<br />That rite Mortgagor will pay the indebts~3tress as hezeinbefore prayided
<br />That the Mortgagor is .the tiwtier of said property in tee simple and has gaol right a~ law/ui authority to slit and
<br />convey the saute sn[t that-kite-tsartte ~sfi~,r~d_.cle~s-qf any 1sen ct-ezFcutabrince: anr3_ tha#:~~~8ar~gagor will warrant and Defend-#fise
<br />title tq said prertisxs ~aftts# #~ Cl8iffia D{ sIl peisons-whotttstzever. •
<br />Tq patq'itnmediatefy wh'ta due alts payatrle all general tales, Special taxes, special assessments, water charges, sewer serv-
<br />ice charges, and other tarre5 and charge, against said property, and ail taxes levied gn.the debt secured hereby, arx! So furnish the
<br />Mortgagee, uplstt. segyeat. wi#fi 4he--original orduplicate receipts therefor- The Atgrfgagor agrees that there shalt }a, added tq
<br />each monthly payment required hereunder ar under fhe evidence of debt secured h:•rrby an amaunt estinrattd by the :tiortgagee
<br />to be su6tcient Ld ewaltle the Mortgagee tq pa>-, a: they- become due, at! taxes, assessments, and similar charges upgn the pretn-
<br />ises sabjett tlwreto: any deficiency lse~e-stisr of -the :nuiTiciency of such aziditianal paym-ruts shalt t>e forthwith defxxsited by the
<br />Mortgagor with the. .lfortgager ufwn demand by the \fnrtgager.:1 r.}' default under this paragraph stzall }re rl, •e•med a r}~{salt in
<br />payment of taxes, ascessmen*.s, or similar cha rgr~ required hereundrr-
<br />The mortgagor agrees xhat there shall also ize added to each monthly payment a( prinuf:al and interest r squired here-
<br />under an am,wnt ecLmat-~ci hy- the 4tortgager t., h• scilTi=~ient f~ vnahfe the ~tartgagrc• t~ t;a}~, a> it Fzr ~,me-s dot-. ihs~ m.uraner•
<br />premiaen nn any insurance pehey delivered tq the ~-tortgager. r?nq drficir~nc}- because :,f the- tncutficiemcc ut such addit;or:a! pay-
<br />men*_s shatf tzr f rihwith de~it~! by the `+fortgagc:r with the ~f origagrc r.pun demand bq the A7urtgagrn~ .~np default under =.his
<br />paragraph shat! be deemed a =iefauit m the pa3~mrnt of i .vrance premiums if fhc~ polir~ nr tx~2ic•ies dvlx=sited are wch a~ hume~
<br />owners or a!1 risk p.2icr<~. and the drpeniic are insuffirirnt tx. pay S.c ent. rr premium, the '+{ort_:agee ma+- apply the dept si! tr,
<br />pay premiums on asks rtgvired to t,e insur=3 6c this mortgag+~
<br />Fa}-met. is made b}- the ~f~~rtgagt:r under the abm•r paragraphs ma}~. at th.- :,p:fie:r. nF the \1<?rtgagee, he h.-td by :t and
<br />cYZm•n:nglEd with other sash funds nr its ;,wn fus<3s for the pa}'rnrn: rf such items. and unlit :o a{.plirti, such payments are hrrFt+_+
<br />p#rdged a< security for the unpaid lzaiancr .Y the mortgage indebtedness.
<br />T'v procure, deb+-er to, ar.d mairtarn for the fi.4=nrtit of the .`.f,~r3gas;ee ,iurang the li€e c:: this mortgage original p<:t;r:z•z and
<br />re~wals t.~restf_ d~lic~-ec? at i~•~t tin :?ass }~;r.- th:, t_ _ .L ~ - „~~t.,.;.~
<br />hazards. casua}ties, artd cantingeneics as the Mgrtgsger may rc•quirevin an~•antount equat~to^t}m~indebtedra~~scK.uredsby~this
<br />Mortgage, and in rximpanies sett-y>katxlr t=* t};e \1=,r*..ager, x;th. las, fray airlc• claw- :n fa+_.r .:f ar•.d :n f+~rm arse ptatzte tc, the \lortga-
<br />ge~e. In the eceat ar:}- ;?mot+ry is not rrrewrr! ,:., ,r iz,-f:,a- t.,.: ays .*! :*_, rcp:rat~:,n th„ \iurti;ar,- may prcx art :n_cur_nce +rn the
<br />improvetnerzts, pay the premium therefor. and such =um .?ia4l :mmedtatrl} :iue and l:a }-able wizh !ntr riot at the rate set
<br />ford; is said now unit} }-aid and :hall tzr -ra~u r-d }„ thrs mortt;agr Failure i,n the psrt .*f the Zortgagor to futri:=h surF. renewals
<br />as am herein stgttireu'• r*r failurz :_. pa}~ as}~ sung. a.isancr,: 4:•rrunrier mall, at thy- o}titan of :he 1'€ort g,agee, ..~nct:lute a r1:•fauli
<br />under rite Lertr~ of ihi- rr»ottgage. ?'ire drli-rtr+ .:*f surix ;, .:tae. cisait. ,, the r+r.,_ •3 ~'.efa~.:lt. cr,r..~tttute an a-s+nment of r}ir un-
<br />earned prtmrium.
