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<br />r9-- ~.tt1~~Fs~i M~RT~~~E <br />THIS INDENTURE, made this ~ th ~ day of ~ i$arCh 19 ?~ _, by aad between <br />{)ftTN ~~ RxFLi'F~.a"alt'tr nn rrrr qr• cap lft~~t+.a^ci a.rl s. f~ -~ her n t <br />ura~c~ ,f.. ~.s~s _ '` -~.' _,~~C}i n ttis 25d '~ .s.L~_ <br />and as s~ouae of the other,- <br />of tall (aunty, Nebraska, as atortgsgor ~ ,and Grand Island `Frost Company of Grand falaad, s corporation <br />organized and aaistsng under the caws of Nebraska with its principal office aad place of business at Grand Island, Nabrapka, as ntortgag~; <br />W ITNE$SEmIt: '_rti t said mo*.e^ae:...x_- , for enil in caasideraiion of the sum of <br />**Three Thousand Ore Hundred Thirty and 7S(1fl0ths** 3~1.3fi•35 ~ ~, <br />Dollars {~. ., -.~_ i, <br />the zereipt of wh~h is hereby acknowledged, do - by these presents mortgage std warrant unto said mottg~es~ its a¢ce~ara-;' <br />forever, all the followsgdescribed real estate. situated in the Couuty of _ Hail - ... . <br />and State of Nebmaka, to•wii: <br />Lot Faur {k) in Block Twenty-four {24), in Searff's Addition to <br />West Lawn in the f-ity of Grand Island, Rall County, NeFsrrska. <br />?'ogether with.aii Y.eatiag, air coaditioniag, tightiag, and plumbing egaipment and futures, in";<"~ ~ screens, awnings, atnrm windows ni,,. <br />doors, anti wictdow shades or blinds, e°e? oa or in connection with said Property, whether the same are naw toceted an said prapaety or hereafter <br />placed thereon. <br />1'O HAVE AND'Y'O HOLD THE SAME, together with all and singular the tenements, hereditamante aad appurtenanoee thateuato be- <br />longiag, or is anywise appertaining, forever, aad warrant the title to the same. Said nwrgagor;i-herein covenant _ with said <br />mortgagee that._._.t hey SF° . at the delivery hereof, the lawPrf owaer__._g_ of the prami+es above conveyed aad deataihed, <br />a~ ar~_seized of a goad and iruiefeas~Ie estate of inheritance therein. free and sleet of all eacumbrences, aad that.L__hey_..will <br />wettest and defend the title thereto forever against the claims and demands of all persons whomsoever. <br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, aad this instrument is executed and delivered to secure the payment of the sum of <br />**Three Thousand One Hundred Thirty and 75/i00ths** _ ~~,s1a3,130.75 i, <br />with iatereat thereon, together with such charges etx! advances sa may be due aad payable to said mortgagee wader the terms and conditions <br />of the pramissary note of even date herewith and secured hereby, executed by said mortgagor to said mortgagee, payable as ezpeased <br />is said ante, sad to secure the performance of all the terms and soaditions contained therein. The terms of ~sd note are Y in~pwated <br />betels by this refarenee. <br />It is Wa suentloa and egreemeat of the parties hareta that this mortgage ahatI also aetatte say future advances made to said mortgagor <br />by enid mortgagee. and any and all indebtedness u. addition to the amount atwve stated which said mortgagors, or any of ttwm, may owe to <br />said mortgagee. however evideaeed, whether by note, book account ar otherwise. This nnrtgage shall remain in full farce sad effeM between <br />the parties hereto and their baize, personal representatives, successors aad assigns, until all amounts secured hereunder, including future <br />adveaoes, are paid is inL' with interest. <br />The mortgagor~.3_ hereby assign _ fA said mortgagee all rents and inceme arising ai say and all tiams from said propety and <br />hereby authorize said mortgagee or its agent, at its aptian, aeon default, to taL•e charge of said property and collect all rents and income <br />t6taefzbm aad app{y the same to rile payment of interest, Principal. insurance armaiuma. texas, ~sseasmente, =epaaira or in:pzavementa <br />rtsssasary to keep said pmgarty iz tenantahie condition. err to ether chargers or payments provided for herein or in rise note hereby secured. This <br />zen+ assignment shall centime is farce until the unpaid balance aE said cote is fully paid. The taloag of poasassioa heseaad_ er slntIl in no a18IIner <br />ptereet ~ retard said martgsgea its: the cottectitm of acid aurae: by foteetaanra ~ athatreise. <br />The faih[ea of the mortgagee to assert any of its rights hexeun~ at any time shall not be canstraad ee a salves of its right tti assert the <br />same at soy later time, and W ineiat. npoa sad enfora+ strict compliance with aH the terms and provisiaas of said sate and of this nmrtgage. <br />H aad moetgagor s shall cause to be-paid to said mortgegee.tha entire amount due it l~aader, and under the terms end provisions _ <br />of said ante lsasby secured, lacludiag fttture ativanatre, aad-any extanstoaa or raaawsls thereof fir ataordama with the raters and provisions <br />tharenf, atel if said mottgsgar '8 shalt etxapty with all the provisions of said sore-and of this mortgage> -then 6heBe praeaiats nhall be void: <br />otigarwiga to tamale in fail (aria and effect; and eafdmnetgagae shall ha entitled to t>b poaeeesion of art of prapsrty; and may;'at fEa optidn, <br />~stlaea ti:a w~i]e o« sa&' tmEe aad all thereby to be immed,ately-dire alai payable, salt amy foreclose-this. awrtgage <br />~ take arty otir3r IeBat sctfoa to protest ita'right: Apprsi0ement waived. <br />Thm nsirtflaSe I» hitsding npm aad ehatl snare to the benefit of tho_ hales, ezecutors, adminiatratora, euce'eesors-end assigns iaf the <br />~e.patt~s 6eseta; <br />iN WfTf'!'ESS R?IIEREOF, said Ii9ortgagm~ _ ha -48--heieuato set hand ~_tbe day and year first above <br />written: - - - ~~ - .. <br />r ee er <br />€iemice :T. , ,crier <br />