<br />That the Mortgagor wi#1-pay the indebtedness as h>'resnbefore .provided. .- ~ ~ ~ - - -
<br />"hat the'-.~ortgagt,z ,~ .i:a ~~r,~x of sat, pri.t,arty .r..ee ;:ir..piz anA has gae~3 rght ar'~...Egwfu! authartY to-sclI ars2 - -.
<br />wnvey The carne and that Ytte ssrne ~%aree ~rtd-cte~r,oi anY Iier, or eneuzuhrance~ and then SVTor#gagor-,,ivilE warrant and dEfend`the
<br />title is said premises against the i~iims of act--~rsona whomsoevr-r;- ~ -~ ~'.
<br />To ; ay-irnartedia#elY ~,) a~iti.;e .and pa_+a#~e act g~ttera tas-i:~, seer; 22=taze€:, 5pa<.ial s~~essmenta +. •afar•€_harges. sewer ser4~'_
<br />ice charges, and other-taxes and ct,,rges against said €,.aprrky, anti alt taxes levier! on the if<e~6tseeured herel)Y ~~ to furnish the ,
<br />Mnrfgager-, upon request, well-~ the t?riginai:nr du,)ticate receiptG-therrft;r. T'ne Morftyagar agrees~thaf ttsizre~shafl lie sdded io
<br />eac.?x tnonthly payment required '-e--;;user nr undo; th+~ .z4~traa•ner• of debt secured hrtrehy an amoun{ estir~ied P,y--fhe Mortgagee
<br />to lac sutfic•tent-~io-citable the lSfartgaRee.t pay, as tl:ev F+r' .mr• due, all taxna, as..esaments, and similar-charges updn the-prom- -
<br />tses snh7et# thereaa; any alefleia ncy because of the tnsvificnsn+y e f such adde{idnaT p•t}rn=nt.~s s}'tali-lie forthw"eth depcaiiied Icy the
<br />Sfortgagnr wttl: the 4ortgagee upon demand by 'the btorzgag~ e- AnY oet..tutf u,uler this paragraph shall he deemed a default in
<br />-•y~.i payment of inxes,~assessn:ents, nr similar charges rrttutred hereunder. - - -
<br />~L The \4origago'r agrees that there shalt also be added to each mnnihly payment of principal and interest.sequired here-
<br />under an emrunt estimassl by Lkte hiodgagee to he srtfficient to etzahle the bfortgazee to pay, acs, iibecomes due, t.ho msu ranee
<br />premium +-n ar,y ir,suraner~ pviicy c?e?ivererl in ih<= i'.4ortgage:~. lny r'-•t;ri^ne•. hc•t:au~e r.F tlzr~ insuffieiencY of such additional pay'-
<br />menu ,hall be farthti.etb depnszted by the J.4urtgagor w•rth tee 1I ~;-tgag ~ ur*an demand b< Lhe ~4nr{ga er•- Any default unfit this
<br />paragraph shalt tae d€tsmed a fir fault an thv pay mint of incur tee !ren ums If -the po?rcy r Rolicies !rpasited are such a~Inime-
<br />~ owners nr act risk pe'.icrrs, arc: the de~si is ere insut~..ctent it p ih• .^.. r.., }ar<: mrum, the t+lfnrtgagee may apply the deposit fo
<br />` 7>ay premiums or- risks recjui red to t>e insured i)y this morgagr.
