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<br />MORTGAGE <br />A10RTGAGE LOAN NO. L 23.374 <br />tavtiwAtI.MENaYTIIesEPResENTS:rnat Services Unlimited, Agricultural Consultants, Inc., <br />Eldon I. Benson, President <br />Mortgagor, whtther ore or more, in consideration of tht sum of <br />Thirty Thousand FDUr Hundred and No/1U0-------------------------------------- pol,LAlzc <br />loatxd to said trtortgsgoe by Tht Equitable auilding and Loan As~ciation of Grand Island, Nebrsska, Alartgagee, upon 304 shares of stock of <br />said RSSOCIATIQN, Cercifiate Na. L 23, 374 . do hereby grant, 4ronvwy and morgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following <br />described real estate, situated in IIaD Carroty, Ntbraska: <br />THE NORTH HALF (N~) OF LOTS FIVE (5) AND SIX (b) <br />AND THE NORTH HALF (N~) OF THE WEST SIX (6) FEET <br />OF LOT SEVEN (7), BLOCK NINETY-TWO (92) ORIGINAL <br />TOw'N, NOW CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, <br />NEBRASt".A. <br />together wiW all the tenements, hereditatttents and appurtrnanuYS thtreunto belonging, including attached floor covtritsgs, atl window scrretts, <br />wtiudcxr shades. blinds, storm wudowrs, awnings, heatirt2, air xnditioning, and plumbvtg and water equipment and atxxssories thereto, pumps, stoves, <br />reftigtzaiors, and other ftxtt,rts and equeprnent now or hertafter attacixd 40 or used in connection with san3 real estate. <br />And whereas tlu said rttnrtgagor has agrttd and does hereby agree that the mort+r Shall and wiU pay all rases and assesstttenis levied or <br />asserrtd upon sad prmises art3 upon this mortgage and the bon.'. secured thereby before the same shat become delinquent; to furatsh approved <br />iaatzana apse the hutldittgs oa said premises situated in the sum cf S 3Q, QDQ, DQ payable to said ASSOCIATION snd to dtliver to said <br />AS4ACLSTld\ tht polities for sand ittstuance; and sot to commit or pertmt any waste on or about said premises: <br />in rase of dtfauh ire the performance of any of the terms sad conditions of this mortgage or the bond seeuted htrtby, the mortgagee shag, <br />tat 8emmd. rx rnutied to immediate posstssion of the martgagtd premises and the mortgagor hereby assigns, transfers and leis over to the <br />resartpaee as the teats, tevenua and iruome to be derived from t}te rrwrtgagrd premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shag nmaln <br />e®ptid; aed tlae mortgagee shall have the pawtr to appoint any agtni or agents it may desire far tht purpose of repairing said premises and tenting <br />the t®r sad cvlkctmg the renu, revenues and encatrse, and it may pay out of said income all exptasts of repairitr~ said premises and tteasstry <br />atat~rts sin; rxpettsts inctttrtd in rearing and tnantgertg the same and of trollectnttg rentals therefrom: 11tt batance rtrtisining, if any, Fo be <br />ww•ard tix dia-tauge of said taortgngr indebtedress; these righu of the mortgagee may bt extr~sed at any eirrte doting the existentx of welt <br />cult, trtespective of any tempaxary waivYr of the same. <br />I?tete Prestszs, hawtver, ase upon t~ Condition, Thst if the said Martgagot shall repay ;aid io~an an ar btfort tix ata[urety of said ;hares by <br />payment; pay motrtldy to sled ASSOCIATION of the sum specifxd in the Band srrrred hereby as iattrrst and principal on said !Dart, on or before <br />the Tweazirtlt