~g.._. c:~,.~~~3 ~A®RTGAGE
<br />THI$ 2NDENTURE, amde this 4th day of March , 19 _Z2., by end between
<br />FIiANCTS FOW£LL and D.4kI.£P7E Af. t?OWi<LL, Htasband and Wife, each in his and her own-right
<br />and- as spouse of the other,
<br />of Hall County, Nebraska, ae mortgagor s ,and Grand Island Trust Company of Grand Iehurd, a carporation
<br />organized ~d existing under the laws of Nebraska with its principal offxe and place of business et Grand Island, Nebraska, as mortgagee;
<br />WITNESSETH: That said asortgagor s ,far end in wnsideratioa of the sum of
<br />**Seven TEtousaad Five Hundred Sixty-three and 46l100ths*3* I3o(leral~ 7~6~. 1,
<br />the receipt of which is hereby aelctmwledged, do _ by these presents mortgage and werraatnato said mortgagtt, its enCCraeoi~ and assigns,
<br />forever, all the following described real estate, situated is Lhe County of Halt
<br />erect State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />East Thirty-faun Feet (34'} of Lot Nine (9), and West
<br />Twenty-seven Feet (27') of Lot Eight (8}, Block Three (3},
<br />Blain Addition, City of Grand island, Nall County, '.Nebraska.
<br />Together with all basting, air coaditiaoing, lighting, and plumbing equipment and Eztures, including screens, awnings, storm windows and
<br />doors, and window ahadee or blinds, used on ~r in wnaection with said property, whether the same are sow located on said grop~ty or har~$er
<br />placed Lberaoa.
<br />TG HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME. together with sIl and singular the teaementa. hersditemaats and appurtenances taece~..._
<br />-laagiag, or ~ anywise a,.=-rteiniog, forever. and .varrant the title to the same. Said morgegor 5 hereby wveaaat-with said
<br />rmrtgagee that -t her a rP . at the delivery- hereof. the lawful owcer_~_. of the premises ebnve conveyed and dcecr,bed.
<br />apd are seized of a good sad indefectible estate of inluriteace therein. free and clear of all encumbtsaces, sad that~he~wi!!
<br />warrant sad de#end the title thereto forever against the claims and demands of all parsons whomsoever.
<br />PkOYIDED ALWAYS, and this instrument is executed and delivered to aeture the payment of the sum of
<br />**Seven ?housandFive Hundred Sixty-three and 46/100ths**Dollars(8 7,553.4b 1.
<br />with iataraat thereon, together with such cherg~ and advaacas as ma;/ be due ark gayabk to aril mortgagee under the terms sad eoaditioas
<br />of Lhe promissory rwte of evoa date herewith end secured hereby, ezecuted by said mortgagor 3 to said mortgagee, payabLs es expressed
<br />in said testa, sad W eewze the p~formaace of all the terms aril wnditioas contained therein. The terms of said cote are hexaby incorporated
<br />herein by this refeeeace.
<br />it is the iatmt#on and ageeement of tl~ parties hereto that this mortgage shall also secure any future advaace5 made to said mortgagot~
<br />b-f sakt ~, and any sad all iadebtedneas in addition to the amount aho're stated which said ,mortgagarv. or any of them. may owe to
<br />said mortgagee, however ev~eaoed, whether by note, hook account or otherwise. This mrtgage shall remain in fuA force sad effect between
<br />tlm pertsw hereto and their heirs, personal repr~entativea, surresaors and sasigaa, until ell ansounta secured hereunder, including future
<br />advanem, sze paid is fuL with iateremt.
<br />The mortgagor~_ hereby assign _ to sad amrtgagae stl rents and ineame arising at any and all times from aa~ property and
<br />Hereby suthoriae aid mortgagee or its agent, at its option, upon default. to take charge of said property sad trolleet all rents and income
<br />therefrom sad apply the name t4 the payment of interest, principal, insurance premiums. fazes. assesst~nts, repairs or improvements
<br />wary to keep said property is tenantable condiLien, or to ether charges ar payments provided for herein or is the sole hereby secured.. This
<br />rent aseigament shall cmtinue is fares until the unpaid behusce of said sate is fully paid. The taking of possession hereunder shall in no manner
<br />pr®v~t -or retard said is ~ coltaction of acid _snma by foxeatos~,re or otherwise.
<br />The faflure of the mortgagee to assert agyr of its rights hereunder at any lima shall not be ooastrued u a waiver of its right to assert the
<br />same at any hum time, sad W imiet upon amt eaforee strict compliance with all the terms and provisions of said sole erect of this tacrtgage.
<br />If said nwttgsgo~ aha13 eau to be paid w said mortgagee the entire aasouat duett hereunder, srai undo: the terms and proviaiana
<br />of amid note bstroby assured, including future adveacea, sad any extenaiona or renewals thereof in accordance wish the forms and provisions
<br />th~eaf, and if arfd mortgagor ~_ shall rnmptp with all the provisions of said note and of this mortgage, then these presents shall 6e void:
<br />otkmrwiae to remainia fiilI force-and effect, sad said mortgage®shall be entitled to the possession of ell of said property, and may, st its option,
<br />declare the atwle of askl note end at! iadebtadta3ea re~entad ther~y to be immediakely due aml payable, sad may foreclose this ~rtgege
<br />m' take say Other )Bast astiart W protect its right. Appraieemant waived.
<br />Thin rartgage shall be hiadtagupon mad ahaU enure to the bene5t of ihs heirs, executors, administrators. eucceaeore mad eaieigns of the
<br />teapactiva psrtiss hereto. - - .
<br />°IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said-Mortgagor_f~haY~hereunto set their-- hand _g the day and year first shove
<br />written. - - ->
<br />- E~~
<br />~IP `~en~~l~~
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