<br />r aymer:fs made by it:e tortgagrrr under the shove ;;aragrayz'ts_= rue's, at file e,;,tic;n of the Mortgagee, he bald ty it a, d
<br />commingled •a~i€h c±her such funds nr its own funds fur-the }pyment of such items, anr3 until sn applied, such payments-are hereby
<br />plcalgect as serrritY fr,r Lhe a ,paid balance o€. the. to<)rtgage ineiahtedness. - - _ -
<br />Te prxure, deliver tc. ar.2= maintain for the >enadt-nt the A4ortgage~ during the Iife of this mortgage-original.paticies end
<br />rene•>vats therer>f. delivered at bast ter, days l~fore the exgirafi ,n cf ary sccch fwlic.ies, irisu tiny against Grp and other insurable
<br />Wizards, casuslties, and tvntingeneies as the l+tostgagee-may reGtzirr, in an arnaunt equal-ta the indebtedness secured ieY this
<br />h'fartgage, and in wmpanies ar:ceptehle to-the ~'4for{gagec--. with loc.. pa;:;tbie cause in fay-nr of and-in form acceptable to the i4Scrtga-
<br />..<. In the even+- a_ ;*=~L%y is n.,t renewed on -nr before ten da,vs cf iz; expiration. the l4far#gagee may prxvre insurance art the
<br />rr,. _
<br />improvemen s, pay the per, mium f}r++rt;far, and sorb Kum shall izFeznr ttrurery~tiately du-r and payable with interest ai -the rate set -
<br />forth in said rote unlit pass and s;:alt 1-m .veer; re.•d by the mr~rtga~ry. Fail.~re on the part of the Mortgagor #u furnish such renewals
<br />a_s are herein requrrd ar failure to pay any suss ad•:aaceri h?ref: m'ler sha1L at the option of the Mortgagee, constitute a rlefauIf
<br />under the terms o£ tlt+_>* mortgttgr-- T'ne d?3iver_~' ar s+tcn €arrlic~ie shale. in the event of efau?t. constitute an assignment of--the un•
<br />earned premium. ~ - -
<br />:.c-'g. t,-, _ ~ _.?~ rr`d net
<br />?tnv sums received by th:= .: ages ... -°°_-.^ <xf t^s; _>. _.. ..s!t.-. _ _ ._ may ?>~ -etainec. ny tae -' ortg'agee
<br />and applied toward the payn,r-.nt. of the debt. botchy >.,aG-,.., ., r. ar the option oaf tl,< ",Iartgagee, such sums either wholly a- in
<br />pert may he paid pv€r to ti.e °~ortgaK,~e to ~• uses '- c~saxr r!vh buildings or t„ 6uiid'new buildings in their place ar Inc ang
<br />other purlx:se or o'vieci •=atisfac;<,-a ;., t-e '1i.,r': , ~..;-~.~ .: z.a..-,; the :.er :)r: the murtga{,e ter the {u?t amtur.t se>"u rr<3 t+R•=..
<br />by before such payment eves trrok place.
<br />- Tn promptly repair, restore c:r rebuild ary- hurl'.?;n;;x "i tnaprr)vements now :ar hereafter oe tl?e. premiers which .:^av be- -
<br />---_e darn;aged ^,r d-.~.,t-i:r~: tc kevp said prE•mic+s ir. y;e.:=a~ coccitir~tt and r:^{)air ar_ci free Tram anc° mechanic'=_ li€,n nr ether lien or
<br />claim. of lien ;tot espressty su?x:rdirxtr-d to thc~ Iten h,.r,.r,{::,.., ....uffc•r r,r t)ermit :env unlawful use of or any nuisance to exist un
<br />sat<§ prc,-perty nor to pertrit waste nn said ?premises. n~~r r:, :±•, env other art •.a~herr•t>}- the property hereby :orveyeri shall become
<br />less valuable, not to diminish er imi)air iLs -aloe tw any a, . - ::utivtion to act . to cnmpl}~ with alt requiretnenta of taw with respect
<br />tc fhe mo; tgaged prom: ~s and th=_~ use ?hereo€.
<br />.
<br />That s;tould the premises or env part thereat be taken =>r ??an,agta! by reason of any public improvement ar trondemnaiion
<br />proceeding, nr under the right of emirant de:main. ;:r ir: env a±i;e.= manner. fhe 'vlr~rtgagee c!,al1 he r-niitled to all compensations.
