<br />An undivided %ight-rive per ce a~ (~3,`;) of Lot Fifteen (15) of }iorle ~
<br />Subdivisian of that rant r,f the tiort'r,k~est- quarter (I3:~,2~) of erection
<br />I~I1nc^ (> ), Townsi~_i }: .~:1,._ -.., 1.i ) -sC'_'tf:, :~aL'.': .`i.nc (') , d~E:5t of the
<br />6th P.irf. lying iuest of a .vneaier Avenue, urand Island, idebrasxa, and
<br />Part of Lots Sixteen (16) and Seventeen (1?) of Home Subdivisian
<br />of that part of the i3orthwest ~'uarter (ir'3J) of Sectian trine (9),
<br />Township eleven (iI) worth, iiange wine (9), ~:est of the bti? r.I'~.
<br />which lies Nest of a+~~eeler Avenue, in City c:f Grand Island, i3e'~raska,
<br />~ mare particularly described as fellows: Beginning at a point in
<br />~ the 'Eesterly line of Lot 1?, which point is 36~.n? feet Northerl}r
<br />~ of the Southwest corner of said Lot I7: running thence Easterly,
<br />,,.~,~ parallel to the Southerly fine of said Lot i?, a distance of I32
<br />,,,, feel, thence Sauth£rl.~ parallel to the 4'esterly line of said Lot 17,
<br />~ a distance of 1~.% feet, thence :;asterly parallel to the ~outherly°
<br />line of said Lat 1", a distance of 124 feel thence southerly ^
<br />~ parallel to the :~esteriy line cf said Let i", a di ~.ance of 2b$.~,
<br />~ feet to the Southerly Line -'f Lc~ I , ~a~d s~..~d,e_~ ~.n, thence
<br />~.a~tgri. np the _ =,,F?r'.- ,;nC _~~' _.d Ir~•- ' a __y..-nro .hF 1filY
<br />fe£t, to t~":c: ::~OLl'•,^£a t C:i nor Jf ?'1 Lot ~•, ~.^;APr' ^:e thLnC^ 2dOrLherl
<br />along, tre naste.'ly line ~ - :. -._~ty_. :. 'pan •:: _ _± feet,, to y
<br />the ~Orthe3Sv +.arne_ 0= Sa' ~..,~, ~ ~-!'i~':l~c I'L:nn1n:. .~eSLer;.`' along
<br />4hu iflrL}'ie2'1', lint ~ ~ ~3_., _ aZ'i'i ~i; A ._ _ •1 ?'_....') feet
<br />to a point which is I~L._ ~.-._-, sterl; c;f'Uthe ~cr_^:,rest ;,arner cf
<br />said Lat 17; ru'irt1P.~ then:.,; ~.~21tVP• -, La. ~liel tG~ .}?~ ..esterl'r llne
<br />of said LGt i~, 315tanCe`_ ~ _- ~ _ ~~- ._°?;~_ :".]nni n'' i'-.c;5t2r1V
<br />~arailel to tZ?c Iaart!i'yrly __._.. __ ;,~: i0: _~, a Q'1S~a^.•.. :7f 1Sz feet,
<br />to a poin~ vn ..~a:, ~i£StEI' __ri-_. „_ ~._, _:.•L• _ ii:en: - '°?lnnln='
<br />°out!<erl 31~^.~ ..._ i~_,~t2 ~27:~ _f ~ci;' :.O_ ~_. c ..~=tanCe C!f i.tr:~
<br />feet to tl;e pC~„~ JT' :'t'om ~P,^.-:i ~, ??l~
<br />The i~esterly ?'ni~t~,• ~ix Feet {3•-=~) o ~.~_ :outl~Ier1 ?r~~~ . feet of
<br />Lot Sixteen (1~)~cf iia~e Subdivisicr.; and 'a pa~t ..r`Lat :seventeen
<br />(17) of ;ioste Subdivision described as falaws: _eginnir.=; One Hundred
<br />ftEt ~li1LJf t :+a5tv''r3V Cf t`ie your.~;west :Or?2i.-?' cf L'i't seventeen (1")
<br />of said~ome Subdivision; thenc- idartherly parallel to the itiesterly
<br />Tine of said Lat i'', a distance r:f t''nL Hut:dre+? Fi fry ~:i ht Feat;
<br />thence Easterly, tarallel to t?-:e Southerly line crf said Lot 17, a
<br />di4tanCe of ^~R+,irt.~r Tk4_ fiaa+; ....::nC~ T;n,'r:l~•-i a:'?.;?eI tot..;?G
<br />+~esterly line cf said Lvt 1-, a distan~a ~,° Lne ;i:zrdred Ten and
<br />Sixty Seven iurdreu:.;_s :act (? l"°.c~T) ; ty:ence ;a~teri}', parallel to
<br />the Sout~:erly lira of said Let. i'?, a dis~ance of :.ighty Eight rest
<br />to the easterly lire ~~f said tat 1"; tien~a aoutYlerly, along the
<br />Last line of said Lat_everteer. d ^tan^e ~~f 1vc hundred sixty
<br />:xis.' era ~ixt;y `~r,•L;: .:...:~___..... ~. _ _ ... - . ,;~u, ,. l}• amine ~: Said
<br />Lot 2^; t?:en,^,e . ~~L?. cr• ..._ ..a~:`.'~•. -_n. ~_ sai~? - distance
<br />oaf l2-'~ feet t.c ._,~ rTint ,. ^r.in. .:~= Lei^.2- in LLL':~~uGdivision
<br />flf LI'~? 24~~~ of ~c'~,._~i. , ~tW.... ~i .`ct P_c c, i'St '~f "~':e r~~t}'1
<br />I+s.~i` , .. Ss ~.. ~_ .. .iL `. ,. .._ ".- _ .:'Y'L'~.J _,. _li.' tr ., L~ .-.~ 'lran~: 1Jlaf ~,
<br />Nail aautlTiv3','.,_._ _.. .a.
<br />
<br />