day of east arm rvrn tmnth, until said loan es fully' paid; pay all texts and ac~,**:nos levied sga;sst said pmmists ark an ihs Ata:rgtt~e <br />red the Bond soured thereby. before drlingixncy; furnish approved sttsurantr uptxt the buildings the:ton in ttst sum of S ~s 4QQ, DQ payable <br />to sakY ASSOCIATIOK: reps'j rn stid ASStCIATION upon demand alt money by tt paid for su,-it taxes, atsrssments and irssnrance with artetsst N <br />t#at muisama itgai rare Lhtrecm from dart of paymrar iii of wlurli .rctorit btrtby agrtrrs to pan: permit no w caste on aced prttniirs:irrrp atxl zpmpiy <br />with a8 its agtcrttaeats any toadaions of tie Sotid fcr S ~, 4(10. QQ this day gisrn by tix saw Alottgagor to scat ASSOCIATiOIa. and mmpip <br />oath all the trgttiaemrazs of tax ConSirutxva and By'-I.asx of said ASSOCIATION: rhea three prrsenis shall bxotrst null and void, othttwiw they. <br />dsa9 rrssasa ~ full fatx and may bt foreclosed at tht optics of the scat ASSOCtAT10N afar failure for three months to make any of said <br />paymenix ar be tht'ee months m arrtars iu rnakittg said tnortthly payrotrtu, ar is keep and a3mpiy with the agreements and conditions of said Bond: <br />atgl I~futtSatior agmrs to haver a rtce;ver ap;xun*_ed forthaath m sui3t fazrnttx~surt Ixa,•~taimgs. <br />if thtxe k any m oavitittxitap of the rtt] essate martgsBrd herein, by sale or othettvist, then the entire remaining indeb[~rxss hert3ry <br />atrat+wl tt~, at the opteoo of The Egtritabk Bustg an.', I:asn Assariation of Grand laund.?:tbrs~ska, hecQa+e imtnaliatriy due atsd payable slthoui <br />ftatiler aorta, sad the antesunt rett>setistg due under sstd band, and anti other bond fat my additional advtnces made thereunder, shall, from the <br />dmt of ezrrtis ~ aid optiw, bee mterrs ar t~ ~^-z-^,.-- 3egai rate, and ihts trtortgage smy tlrta bt foreclosed is atisfy [hr amnt~rt dm rm said <br />bread>aod aey olhv brtstd for additonai td++sQtrs, tiv~tlut ,vtih a!i s,~ paid by said The fgis $utls'iing a~ Lnat+ Ass~rioit of Gtaad !stand, <br />4lebta~a far , taus sad ass<ssmtnts, and alnirarting rzirnsic,n ~eatEes. with interest thtrmn, from date of payment tt the teaxi¢nttm <br />~~- <br />Aa prtsreded r tht Bond recur:=? htrrby . w}2ik thu mart{r~e retat:ms i~ etfttt ttx ttwrtgaget may Itertafter adrancr addi!stwl stoat to tht <br />sdas ~ sad Bond, ~ astigets nr s.,~::;rss'KS a iutt, while sums Sltifl bt within the security of tins mtxtgage the sattse as the ftmds originally <br />secaacd ;heathy, the tx~ amnuns c,f preru3pai ds~t trot fo rxmtd as ray tsme the orig®tl atrk~uat of thts aeortgage. <br />dieted t#tie 29131. dew of 14arch A. 11., ic3 79 <br />Serxl limited, Agricultural Consultants, Inc. <br />~ ~ <br />~S~A!!: T~SldL'p1t <br />SrX3E 41F li~A~R, ~ ~ On tiro 29th. day of 3ia1~e31 14 74 , before ear, <br />-.~ <br />the +, a NotatY Public at and far said Carroty, prrmttai#y caaae <br />~ <br />1 <br />St i S <br />tt <br />k <br />l <br />• <br />, w <br />to <br />prrsnna <br />y <br />nown to <br />tae so be lire itleeticd dte:soa '~` ~. t' affizal to the shoat imtruartatt as tttortgagor and he 1~~' <br /> <br />at#staarietapadelat sib " ,mot <br />' ~ ~i3 5 ~ i','`' <br />am tmi deed. <br />'W7S3 hagd <br />tbr ai~eaaitd. <br /> ~ ,~/ /~ l~-- <br /> sti <br />.3> xF -- ~ " -may..:. <br />I,iotBiy' la7rblSC <br />bitfa as ..* <br />'~'~x1r <br />~ <br /> 'f <br />it~ <br />