<br />.:, , -:.
<br />That the- Mortgagor will pay }he indebtednets as-~iiereinbefore provided. -. - - ~ - '-" .
<br />1 Thak the Mortgagor rs the owner of said property inter -stmple aril has Bond -right and tawfut authority- to salt and -
<br />I th, ear ~ and .l:o. itt~ ~~ a--,rte oral ~tror ,f any r . o.- .. _ .bra •, neat! t'~.nt..-hX Srt~agcr wztl warr~rat '?i3d deft`n 1 the-
<br />zvrvPy r- _.,
<br />t,tte t{? said premises against the-cttiims of-alt prisons wh nyogv<r. - ~ - -
<br />To -pay irrimedititety wReis dote and payable aA grnerat-tWc.L~; apecia(_ fazes, special ase5sments, water charges, sewer ~s@rv- '
<br />icy .-tserges, and <athrr-taxer and chargesagairtst said-, property, and atL taxes levied an the tleht secured kieretxy, and to furnish the
<br />Mortgagee, upar..rrriurst. with ~ migina!.ur-rlurttica#e.receipls~ therefvt. The :vIr9rtgagor agrees fhaf there shaft- he addbd #a ~~.-.
<br />.',~^,. ear?; ,::onthly payment re:{t.tr^d s,?reorder «r tender the cv dance of dcl?t >=_eurert hereby an amc?unE eotimated !,y t~;e Mortgagee - _
<br />to bs.• sufficient to ersat>;r= the i+'16rtKagee to pa_, as they tmcome dtie, at! Eaxes, ause~ments. and similar charges utmnthe prem~
<br />ices subject thereto; ar~vdeficienep becai:se of the insl+tficiency of such additional t?aymenta chaff be farthwifh deposited hp the
<br />.taiorigagor u-itF, the :4i~~rEgarec open demand by the Aiozts;agae Any +)e Cauit under this paragraph shaft be deemed a clefau)t in
<br />payment of t,3zes, assessmarsts, ar eimilar charges required hereunder. -
<br />The '.4+;rtgagor agrr~as Lhak there ?hat: also ~ adde<t. t•, each ,nn.^.*-ht1' :-'~?%menk of paincipal .aced inkerr>si _seq.uixad_here- -
<br />mtder an amount est+matrd by~ the .dorfgt~ee to !>e suutc+eni to ••nable the ;ti,=rtg3gee fo pay, as if becomes due, the insurance
<br />~ p`reminm on any in&urance policy c(ehvr•red #o the n3ortgage<= Ant =! rc' xti Fn~ca.i.e> of tF c- ^t:,utfict -cry of u Y ~ .nit .ai pay- -
<br />-~ menu sfiaii ere fnri.i:w+#h deturitecl ).y else .'+fr•rtgagar with ;he ~i<nttgnge~. ulx;n demana? by hn mortgagee. Anv default under Lhis
<br />paragraph si.alt Fxm etermed a +?efauit in the payment of insurance premiurns. Il tibe policy or pb}ieies deposited are such as"M.iiie-
<br />owners err alt risk Fx?)ieies, end th,- depruits ar-r insn_fficient Gr ;ray the entire pr mium, the ~irztgagee may apply the deposit ko
<br />pay Premiums an rinks rertuited to he ir~ured by this mnrtKeKe. -
<br />Pa~_ .- ns macl+_• h}~ the 4lc~rigarnr under flee above -, -?ragraph= n-:a;•. a£ the <>ptian -of the tv4o,*tgagee,- he halo by i£ and,
<br />camming)e-d ~~ah other curb fund- ?:r its axon funds-fur the payment -.>f such iFems, and x:ntil sa applied, such payments a-re hereby
<br />pl~dge<! as seeur:ty for the unpaid balance of the mortgage ixu3ebtedoestic- -
<br />Tn F,ra~ure, drticer to. and maintain for the hh=ree8t of the linrtgagee during the tale of this mortgage original po?ides and _
<br />renewals t-h=reef, rielivvrcti at leas*_ ten days before the expsratinr, .f am such policies, insuring against fire and other in-curable
<br />lu9zards, casualties, and contingencies as the kiorLgag~: n.ay repute=, in an amaart equal to the indeb#edneas secured by this _
<br />Mc=r{gage, and in easnp~anies acceptable £o the 1$artgagee, with ease payable etsuse in fa. a, rf and in fc.rm acceptable to the mortga-
<br />gee. in the avers an}- policy is eat renewed nn or be4?re ten a2ays of its expiratir;n- f}re 2vlortgagee may ,>rcreure insurance oa 2he
<br />impr<?vrneents, pay the nremiurr. therefor, and such cure she)! }x~c•;me immediately due and payable with interest at the rate- se€
<br />:ertkz in mid note until paid and >hal! he secured bs~ ibis' martgaee= Failure nn the part of the Mortgagor tc= furnish such renewals
<br />as are herein requiredt or failure to pay any sums ad ennead brreun<Ior aha)t, at £he apt:on of the Mortgagee_-, eanstitute a default
<br />ender flee Eerms of this mc,rtgt+~e. The delivery of nus:h pellet.^s also)!, in t}:.^ ^eeia of default, acestituta an assignment of the un-
<br />earned premium.
