<br />~~~- ~3~1~~~
<br />MoRTGnr,E _ _ _ _
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. ~L 23358 _
<br />KNOW ALLAIENSYTHESIiPRESENTS:That Verne. W. Simmons and Janet A. SiltimOnS, each in his
<br />and her own right and as spouse of each other
<br />Mortgagor, whethzr one ox muro, in cansideratian of the sum of
<br />Fifty Thousand and Na!100--------------------------------------------------------- DOLLARS
<br />loaned fo said mortgagor by The Equitable Building and Lban Association of Grand Island, Stiebraska, Mortgagee, upon 500 shazes of stock of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 2335$ , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage tsto the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br />described real estate, situated in Hall Ce;mty, Nebraska:
<br />together with ail the tenements, hereditaments and :tppertenances thereunto belangirg, including attached floor coverings, all wirtdow screens,
<br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air corditionine, and plumbing and water equipment and accessories thereta,pumps,stovas,
<br />refrigerators, and other fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attached to ar aced in connection with said real estate.
<br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree t},at the mort;:agar shall and w)Il pay all ?axes and assessments levied or
<br />assessed upon said premises and anat. this mortgage a.^.d t!te bond secured theret:~ before the s::me sha3] became delinquent; to furnish approved
<br />insurance upon the buildings an card premises siiwiedin the sum of S 50,ODD. OD payable to said ASSOCIATION and to defirer to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the poticlrs fm said insurance: and net to ca.nrr;it ar permit any waste on ar about said premises;
<br />In ease of default in ttte performance of any of the to€ms and conditions of This mortgage ar *.hc band secrared hereby, the mortgagee .,~
<br />- - an demand, be entitled is immediate cassessic+n of the mortgaged premixs and the mortgagor hereby acetone, transfers and xis over to the
<br />- mortgagee all the rents, revenues and income fa be derived from the mortgaged premises during such time as the murigage indebtedness sbaB romain
<br />unpaid: and the mortgagee shall have the power *_o appoint any gent or agents it m-ay desire fcr rite purpose of repairing said premises and renting
<br />the same and collecting the rents, rerenues and income, and it may pay out of said ircame all expenses of repairing said premises and nesxssary
<br />- wmmissians and expenses incurred in renting and managing the same anti of collecting rentals therefrom; the balance remaining, if any, to be
<br />applied toward the discharge of said mortgage indebtedness; these rigi:ts of the mortgagee may be exercised at any time daring the existence of such
<br />default, irrespective of any ti;mporary waiver of the same.
<br />Tltax Presets, however. a e upon the Canr{;lien, That :f ti?e s id Mortgage-r ~itati rspav said loan on ar 6efare the rmaturity of said shares by
<br />payment; pay monthly to said ASS~'IATION of the sum specified in the Road secured hereby as interest and ptincipad on said loan, bn at before
<br />_ the Twentieth day of each and every month, anti; said town is fully paid: pay ail rases and asxssments levied against said premises and on this Mortgage
<br />- and [he Bund secured thereby, bolero delinquency; furnish approved ;nsurarce upna the buildings thereon in the sum of 3 50,OD0. Qt7 payable
<br />to said ASSOCIATION: repay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand alt money by it paid tar such taxes, assessments and insurance with interest at
<br />the maximum legal rata thereon from date of payment all of which Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay: permit na waste on said premses;keep and comply
<br />• with all the agreements and conditions of the Band tar S SD,ODD. (3Q this Say given by the said Mortgagor ?o said ASSOCIATION, and comply
<br />with all the requirements oC the Constitution and Ry-Laws of said ASSOCIATION; then these presents shall become null and void, otherwise they
<br />shall ten?ain in full farce and may be foreclosed at the option of the said ASSOCIATION after failure for three months to make any of said
<br />payments or be three months in arrears in making said monthly oayman?s, ar to keep and comply with the agreements ar+d conditions of said8and;
<br />and Mortgagor ,grew to have a receiver appointed forthwith in such forec;osure proceedings.
<br />If there is any change in ownership of the real estate mortgaged herein, by sale or othanvise, then the entire remaining indebtedness hereby
<br />secured shalt, at the option of T"ne Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, become irnmediateIy due and payable without
<br />further roEice, and the amount remaining due under said bond, and any other bond for any additional advances made thereunder, shall, from the
<br />date of exercise of said option. bear irterest at the maximum leper rate, and this mortgage r•tay then be foreclaxd Yo satisfy the amount due on said
<br />bond, and any ether band for addiiienaf advances, together with all sorts paid by sai3 The Egiitable Building and Loan Association of Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska far insurance, taxes and assessments, and abstracting extension charges, with interest [hereon, from date of payment at the maximum
<br />Iegal rate.
<br />As provided in the Bond scented hereby, while thin rongage rern:tins in offer the mortgagee may hereafter advance additional sums to the
<br />makers of said Bond, their assigns ur suece_sq*_< in interest, w:hieh sums shalt be a9ttun the security of this mortgage the same as the funds erigitta_1Iy_
<br />secured (hereby, the total amount of prireipal debt net to exceed at any time the nrginal amount of this mortgage. - -
<br />Dated this 7th'- day of March A. D., 2}37g
<br />r _
<br />e>f 1 ns ~r /..~'
<br />~t A. Simmons
<br />STATC OF NxB~.~.S?C.4, ~ ss. On this ~ th day of March I9 % } ,before me,
<br />the undersigned; a Notary Public in and for said County, personally cattle
<br />f Verne W. SimRrtns and-Janet Ae,~immons,-each in his-arid her-awn rig~~~and as styc~~a~~~h
<br />c~tFler ,, _ are
<br />mt tti lie rite identical persorb wh3nt rtatr3c„ S sfftxed to fhe above instrument as mortgagor 5 and they severally
<br />acknowledged lire said itrstrtttneat do IZe ~~e~ r v__ulist~~ aiq-and ite~d:
<br />WITNESS my ?!'agi3 N~iattat St~I th~t~ uresaid.
<br />Riy Cbrrtmrsstor~;expteES y,'.a '~ g't5, Ir V . "V aE~~/If
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<br />- - _ _ ~rotara~ Public
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