<br />awards, and yap other payment or relies` therefor, anc', shaft E~• entitled, at its o{rticsn. to enmmence. appear in arts preaecufe in ifs
<br />awn name any artian of prt'`eeding, nr Lc, rnake ary cornl>romise +tr settle-meat in crmttection with such Eakin;; ar damage. All such
<br />compensation, awards, ciainages; -right of act"can attd prrn~eds are fverehy assigned to the - .'vlortgagee, who may, after -deducting
<br />therefmm ail ifs expenses, release any r.;oneys so receit~et by it er apply the carne on any indebtedness setvred hereby. Tire Matt- -
<br />gagar agrees to. execute such ftrr{her assignments of any ram pensatiun, awards, damages,.and rights of action and proceeds as tree -
<br />ivlOrtgagee may require. _ _ - - -
<br />That in case of failure to perform any of the rovenants herein, the Mortgagee may da on the Mortgagor's hehalt everything- ;'__
<br />so rnvenanted; that the 4ortgagee may also do any acE it may deem netwssary to protect the lien thereat: that the Mortgagor will u
<br />repay upon detnsiad any moneys paid-or disbursed 5y fhe Mortgagee far any of the atwve purposes, and such moneys-tagetFier with '"-`
<br />interest thereon at tree ra±e provided in- said note shall become sa much additional- indebtedness -hereby secured and may }ae in- :,~
<br />eluded in any decree foreclosing this mortgage and f;e paid ouE of the rent-, ar proceeds-o€ -sale of said premises if not atherwise~
<br />paid; that it shall nut be obligatory upon the Mortgagee to inquire into the validity of any 4ien, encumbrances, or claim in sd- ~_
<br />v-as'tesreg--moneys as atwt.~a authoriuvti.- but nothing here:a coata±n>'d snail ix~ carutrueYi as rerluiring fhe_ Rfortgagce to xtdvance any
<br />moneys for-anY such purpose nor fo do anY act hereunder; and that Mortgagee shalt trot incur any persaxnat tiability b~c=te=e of any-
<br />thing, tt.may_do or emit to do hereunder- - - - - ~d
<br />_.~
<br />In the event of the default by R'tactgagar in the paymenT ^of an} :e,-stailm2nt, as _regssired-.bv the Note secured hereby. oz-
<br />in the performance of the obligation in this mortgage or-in fhe note srrc- :~:~d theiebY, the Mortgagee shall be eritided fo f3eclate the
<br />deb" sccttred hereby due any Payatrie without notice, and the 'ticrtgagee shall be entitled at its option. without notice, either by-itself -
<br />nr lay a rerriver to tx appointed lay the court there-o€, acnel w3fhcruS trgard-to the adegtritcy of arty .security foi :the indebtedness se-
<br />cured hereby, -fo "enter-tgpnn- and tatce tw°!iesdbri of the m;srtgaged premises,'and is cnltect-and receive ihe'reitEs, issues and Pro&t8 - -
<br />~~,c-o.: ,3 ai,Y:~-ktt:ct~air.~.~eas.-eos`s of c+;iaratiot*`and ~12~Eian. upon -tilesndebtedricss secured-by this tortgage; said rerets~,
<br />i~uea rani prti5ts-lieing'hereby assigriafl-to tlte~Mnitgagee-as further security it~r clre paym2at of alt iridebtrr•Et-secured tiereb'y. -- _
<br />- Tbe-IC2ortgagee shall have Ehe pawcr to appainE nny agent or agenES it may desir¢ for the Rurp~e af~repairingsaid prem-
<br />ises; ren#ing Llie: sairta:. cA.ite:etinH the= rents, revenues and income, and it may pay n_sst crf saidincome alt expenses incurred mrent-
<br />-ing.-,and managing flit san,c easel ~-cola:=tons-the:? rotates. tl-er:3f ruin. 'l`he-batancu *ernaining. if any; _ehalt b? apalted foward fhe
<br />di-gelrarge. of the mortgage irdehie3rsra&.. Then aBae$ament is to. termt_nate and become null and void upon release of this martgage-
<br />