<br />cx Form z~x
<br />dev, 3/28%73
<br />79-~~t~14'70 SATISFACTION OF td)ATGAGE
<br />FOR VALUc~ HEGEIVr'~D, the undersigned FEDr.dAL NATIONAL M3RTGAG~; ASSOCIATION, a corporation
<br />organised and existing under the lain of the United Staten, does hereby certify that a real
<br />estate mortgage now owned by it, dated November 30, 1971 ,made by William P. Siemera
<br />and Lynette 7. Siemers, husband and wife
<br />se mortgagarn, to First National Bank & Trust Gampany of Lincoln
<br />sa mortgagee, and recorded as Document No. , in Book No. 1S6 ,
<br />Page No. 247 , in the Office of the Register of Deeds, Hall County,
<br />State of Nebraska and the mortgage is, xith the lndebtednesa thereby
<br />aecurad, fully paid, satisfied and discharged, and the Federal National Mortgage Associat~n
<br />is hereby authorised and directed to release and discharge the same upon record.
<br />The East Five Feet (5 `) of Lot Thirteen {13) and all of Lot Fourteen {14)
<br />= in Block Three {3) in Westerhoff's Second Subdivision, being a Resubdivision
<br />of the South Hh1f of Blocks Three and Four (3 & 4) and the North Half of
<br />Blocks Fivd and Six (5&6) Westerhoff`s First Subdivision in the city of Grand Island,
<br />Ha11 County, Nebraska ,
<br />IE(itITNESS WSdRRDJF, said FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE AS50CI:+TION hoe caused, its corporate
<br />neat to be hereto affixed, end ban caused its aama to be signed to these p7resen~e*.by its
<br />Assistant Vica Preaideat and attested by its Assistant Seareta_*! at:C~aicegsa, L'jl3a~cifl,
<br />thin 8th day °f March A 8:~'Y~.79 ,
<br />~ ..~ `r 3,
<br />~JIiNrSShD
<br />l1Ma ~asec ~~`f /`
<br />Therese C. Cullen
<br />SS
<br />._ ~-,- . _
<br />Attost: ~ ~.
<br />Rose Serna
<br />Assistant Secretary
<br />COUNPZ 4F COOK ]
<br />I,d~ ~ ~i a Notary Pub11c in and for said County in the State aforesaid,
<br />dcs hereby certify that Michael S. Koch peraanally kaova to yea to be the Assistant
<br />Vice President of FSDSRAL NATIONAL l~RTGAGE ASSOCIATION, a corporation organised sad oxint-
<br />iag under the leas of the Baited States, sad Rose Serna personally kaot~m to ma
<br />to De the Aasiataat Becratary of said corporation, and personally knova to na to ba the same
<br />parsons whose camas era aubsarlbati to the foragolog inatrumeat, appeared before me this day
<br />is persca sad severally aal~ouledged that as such Aaaistaat Vice President sad Assistant
<br />Secretary, they signed and delivered the paid iastrumsat as Assistant Viae President sad
<br />Assistant Secretary of said corporation, and caused the corporate seal of said corporation
<br />to be affixed thereto, pursuant to authority given by the Board of Directors of said ~.;-
<br />Corpormtioa as their free and voluntary act, and as the tree and voluntary act,,s~,;dedd of
<br />said carporatlaa far the uses sad purposes therein eat Pasth. rte' •-'~:
<br />.k
<br />• _ ;\
<br />Givaa nu~dsr my baud and official seal this 8th day of Marcki 1979~~ *_; ~~'
<br />address is 350 South Wacker Daivs, Chicago, Illietols 60606 ~ - ~c
<br />Ny Goam3.ssion expires an June 2$, 1982 ' ~ ~ -~
<br />__.,
<br />'oared Y.< l[aTsaae~~j --~?
<br />This faxes ~e pre tared amd approved by Ral~e~'e~', Attorney, 15O South hacker ?rive,
<br />Chicago, Illi,~ia 6x606. (Type or grist below all aigasturea, the names of parties
<br />ex~cutiag this isstruasat Secluding the notary public and witnesses.)
<br />