<br />Aay sutt>` re.~2-t+ed by the \9e,rigag.'r' h: rea<.. .., .,>. ,r t3am~ ar :... ..'e;i aKa,;:st coos }ze rr*.aine:! by ire \Te,rtgagte
<br />a~i applied iaxartl the ,=a}~mert =,i t}x• debt isrreby s~z~u rer3, nr_ ac F}ze r. .v.,'c,f t:*~: !.tort;ag,~r.:ua'?: ~ursxn erthrr w•hellti• err in
<br />part tray be paid over i=., tht .lfen.gage:r t:. hr ~,;.:.ed ?;. -e pair such hui.dinR^` ^: Ln hu:;a ne.. tzuilding=. ;n their l,laec- .,r for an-:
<br />a'?~2r purP+se ar c+b}crt sattsfact~., za. the \'..:rt~,aye= .. rthcui affz~-fins the 'ten ;~.~ a4N~ m^:tzagr far the full amUU nt scrv red hire
<br />1*y l,efere srtclt pa~nneaz ey~er Cork piatY
<br />fie ptvmptly repair_ rtstcre ,~r rebuild aax~ twrldtrfs v.r rmy:r==.rmrnL sow „r }:~reaitz-r cn :n,- +. hrch m,a; he-
<br />carmat damaged cx dtstrvpea: trz l:ese•p .aid p:em,sri to Kooc3 mtidt ti=+ri and re;lair arts! fr:-- fa:~n an} ;r.~-rharrtr's itr c; or sitter tier. ar
<br />clam ref lien not e7cpzrssty >~t,6c:~irtate-3 t© the !ira hrr-nf n:•t to >uHrr ..r ~-r;:::: an. ,;::.a+~;uS u..~e ..; ar an+ nu:+.arzce to estst r,,.
<br />said paaprt•ta nos to perm..rt waste m lard f.,: rrn;srs, nc:; t..~ d., any other apt ~.. kr rr;. tt~r t,rc:yr.^, ;: t•.e rrby tx:retie-}cat t=}faI! t+ttYtYTer
<br />~ v-altsa6lt, riot to ditai^.iah or it .pair sic ~.-alur' br an;~ set ..: ;xnis.: c>n .:, s.-t t...,v-3:i~ k.,t, a?; reel wee mentc ..f !aw w~ixh resp~e~t
<br />to ttwe mortgaged ptetni~ atsd L'se use thtswi _ , _ { v
<br />Tha! sirtoatld the premxars or anx part tiirreaf br- robin e,r aa_megc^? by rra~=n .,f an '=:,c imp <nrm Ott ar =r:rttlemaatios:
<br />prac'eed:ae. ter wader 1ht rig}+t cti rm:stttrt d-wra:r.. „r .a za}= :,t}zPr ananrri•r, ti:.• \lc..rtgag~r >l;ai' e.. entitled tz, All cramparuaiianq.
