<br />79- U~~~i r~~~rr,~~era
<br />MOR ;GAGOR(S)' q5E 43O9SD7 r+,: o"sc S v.ME -~
<br />4dE4F, OOD MIP~E sn BRANEET
<br />MoRTCnc;hE:
<br />iziz xssT zND
<br />AGREED RATE OF CHARGE ON PROMISSORY NOTE EXL'CUTED CONCURRENTLY HEREWITH: The agreed rate of charge is 2'.h%pet month on that
<br />pazt of the unpaid balance not exceeding $300; 27 per month on any pazt thereof exceeding $300 but not excceding $500; l'hc~ per month on any part thereof
<br />exceeding $506; but not excceding $1000; and I% per month on any pazt thereof exceeding $1000 but not exceeding $3000.
<br />WrrNI;SSETH, that Mortgagor(s), does mortgage, grant, bargain, sell, and convey, unto Morfgagee, its' successors or assigns the following described Real Estate
<br />in [bc county of HALL _, State of Nebraska, to wit
<br />together with a0 ~u !dings _ ~ Qv ia•dtow or hereafter erected thereon and ail careens, awnings, shades, storm sash and bihids, and heating, ]ightirig,
<br />plumbing, gas. rh+4ltic .y Ygqgg~~,,gg~#ing and air-conditioning equipment used in connection therewith, ail of which, for the purpose of this mo[tgage,
<br />shalt tr deemed futures` , ~ t$•tfie Lien fiereof, and the heredieatnent and appurtenances pertaining [c the property above described, and a0 streets,
<br />.._.... ..e:;„nz:n•, ~ ... an,.,;..n, a....~r«.....~.. a..w . n .e.,e.~.,.,..
<br />tartar. a7irs s, pasvtges, n•avs. waters, water courses, tights. li'txrties and privi}rgas, v.•has-R..~:.her.ante "r. _ s .... , .,,, ry .o....6 ......................~
<br />aced rrmaindrn, a0 of which u referred [v hereinafter as the "premises'.
<br />TU IiAVE AND TO HOLD the above-0euribvd premises, with the apnurteoantcs and 'blot,,. unto the said Mortgagee, its scccessors and assigns, forever, for
<br />th^_ purpo:xs and uses herein set forth, free from all rights and benefits under and b. viauc vt an} Homestead Exemption Laws of the State of Nebraska
<br />:; hich mac he enacted, which said rights and beveti[s the said .Mortgagor dtx+. `.: rc'.-y e:prassip a•irasr nu +saivr_
<br />Moriga~gr a7.scr assigns to Morig..ria; all rontr, issues and profits of nail pren:tus" rc~srn'tng the right to rvilcct and osc•- the same, with cr witheuT taking
<br />p„s~ssior. c+f ihu pzmises, during roniinuance of default hereunder, and luring cs±ntiauancr :rt wch default authorizing Mortgagee to enter upon said premises
<br />a^,d-er to ,otlrci and enforce the same without regazd W ar•equan• of any se.unt~ ;or ehe i.:drbtrdness hrrrisy secured ty any tavrful menus inclndirtg
<br />appo.ntment of a receiver in the name of any part}' turrbJ. and to apply ihr +atrfe Ir>s co-.r s.:d c parses of oprr:ttiun and retiection, including reasonable
<br />atiurney's fees, upon any indebtedness secured hereby, in nosh order as Akntsagrr map dctrrm ire.
<br />FUR THE PPRPOSE OF SECIi RING- !t) Perlormance of rash agn•emrnt ++ti Mone:;enr a+ntim~d herein: Ct Payment of the principal sum with interest.
<br />as prcn-ided F7~~4F! n6 with9 jllr terms and provisions of a Prornisx, rr '4artr . Lcrat+. :lsreemcnt +Jxr~~inatter trt'erred to as "promissory note")
<br />day=a_ _ t.!'1 6y 77 ~fy ____ hrr.-u ith e+e<¢t,d h} Mor2gago: and pas able to the order of SforiKagee,
<br />;n ett_ pztnupal sum of <_ 2z7~.56 .and having the date aC its Einai payment due oa diARCH ~~y 19B3 ,
<br />or a< cxtrndcd. deterred rte rescheduled by mnewal ar rettnancr: t31 Pay relent of any additiarta7 advanw, with interest thereon, as may hereafter be
<br />iuanrd by Mortgagee iu }iortgagor in a maxtmutn sum of 53,0;)0;.'0 within 10 years from the date of this Mv; igage: ('i) The payment of any
<br />ntcne) that may be advanced by the M1furtgagc^r [v Mortaagot for zny re~uon or to third parties. with tntrrrst thereon. w•harc ehr amounts are advanced to
<br />protr.t the .security ar in a::avrdan~x with the covenants of ibis Mautgage: (j) :Any nnr~wa'.. ref ttrar,,.-,rg or r.tensiort of said promissory note, or any other
<br />agte¢mrnt n+ pay which ma}' tc suhsti[uted therefor.
<br />AI7 pa±enents made ty Mortgage+r on the obl7gstion x;cund ty this Mortgage stall tr apphrd in L`tc followins o[dct.
<br />FIRSTS To the payment of tuxes and assessments that ma}' be )cured and aisrsud aesittst said promises, insurance premiums, repairs, and all athez
<br />charges and czpenus agreed tv be paid 6y the Mortgagor.
<br />SE"."OND: To the payment of interest due nn said loan.
<br />TE77RD: Tc the paymrrt of pr%rcips?.
