~argatat I°arrls} ag;» s to Pa}'. p:tmit rsa waste an said premises: ketp acrd catttply
<br />with atl the agrxmeats an3 mnduians :» the $and far S Ztt, ~ 00 thu day given by the card Mattgagar to said ASSOCIATION, artd eamgiy
<br />with ill for requirrmrttts of tlx Cansuttacion arrd Sy-l.aavY of said ASbOC1AT10\: thtn thrsr prrsrnu shall brcu~ nur~ and void. otherwim they
<br />> rtmtaaz is fuU lart~ sad may +x tara:loamd at ttir aptiim of the said ASSOCLATION nfttr fedora tar thret morlhs to make an}' of said
<br />payments os tit ihr*_r montfrt v. xrttars m taal:ing said ttxmtftl} pa}~.nent:, a to keep and :romply with the agrsernents and conditmns of said Sand;
<br />tun! )baatpagot agrert to havc a trxzvtr appcmttod forthwith in sax3z fa:r.iosurr protceaintrs.
<br />if these a aa'}~ ~arigt >x a>.riexafirp of Ilse real eaaie mortgak+rd herein, by sak ur athesv,~e, then the entire remaining indtbtedoess hereby
<br />sararai , K Lhr opian i'+f Ttr Egniublt Building and Laars Aswctatran of Grand Island. tirbraska, betroms itamediatel}' due and payable vnt}suut
<br />furtiie': rtatirx. and the asns~+rrt rrrrainavg :.-ue arc><; ssil t+:srid. artd an} r1!_~ bc~d far env addiiianal ad><anecr made ihrreunder, shall, From [he
<br />~ of ea~~t of said optsan, bore sntrrrat at tAt :rsaxsaium ky¢l rate. and thzs mmorrttgagt may then br fosxclased to satia#'y the amount dtte as said
<br />baad..taad ~} otlsrt tam fat widitMxeai adeatxss, tagrthrr w~i.is all sums pail b} sand Tlx Egrritabk Building and Loan Assoeiatsort of Grand Iwerd,
<br />it~'~.a for , uan an: auescxetsru. tuxl ~rstrarYxnttg estrnsxan c-t~.argts, with interest thereon, from date of payment at the tnaxiairim
<br />~~.
<br />As ptwided ra t3e' Bass; returei fz<rcb3. r, the. ~~tgagr rams:ns m tt7r: the m;sn~gagte may iurtafte; adaance addit~na! stttus io the
<br />ttYlttea td sit goad, ibrs : az suc, esras as aattreri, sln~ rearm atoll tx within tfu seeunn of this moergage the same u the funds ariginatiy
<br />2 ttsrs§y, ~ ii>!ad slAr~r of priswapa) sltlx asst to exceed at asst' trait the asigoai artsi..,sni cf this mzrtpaLae.
<br />Utisd t'r~ ] ~ . der ~ ~r3l~t A. TJ., 19 ~~
<br />Tel ~11"id lS~t~IfYSti~ L311t5 s Itlt. y
<br />~t'~1 ~. ~y ~leES'~dE'It~
<br />Sl'AlE QF. ~ ~ ~ tto thu
<br />~~1l~t111 I . _ ~ fr~ k-."`
<br />tit aortae ~e idt
<br />admatiu~ t#ae ~ istrtrw
<br />*it'171~ r
<br />My Go>armi
<br />a-t-afa n
<br />~ ~a~ ~'~
<br />~; , ~ _
<br />3 ~•; i
<br />~ j)t, day of ~df`Ch I9 79 , before enc.
<br />the tmdts> a Natavy F'vh4ic m and for ntiti Caimry, prr,arrally same
<br />verve ~ 5 P~rr+yy ~oa'n to
<br />afltaed to the above imtrwtvcnt ss trtortgayar turd he 1~14(~i9k
<br />7 art aril deed.
<br />tdoressid.
<br />Notary public
<br />