<br />a+rar9s, and any oilier payment cr rehtf tlxreiur acid shall be iettiitlyd, at its optiia-t. t=. ±~^=rat_r~fa-._-. agpe_r in asst , rswec-stela i#
<br />aatn frame any aetxas or pro=z•edrtrt. or t=, male arzy =x,rtr3anariist r,r setilemrnt ;a =r-z;SZtttictx rtt_h• >uclt i3ling =:r damage. Aii s~:h
<br />aam+peao~an, atoarda_ datmagea. ti~rt d action and pzr.,eeedt+ are hrere3t}' .yait<nti to khe Mortgagee. ictsq troy', arftEi dekuetittg
<br />itteretrmt a3 Aa e:pemra, release say taor>rys au rerencti b}- it or apply tbe• same xrt any indc,heed:xys securert he~rchy. The !~#qrt-
<br />Prtgar arc to taxtrte tau3t #arihrr aazr;r:ttssi. ref any c'+'~r:pc'nrvttaui ar~srd€.:aagaget., seat rlghtr of actsrzn anti prrK,<•c-•c#s as the
<br />ft'1'ar#l+tEer at~y reQakite-
<br />Tlaat set scot sd failure to yrrf-.era: an.:,f i?.- ivy-rrwnt, hrrF-: r, ti:r tfa,rtgag-•~r nw}~ d., ,,:n tr,r '4fr.regat;c,r-, !ar-half e•.rrythina
<br />ae ~..______1, ,Shat the- 6it,M,{ttp:ee easy also xla w} a.-i :t may dc~tm a~w•a..i+rs ir• },rutr=Y the tern thern:># That [tit !#artgabgr a-iil
<br />R'P~tlr upset detmaeet scot teavmeys paid ar ditr,$rursed t>ti the 3iortga~t fqr sup cd tt~ie atxi.-e pvr{ ales. and wch mnnrvs ica#e:thrr w~tth
<br />tat thrraxrcr rtrz ~ rate i~ is said nail sisail nt+ratttR ss3 msu-~s ads4itic.ra, ineirlrlydneas krtr3tr sutured attrt mas• hr ies-
<br />e8adt~A is amp d:asae farxrtqusaa tlti<4 etcrrtaagr and ttr paid ;,ut of the remu or fsrocrt+da cA salt of said pren'surs if not atlterw-tsa•
<br />paid; !ha# is shall teat tsr ~t~'y u~it'tr. rise M.`:r#6aget L iat}urre into the valuitty of an}~ lxrn rncutnbrars-r> ur claim to ad-
<br />y°m4st6 saratep'a >~ rtrate fathariaa~, fttgY. autiu9[ besets txtntaitatd dsalt lee constaved ss xegutrsng the Mortgagor tv advarbt an}
<br />oaa.e~a filar amy atsr4s pmirose oar to do any alt ifereuruder; and tttai lklnr'esatter shad rttst xncvr an: prrsc;.:zai fiatwfits- }wrausrn# anti.
<br />~ ~ di ssz costal w w'w heresrmder. ~ .
<br />fa #fse e+rnt d tht ~. by ~rgstgar is tilt paytaent od asr} trtstallsrtt-rit ss rrs7e:isc ~ bJ ttu \ate .c~.tirrr•d hrrrf } ar
<br />trt ~ ~ c€ the zrr~t is ttus ~' ur la klse trits• asresstrrs! itrrrtby-. the .y==rtgagee whet! ht rntittrrt U, dec`.art t}te
<br />dtPltt arawtrrd faemby she sad pa~a~bie «ithwrt sttt#i~nt, sad the Mw shat! t+r eatttlyd at its upt;c,n, wetk.x„t n.=tier titbit by rt;rlt
<br />t~ cot a saaitssgr ~ fie fly #ite hart f~reevrf. attsd rithtwtt regard to the atiaquarg' of anp tutxunt, trv the mdet:t:.tcdtteas sr-
<br />eutad . to eai+er lapse stud qke Paa~eaioa ~ #trr• maatga;rd lrre~ssa, and to c^alkeri atxt rrcrlre tlu rem itu+atr aa~3 pr~lta
<br />tYrd a~tpij1 t3ar smrse, 3eaa s+arta of aapeaaAins ~f e+atl:rttien. upraa tlse trtttr~starlrreas asKrat'ed i9y this mgrtgaje: trsid runes.
<br />arsroaet atad paa~ta ~'~'y aaitped Ls rite Ltaie+ ss fue'tAer security Der the pupasrnt td aM ttt<-lehttdnetvs sr.t>ntrd hetwM'
<br />T-r 3{mtte aisW l+atie tare t?Qa"rz trt apposrq acay a;rat air a¢egta it cosy desire f._<r ttte purp¢rt~e of .-rttazrrsty taut prem-
<br />~i 'may t .€' . ~ ar;El ;~.itaE, as.9 9 ~y ~3 cask t~ sold iruYtzae ail expensx•i: rtrnrrrref is rrnt~
<br />atR sad ttaeearptaE t8e arse ,cod ei at~erctigg t#sr rrtAaL thereftara. 'f}se haiartor remaining, if any. stall #ur applied tetward the
<br />~ /~' ~ 'Silas ~ s Es ttrminate and frnc'cree atsll aed void ttpon relestr of lists mar#ttsge'.
<br />