79--~~°~~'~ ~®R~GA~E
<br />THI$ INDENI'U!{E, made this. 23rd day of March _, 39 79 by and between
<br />LARRY R. BOERSEN and KAREN BOERSEN, Husband and Wffe, each in his and her own rinht
<br />and as spouse of the other,
<br />d Haii County, Nebraska, ss nmtta~~nr s ,and Grand Island Tns6 Com
<br />pant of Grand Island. a corporation
<br />and ezitsting under the laws of Nebraska with its principal office and place of business at Grand Island. Nebraska, as mertgagee;
<br />WFTNESSETIi: That said mortgagor 3 ,far sad in consideration of the sum of
<br />**Five Thousand One Hundred Fifty-five and 70/i00thsaa _ ~~ ~ 5i,~ya'.g~y~•
<br />- _ 1,
<br />the receipt of which is hereby ackmwledged, do _ by these presents mortgage and warrant unto said mortgagee, ite~.®teeeasors aed'sssigns.
<br />forever. at! the folhrrrong deac-ibed real estate. situated in the County of . Rai 1
<br />aed State d Nebraska. to-wit:
<br />Lot One Hundred Twenty-nine (129} in West Lawn, an Addition
<br />to the City of Grand Island, Hail County, Nebraska, as
<br />surveyed, platted, and recorded, Said Lot being Fifty-two
<br />Feet (52') Narth and South and One Hundred Thirty-two Feet
<br />(132`) East and Glest.
<br />Ta~ther with dI heating, air coaditioniag, Lighting. a~ plumbing equipm®t sari f3ztutes, including screens. ewninga, storm wondosB and
<br />dints, cad w®dow ahadw or blinds. used on err in eoaneRion with acid property, whether the seine are now ktcated ~ said property or hereafter
<br />planed thereon.
<br />'I'D NJ1YE AND TO HQLD THE SA~dE, tnglerher with ail sad singuisr the tettementa. hetaditamenta and apgeutenancee thereunto tre-
<br />-a°p°g, er is anpwiae aPpertsiaiag, forever. std warrant the title to the stone. Said morgagor _;z_ hereby covenant -with Said
<br />aaaef~se that --lbe ~ ar•s. _. ai the delivery hereof. the lawful owner_5_ of the pretnoses shove amveyed and described.
<br />artd ar+! stdaad d a good ~ iadefeasiale enure of inheritance therein, free anti clear of all ettcttmbratrces, cad that _the~ will
<br />rrarrmt cad daiirad ti.e tithe thmeW forever against the cfs®s and demands of all persons whomsoever
<br />I3 ALLYA :'S, ~' thm - ~ meted cad dahvaed to securr tae ptyroot d the Saar flt
<br />i'*ei.s~ I$ottsattd tine I~ttndred Fifty-five and 701i0?lths*}_ itm 5 is5.?Q 1,
<br />ae§~ istceeat i3eram, ia~atbet•+ith such ehatgee and advances asmap be due and payable to said mortgagee under the rums and itxdttiptrs
<br />d ffia;aaritaary ante d evert date herewith and securai lattatrp, esetvted by said morgagow s ._ to Baal mortgagee, pasabk as asptesaed
<br />i• and antra, cad to satara the per4ormaace of a!I the tartar and txmditieos roruai~d therm. The retina of acid note are hereby iorarporated
<br />hieia bs tlsia :sienna.
<br />Itz a tin itstaatim cad cl the parties heeetn than this mortgage ehaU ciao secure nay future advatxes made to said mortgagor _.~,
<br />it said sarepsre, cad nag cad alt iadehta~ ffi adelitiott to the ampuat aau>.~ autsxl whiff. laid mmt~gora, or asp d them. tong wre to
<br />acid taeeig{apa, hoaatver evidasoed, whether by sate. boodt screuat or cnherrriae Thos taoatgage shall mataia w foil forte cad e~sct between
<br />tie !~ 6atrao tad their beta. P~ retaires. suetraaars and sssigns, uatit ell amounts seeoted hersunder, induditag furure
<br />adaamQa, nee paid ~ ful: with interest.
<br />Tis smetialor-~-- heedry aaaiiga -~ to said mongagee all meta a~ iar+ome arising at any and all riatee from said property and
<br />iauelejr aatiwms said t s its agent, at its ~. T;poa defsstft, to trite charge of said property cad wllect all terms end ir`come
<br />need a¢pip ~ aaem w ~s ' d iatmewa, prertipal. iasmamee pnaastma, tam, aoeaatersw, tapaire m iatprovementa
<br />~S ~' ~ aaislly is t.emmtahlrmeditaee, err m otJwr charges or payments provided far heaesn err m the rote hereby secared. Thin
<br />r~i a~eea aiafl taara+aa im fatetupoa7 the utgterid balaatr. ~ aa~ rote is fstl3y psid. The taking of
<br />poaeesaioa hereuadee• shag in ao matttw
<br />err eatamd trill ~ the oogaeti~ of and arm hY foras*aaat®a othartviat.
<br />Tie 1fr'7sre of the to asaart nap d ~ rights hereaader at asp time Shat' not he crttsd as a tra'tver of its right ~ ssrert the
<br />war at tab linter tdwe. and to later uPat sad eafatce ataoct eomptitoee with aI! the sums and proviaiom d said tote and of this mortgage.
<br />said 8 ah~ ease w he Paid to old the entire amount daz it hrerander, cad atder the terms cad provisions
<br />~ Iai~ trr ~! ~+d. 6 ~ adeaaor. cad nay eataetiom or tesereala thereof in atrnrdasce with the terms a~ provisions
<br />t;lreasrf aced Ytrid me~ypr~._ aLa@ z+~tty :ith all the paoviainoa of old ante cad d rhos mortgage. thin these preseata ehal3 be void;
<br />atiieat~is~eatde iairillisraasadatlisok cad add asort,~ags awl be~titJe~d to the poseewim of all of eaLd gtopeair. std amp, at its option,
<br />~iatiaaaSr a~ielaef acid twla read a~ iadeiq~taas rafaeasmad thereiy W be ix~iKdy doe cad Imlabls, red amy torecloee this mortgage
<br />err ilea ~ si3lcltipl aatisa is pa't+erlt its ~- ~ wdved.
<br />Rik rif~la alai is i.~ cad aiiaD aewe to the $oa~ td tLe heirs. eseratars, admiaptraie:e, sttmwaoes and assigns d the
<br />aesPaalias padfaa iraoe-
<br />'~'~ WH~EEf3F, sad S is eB hera~to sec tr ~hand~~ day and pees first abme
<br />.----------- area Rorer en
<br />
<br />