<br />79-- ~~i~ ~ ~~ Ni®RT~GAGE
<br />THIS INDENTURE, mach this 15th day of 'larch ~_ , 19 79 by and betwcen
<br />B~.N,.Y ':. CAGE and PA~'LA J. CP.nE, tfusband and 4'ife, each in his and her own right and
<br />as spouse of the other
<br />of Hall County, Nebraska. as mortgagor;, sad Grand Island Trust Company of Grand Island, a corporation
<br />organized and eriating Hader the taws of Nebraska with its principal office sad place of busisress at Grp Island, Nebraska, as mortgagee:
<br />WITNESSE'fH: That said mortgagor s , f~ and in considm~ation of the sum of
<br />**Seven Thousand Ninety-one and 31/1t70ths** ...=Bg~.`~7aD~1.37~ l_
<br />the receipt of which is hereby acimowledged. do - by these presents mortgage aadwarrant-unta.safd t~ltgage8, its q~pe`~pnra srrd assigns,
<br />forever. all the faUawing dearn'bed rcel estate, situated is the County of ti a l 1 ..
<br />"end State of Nebraelrn, to•wit:
<br />The Nnrtherly Eighty-one and Five Tenths Feet (81=5'} of Lot t)ne {1}, 1n Block
<br />tine Hundred Thirty-six (13b}, in Union Pacific Railway Comnaay"s Second Addition
<br />to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Together with aIl beating. air eoaditioniag, Ughting, and plumbing aquipm~t sad nztures, including screens. awnings, storm wows and
<br />doors. nrsd window shades or blinds. used oa or in wnnection with snsd Prapsr,-`y. t:tt~.her tbe s°~ arx a:.w'..,..a^ tsd on ~ prap~ty or bete=ft~
<br />placed thenaon.
<br />9X3 HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SARIE, together with all and singular the tenements. hereditameata and appurtenances tbererratn be•
<br />loagia$, or in at:ywiee appertaining. forever, and warrant the titles to the came. Said morgegor~_bereby covenant-with said
<br />~ ~t t t, y ate , at the deli-.~ery hereof. the }awFsl owagr- of the premises above conveyed arrtl daze'bed,
<br />sad are seized of a good and i~efesaible estate of inheritenrx therein. free and clear of all encumbrances, abe that~.he.~a*Jl
<br />we••rsat emi ddand the title thereto forever against the claims and demands of all persons whomsoever.
<br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, and thin instrument is e:etvted and delivered 2a secure the paynteat of the sum of
<br />_**Seven Thousand ?dine[v-one and 31lQQths** DoUarstL 3 091.31 t,
<br />whir interest thtteoa, together with such charges asd advances ea may be due end payable to seari mortgages wader the teams sad trmditions
<br />of tbe ptomisam'y note of even date herewith sad secured hereby. ez~uted by said mortgagor s to said mortgagee, payable ea ezFressed
<br />in said note, and to sacuee the performance of aiI the terms sad eanditiona contained therein. The terms of acid era hereby i~orporats2
<br />herein by this z.
<br />It is the tntenttoa and agreeraaat of the psrtma hex~,o that this mortgage shall also secure any future advances made to eedd mortgagor
<br />by said mortgages, sad any and all iadebtedn~s is additiaa to the amount above stated which mid martgagorn, or any of them. maY ~'e to
<br />said mortgagee. however evidenced. whether by note, book account or otherwise. This mortgage shall remain is fall force and affect between
<br />the parties hcRw sad their heirs. personal representatives, successors and assigns, until ell amounts severed hereunder. irretudiag future
<br />ndvaat~.s, are ~ is faIl with interent.
<br />The tnortgagar~_ hereby ensign ~ to sand r~ztgagae ell rents sad income nriniag at any and all times Elam said property and
<br />hereby avthorsae said mortgagee ar its agent. at its option, upon default, to take charge of said property end rnUect ell rents abe income
<br />thaxeftam arrd apply the ~rme to the payment of iatersst, pziacipel, iasuraace Premiums, lases, assessmamts, repairs cr improv~ts
<br />necessary to keep said prapetty in tenantable condition, ar to aths.* charges or payments provided for herein or in the Hate hereby secured. This
<br />rent aseignmeat shell cantinas in force until the unpaid balance of said note is fully paid. The taking of poa~ession hereunder shall in no manner
<br />prevent or retard said raortgagas Ia tbe ~ saw sums by faredceura or oth$wisa.
<br />'t'he fe$ure ~ the mortgagee to esaest say of its rights hereunder at aqy time nhaU Hat be caastrued ae a t>airbc of iW right to amen the
<br />same nt any lal~ tires, and to taster upon a~ enforce strict ~tptiance with aI! tho^ terms and provisions of acid torte and of thin mortgage.
<br />If sale! tnoxt~rors sbe31 esux to be peiti to ~ mortgagee ~ ent~e amount due it hareuadar, end under the terms sad provisions
<br />of said trots h~ehY secured, irduding future advances. and aqy estensiossn or reaeteala thereof is accordance with the terms and provisions
<br />thereof, a:d If said tmetgagor ~ ahaT! rnmply with aV the pmvia~ns of mid note sad of this mcetgage. them these prments shall be void:
<br />otherwise to zataain in fall forts and alfact. e>~ ~i mortgagee ahaB ba eatitted to the poseaeeion of all of enfd property. Had may, at its option.
<br />dorlere the whole of saki note and ad s r~essnted thereby W be immedfate;y due sad payabb, sad may foacMse this aarrtgege
<br />~ take aqy athsr Isgat aetioa tc pzetect its tit. Amt waived,
<br />This ttrortgaga shaII be bindiiag trtwn and ahsrll era m the benefit of the heirs, ezeaators. adsrsiaiatratora, successors amt da~os of the
<br />teepactive Kettles hereto.
<br />WFIEREOF, ~_ bs Yf` set their head _S-_ti~ day a~ Yrer first above
<br />easy a e
<br />