<br />tU PRU1"EC"t THE SECI7RITY' HEREOF, MURTGAGORES) COi'ENANTS ANU :1GREF.S: ill to krep raid premisxs imured against loss by rue and
<br />other harerds. casualty and contingencies up to the foil value of all improvements for the prureci:on of M1torixsgee in wch manner, in such amounts, and
<br />in wdt companies as Moagagrr may from time to lima appmvc, and that toss procred3 tiers rope nsr of eoliccdon) sha31. at Mortgagee's option, br
<br />appfiud can mid indebtedness, whether due or not yr [o the restoration of sai,i imprx:vemants. In cvrnt of to x Morieagor wd3 give immediate notice by
<br />mail to [hc. $Sortgagee, who map make proof oC tors if nut made promptly by Me+rtgagot, and each insurance company :oncemcd is hrreby authorised and
<br />dineted to make payment fox such loaf dirretly tv the Mortgagee instead of ro the StorLagor. t_'i To pay all fairs and special assessments of any kind
<br />that have barn of may be 7evi<:d or assessed upon avid premises, and to dclivzr to Stmteagcr. epee reGursi of the Mongagea. the offecial receipt showing
<br />payment-of all such taxes and as~ssmenir. E3i In the event of drfauti ty Murtgagot under Paryraphs 3 or ? above_ Merigag;r, ai iL option, may fa)
<br />prase and krep Stich insurance stove provided €or in Corer throughout the life at this Alortgage and pa. the reawaabk pttmiums and charges therefor. (h)
<br />pay' all said taxes and iLlsrsstnents without de[rmtining the vahdity themoi; and Ir) Pay such lien> and all such disbursements shat) be deemed a part of
<br />the tndettedness secured by ttis htor[gagr and shall be imnrediatciy due and pa,4 ark by Mortgagor is Rinrtgagee. i4) To krep the buildings and other
<br />improvement now existing o[ hereafter en sled En good rortdifion sad repair. not to nnn:nit or sutfrr any u~astr or any use of said premises cvntrazy w
<br />restrictions of mcard or cofrtraly to law, and to permit Mortgagee to .ntrr a[ elf reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting the pramues: not to
<br />remove of demoli.+h any tuild;ng thereon: to restore prompi7y ar,•l ;: _ - ant workmaniikc manner any buitdir:gs which may bc- darraged or destroyed
<br />Cl[rreon. and to pay. w;ten duce. a8 claims fns l3bar perCormrd and taaicxials furnished themtor: r5} That he sviil pay. promptly the indebtedness recurrd
<br />hereby, and perform all othr: abligations in tu77 compliance with the terms of said Promissory '.tint: and this Mortgage; (bl That the time of pnymrnt of
<br />the indebted;css hrteh+- secured, of of :Loy portion thrr•o€, may to ex€rndad ar zenewed, and arty portions el the premises herein drx~ribeil may, without
<br />notice, ter released from the lien hereof, without releasing or uflrctvrg the personal liability of any person or the priority of this Mortgage; f1) That he
<br />does hereby Eorrvrr warrant and will fonwrr defend the title aria pussesston thrrrot against *he )awful claims of anY and ail persons whatsoever.
<br />tT lS ;N LiTCALLY AGREED 7H AT~. tl) It the said Mortgagor shall fait o rx~giect to pay installments bn said Pnrm-issory Nate as the same may hereafter
<br />become due, or anon drtau7t in perlormancr of a..y agrccment hrrenndrr, of upon ,a1r or other disposition of [hr premises by Mortgagor, br should any
<br />action yr prora~:ding h fed to any snort to .force any hen on. claim against or interest m the pr-mi<>, then all sums h}' the Rio.^.eagor to the
<br />Mortgagee under this Mortgage ar under the Promissory' Nate xcured hrreby sha0 irmrdiatety become due, and payable at the option of for Mortgagee,
<br />on the application of zhe Mortgagor. ar assigner. or any other person w•ho may t,e entitled-tu the monies duce thereon. ir. such event Ote Morigagre sha8
<br />have the right immediatciy to 1`oreciase this mortgage ty complaint for that purpose, and such complaint may tr praxcuted to judgment and execution
<br />and Sala tar the roltecta~o of the witoir .amount of ttte irtdcttedticss and intezest thereon, huiudirig reasonable attorney's fees, any amounts advarnced
<br />pursuant to tr:is morkgage, costs of suit, and ebsfs of sale, if permitted by law.
<br />(2") in the event said premises are roM at s foreslositts sale:, Mortgagorfs) shall oe liabte €or any dofieienty zrmaining aftz^r sale of the pretnises if permitted by
<br />law, arW app7idaHon of the proceeds of slid sale to [he indebtedness secured and to the expenses of foreclosure, including Mortgagee a n:asonxble attor[tcy's
<br />fees and legal expensss if a0owed by taw.
<br />fat S$ortgagec shall be subrogated to the lien of any and all prior encumbrances, Dens or charges paid and discharged from the proceeds vt the loan
<br />hrreby Secured. and even though said prior liens here teen rafeasot3- of record, the repayment of yard Indebtedness shall to secured 6y such liens on tltr
<br />portion; of said premises affected iltarety to the extent of such payments, reslsoct7vety.
<br />t4) Whenever, -by the terms of this iristmmerit or of said Promissory Nob:, Mortgagee is.given any option, such option may be exercised when the right
<br />acctves nr at any time thereafter, and no-acceptance by Mortgagee oC payment. of indebtedness in default Shall constitute a waiver of any default then
<br />existing and continuing br thereafter accruing.
<br />a4-e4'ra TREY. i-l3j N6
<br />
<br />