<br />STATE Ur` NEB1iAbl~i, County ot ........................................................:
<br />Filed €or record and entered in Numerical Inde: .,{ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~
<br />on ............................................................ at .............. o'clock ................ M., .,C~,~ ~ L,
<br />and recorded in Deed Record ............................... Page .............................. ~ !7 ~ a. C;
<br />......................~.................................... By ............................................................ ~~,•g MAR 3~ 39
<br />County Clerk or Deputy County Clerk or ;
<br />Register of Deeds Deputy Register of Deeds t ~ •~ )~.-'~~,
<br />- 1.11 ~- '. . - :. t 1 :'-: X j
<br />Wilheimina Ruth Hinrikus, a widow ,herein called the grantor whether sae os ae:+re,
<br />!A CnnstderatlOn Of Four Thousand Four Hundred Eighteen and 80/100 {$4,418.80)
<br />Dollars
<br />received from grantee, dcea grant, Irargaln, sett, convey and cnatfirm unto Myron Hinrikus and
<br />Rachel Hinrikus, husband and wife, as tenants in common,
<br />herein called the grantee whether ono or more, the following described real property is
<br />...............................Hall............................. County, Nebraska:
<br />South Half {S/2) of the Southwest Quarter tSW/4) of the
<br />Northwest Quarter (NW/4) of the Northwest Quarter 4NW/4)
<br />of Section Twenty°four {24), Township Nine {9} North,
<br />Range Eleven (11) West of the 6th P.M.,
<br />AND
<br />North Half (N/2) of the Northwest Quarter (NW/4) of the
<br />Southwest Quarter (SW/4) of the Northwest Quarter {NW/4)
<br />of Section Twenty-four (24}, Township Nine (9) North,
<br />Range Eleven (11) West of the 6t'r. P,M,
<br />To have and Lo ;.old the above described premises tes~ther with all tenements, heredit~eg~
<br />and appureenaaees thereto belonging unto the grantee and to grantee's heirs and assigns forever.
<br />And the grantor does hereby covenant with the grantee and with grantee's heirs and a~igns
<br />that grantor is lawfully sassed of said premises; that Lhey are free from encumbrance
<br />that grantor hsa good right and lawful authority to convey the same; and that grantor warrants and will
<br />defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all peraans whomsoever.
<br />Dated ~~ ~, ~'-~-~. ~ ~ - 19 7 9 .
<br />itift'_tffi:~S'`iA S'i~ULU11G°~T "..PtV 1 ..
<br />5TA~~P TkK ~ '~
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<br />P Wilhelmi.na Ruth Hinrikus
<br />v~a~R 1 ~ ' a ~ ~
<br />~ STATE OF NEBRASKA, Coun of .,...
<br />i~tSKfl ~'i'.IlPrt~;v~~~ Bafore me, a notary public qualified for said county, Personally Damn
<br />S"fA~F TA,
<br /> Wilhelmina Ruth Hinrikus, a widow
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<br />1 known to me to he the identical person or geranna who signed the
<br />11~1`
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<br />~ foregoing instrument and seknowiedged the ezeeut5on thereof to be his,
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<br />s hm. or their voluntary set and deed.
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<br />Form 8,;: Approved by' $FabraBka state Bar AaaoctaLian rm~ a was oo:, u.ad., x~r.
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