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<br />6 <br />~ E S O L U T Z O N <br />WfTERF.AS, the Resolution gassed by the-city Council an February 19. 1979, <br />~rtair:ine to Water Connection District Na. 326T contained several errors in the Ie$aI <br />descriptions; • <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE ?T RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND <br />. ISLAND, NEBRASKA, that the legal descriptions in the foregoing resaiution shalt be <br />~arr2cte3 to read as follows: <br />DESCRIPTION ~~T <br />blest 100 feet of East l33 feet of a tract described as commencing <br />at the Northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter (SEA}, Section 13-I1-10; <br />thence South 148.5 feet; thence west 290 feet; thence North 152 feet; <br />thence East 290 feet to the point of beginning,. as shown in Baok 115, <br />. gage 310 $891.00 <br />blest 100 feet of East l33 feet of a tract described as commencing at a <br />paint 14$.5 feat South of the Northeast comer of the Southeast Quarter <br />(SE$}, Section 13-11-i0; thence Wast 290 feet; thence South 150.2 feet; , <br />thence East 290 feet; thence North 150.2 fee*. to the point of beginning, <br />as shown in Book 125, page 207 $901.20 <br />West 100 feat of East 133 feet of a tract described as commencing at a <br />point 298.7 feet South of the Northeast earner of the Southeast Quarter <br />(SEbi}, Section 13-i1-l0; thence West 290 feet: .thence South 50 feet; thence <br />Sast 290 feet; thence North 50 feet to the point of beginning, as shown in <br />Soak 151, page 173 $300.00 <br />West 140 feet of East 133 feet of a tract described as commencing ae a <br />point 1,$95 feet North of the Southeast career of the Southeast Quarter <br />(SF.-t'}, Section 13-11-10;~then^e North 100 feet: thence 4?eat 290 feet; thence <br />___ South 100 fast: thence E,~s*_ 244 fe?t to the g¢int of beginning, as shaw~ <br />p is Boak 9l, gage 139 $S06_~_ <br />$ ~ !!I blest 200 feet of East 133 feet of a tract described as caQaaencing at a <br />rn ~ I point 1,895 feet North of the Suut:teast earner of Section 13-11-10; thence <br />~3 - o"i ~ West 290 feat; thence South-142.55 feet; thence East 290 feet; thence North <br />f °° ~ 342.55 feet to the paint .Gf begiziring, ,.s slxown in Boak 143. page 227 $855.30 <br />,,.,; ~ <br />West 100 feet of East 133 feet of a tract described as commencing at a <br />~ `~ ~ paint 287.1 feet North o€ the Southeast corr:er of the Northeast Quarter of <br />~ ~ the Southeast Quarter {N£;SE~), Section 13-11-10; thence North 144.6 feet; <br />ehence West 290 feet; thence South 142.55 feet; thence East 290 feet to the <br />~ ~ , paint of beginning, as shown cn Doe, No. 77-003868 $8b7.60 <br />bleat l0O feet of East 133 feet of a tract described as beginning at the <br />southeast earner of Northeast Quarter of Southeast Quarter (P'E~SE~} o€ <br />See. I3-II-10; thence North 287.1 feat; thence Ss'est 290 feet; thence South <br />285.1 Eeet; thence East 290 feet to the point of beginning, as shown in <br />$oak 99, Page 629 $3,722.60 <br />• hest 100 feet of East 133 feet of a tract described as beginning at a <br />point 448.9 feat South of the Northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter <br />{SEt}, Section 13-i1-10; thence Wese 290 feet; thence South 197.7 feet; <br />thence East 240 feet; thence North 197.7 feet to the point of beginning $1,286.20- <br />. West 100 feet o~ East 133 fact of a tract described as beginning 348.7- <br />feet South of the Northeast corner of the Noztheast Quarter of the Southeast <br />Qnarter <NE~SE~} of Section 13-11-10; thence West a distance of 290 feet; <br />thence South a distance a€ 300.2 feet; thence East a distance of 290 feat- <br />. to the East line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter <br />S of Section 13-11-10; thence North 300.2 feet to the paint o£ <br />$ g $601.20 <br />TOTAL. $7,925.10 <br />•* C.os Seconded b Cuuacilman 31Stt8Ty <br />~,s3rz=. hy•Councilzaan y -- <br />8011 call-vats: "Yes°': C2s4~toa, Folscra, Freiamatt, Goa, Sohn, IperreADtmiui <br />{37Ka~7~, $o~aer, 81stt~z'~r-Yost. . <br />• "~" : Aotf'e <br />tYot3cn Cazried Manzh c19 '1 j'~}- - <br />