<br />Tiny sum; re: eivr-r) by the° '..:ortKagee by reascan =rf loss r :}amaru insured against ma he retained t;y the t•fnrtgagre -
<br />ahd appti: ~t toward Eha !>ayment of the .?ebt Hereby 5e~'; red, cr, at the ap ;rn e, ;`*e h3ar{gagee, such sums either who;ly tie !n
<br />Bart may be paid ove€ a~ £he 3-SortKagar tc• t,,e teed t=~ :rpa=r arch 'sat.=2n„e a: re: i;eild-;:mow hui;riin3s in the=ir place or far any
<br />other p:tr{w,e or ablest satisfactory to the :1='(r*rtaaKer' wi{h:;ui aftectir,F th? )ten nn the cone{gage fn-- [he Putt amount recur.... . --
<br />by hofore such payment ever t..ai. place-
<br />T`o jtrotrxgtiy repair, restore ar rebuild any };u:!dings •~r improve-rzteats nose ~~,r F,e reaifer an the 7aremi~r~s •n°hich may he-
<br />ceme dams,;~3 or des{n>yad; to keep said Prem="see :n Kcicxi c=:ndi tenet noel repair and fear from any mechanic's lien or other !ten ar
<br />ctrcim of lien eat 2xpressiy subnrdznated to the )ten hs~reof: nr.t to su €f.•r ;,r ;~«.=emit any unlawful use of ar any nuisance to exist on
<br />said erogeity ear to permit wa_sEe on said premise=., n+,r ice rlo any- n#her act x-heret?v-ttee property hereby conveyed she!! become -
<br />!„ss valuab)e. ear to diminish or iutpais its value by any act cz +=mi.ion to act; to cnmpty with ail requirements of law with respect
<br />to the mortgaged grernises neat the use thereof.
<br />That should the premises or any part seer--mot l~ s.akr=u =3r damaged by rea<en of any pubtir improvement ar condo-mnarion
<br />proceeding, or under the right of emincrt domain, <-; ir, env :;:her marrer. the Mortgagee shat! be entitled tr: a12 comgensatinns,
<br />awards, and any ether payment or relief therefor, and zhati Fxa enti{)ed, at its epUan. to commence. appear inarxl prosecrrte--iri its---
<br />awn Warne any actior, or proeeedin;;, or tcx make any compramiae nr settlement. in connection with such {eking ar damage. All such
<br />aymgenaa#ion, awards. damages, right of action and p+zxeeds are hereby assignr_d ta. the ldartgagee. wiio may, aftcz. dediic{ing
<br />therefrom aIt its expenses, release any moo..^ys so rei•.ezveu by it er aPPiy the same =;>n any indfb#edness secured hereby--The ,44trrt•
<br />gagor agrees to execute suctx further assignments of any rompensatic=n, awards, damages and rights of sctionand pracerds as-the
<br />Mortgagee may n~quirr. - - -
<br />That an case of failure to perform any of the .-ove Hants herein. the 9iartgagee may r1o on the Morkgagnr's behalf every{king -'~;;
<br />aavenanLed: that the Mortgagee may also da any ac# it may dorm nece5.sary to protect Lhe tier, tharaof; that the -H-2ortgagor w'i!!
<br />repay upon demand ary moneys paid ar disbursed by the itiiartgagee for any of the above purptsses, and such moneys-tngeLfier with
<br />interest thrrcron at the rate- provided in said note shaft become sa much additional indebtedness hereby secured and may he in- _
<br />clsxded in any decree for~:losirig ibis mortgage and t?er paid out of the rer-zs or proceeds of w!e of said premises if eat otherwise _
<br />paid; that it she!) not ere nbtiga{ory ugan the D4arfgagee to inquire into the validity at any lien, encumbrances. or claim in ad- ~_„
<br />vtxncingvroneys as~above authorized,-butnathir-g hezein contained shat! be-esmstrued as requiritrg the 4[actgagre to advsrse+e any _
<br />rsroneys for any such Pur{xese nor to do any act hereunder; and that Mnrtgagtt elicit not inr•ur any personal Liability tx•.°aus~ of any-
<br />thing. it may dA or omit in du hereunder. -
<br />In Lhe event of the defeat} by Mortgagor in the payment of any irsstallment, as r~~_ir°~ by fhr Nate secured horrify. ar --
<br />- in the performance of the obligation in this mortgage or in Cho torte secured thetehy, the \3urtgagee shad be entitled to declare the - -
<br />- debt ae: ttred F.ercby due and. payable without notice, and Elie Morigagee_shal[ be entitled at its option, without. notice, either by itself - -
<br />aF try a receiver tc 6e'appuinted EtY the cotirL thereof,-arid without regard to the adequacy of any security for ti+e inaebtrtinesa sr-
<br />eurer4 hereby, to ~ntc-r upon and- falte pos4esstori tit the mortgaged premises, a_ red-Lo ro{teat and receive khe~renLS, rues need-p~ofiis~ _
<br />- 2}+ereoi, and apply the'same, Iesa costs of opera{tan and-'collection, -upon tI~ irxtetrtedruesa Srcttred b]+ flits mor#gagr° sEttd- rriifie;" -
<br />iaetres_ end prnflts beingltereby'assignedLo fife IiRot3gagr:e gas further-seeticity for the-gayissrnt of alt indrbtedtiess srtntreit iPeiehy.
<br />- T[fe -Mortgagee. snail have the power- to appellee any spent or agents ik t:my fleeter for fete purpose of r„pairirrg -said pram=
<br />- 'sacs: reta`c-ng the ~;.cotlrr ng t}~ -art, ri'erues azd inctjm:~,-and~:tsr#ay.pay-cut a° said incat:a?. I ex,~enses,izscFrrred ict rent-
<br />irtg~_grrd-_menaging-fife-same and of cotteeting the rental thecetmm. Tlue`bstaiice rrrrtaining.~if any. shall he appliew3 toward tier
<br />-,dischsrge_ai -~Ute mortgae indebtednesv. This assigmr,eaE is to teftrtirtate _artd bernme nul3 grid void upon rrleawr of this rnot4gttge-
<br />