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<br />Grand Island Hardware Co., of Grand Zsland, Nebraska, herein
<br />called the Granter, in corsideratian of Qne Dollar (51.00), receipt
<br />of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby grants and conveys unto the
<br />a municipal corporation, in Hall County, Nebraska, herein called the
<br />Grantee, a permanent and perpetual easement and right-of-way to con-
<br />struct, operate, maintain, extend, repair, replace, and remove public
<br />utilities, including but not limited to, sanitary sewers, storm sewers,
<br />water mains, undergro=.snd and overhead electric lines, telephone Lines,
<br />manholes, pipe Lines, surface :~arkers, and other appurtenances, upon,
<br />over, in, and through a tract of land in Block Fifty (50), Packer &
<br />Barr's Second Addition, more particularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning at the southwesterly corner of Lot Four (4},
<br />Black Fifty (50) of Packer €~ Barr's Second Additior to
<br />the Gity of Grand Island, Nebraska; thence northwesterly
<br />along the westerly Line of Block Fifty (50) of Packer &
<br />Barr`s Second Addition; a distance of 132.0 feet to the
<br />actual point of beginning; thence continuing along the
<br />last described course a distance of 16.0 feet; thence
<br />deflecting right and running northeasterly alcng a line
<br />parallel to and 148.0 feet distant from the southerly
<br />line of Block Fifty (50), Packer £~ Barr's Second Addi-
<br />tion a distance of 264.0 feet to the easterly line of
<br />said Blocs-_ Fifty (50); thence deflecting right and running
<br />southerly along said East line of Black Fifty (50} a
<br />distance of 16.0 feet; thence deflecting right and running
<br />southwesterly along a fine parallel to and 132.0 feet
<br />distant from the south line of Block 50 of Packer & Barr's
<br />Second Addition a distance of 264.0 feet to the point of
<br />beginning, as shown on the plat dated 2121179 marked
<br />Exhibit "A" attached hereto and ircorparated herein by
<br />reference,
<br />together with the following rights, namely, unrestricted ingress and
<br />egress under and across such land for the purpose of exercising the
<br />rights herein Granted, to clear and keep clear of trees, roots, brush,
<br />and other obstructions from the surface of such tract. Any such utilities
<br />and appurtenances placed upon, osier, and under such tract of land shall
<br />remain the property of the Grantee and may be removed or replaced at
<br />any time.
<br />The Grantor, for itself; its successors and assigns, hereby covenants
<br />that no buildings, Fences, or structures shall be erected or permitted
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