<br />~' t _ „ __'
<br />Thai the Mortgagor will Pay the indetstednesa as Itereintxrfore.provided. -
<br />Thai the Mortgagor iS the dwner of said property in fee simple and has good-irig'xsi.-and !awful aufiroiiLy fr, s-.! and -
<br />convey the same and that the~same isfrce arxd dear of any-lien or encumbrance: and that Mortgagor will warrant and defend ttse
<br />- - -
<br />. _
<br />title to said -premises against the ek~rix~--of_alt--pers=ons w}L<z#ra-sever.-..: - _
<br />- Ta fay-iitrnediately-when due'and payalate. all genera3 taxes, spectat -faze-, specs! as.~;.vments, wafer charges, sewer sen~- - - .
<br />ice- charges, and-other taxes- and charges against saiii property,-and all taxes levie<# on the debt scented hereby, and to furnish the
<br />-
<br />-
<br />-
<br />-
<br />-
<br />>r~ kto.avo~. ~r -.s ri.zr tha.~a
<br />aha!}
<br />.he.'added
<br />"to .
<br />3lartgagze, upon request,.-with the origins a,~'r, r.~.:..r .__-
<br />r _-.
<br />under the evidence >f debt secured h rchy in amount estinsatzd by the Lfortgagee
<br />each monfh[y- paym?ni rt;qui:ed hereunder r - -
<br />- to be su8icrent to -c:nalafe the.-Mortgagee 2~ pa} as they bee me d.re- alt taxes a*;se~smenfs and similar charges uponthe peem• - -
<br />~' ices sub}ecf fhcreta; any dciiciency x~.:a:r.;_ or .r.e .-:a~fr...~,.:, .. _..~..~?'. •-.I Fv,in...! hall he forthwith deposited by the
<br />Morf.gagar with the Martgagze upon demand l;y the SSortgage e. Any rfefanlt under tfiis paragraph shall 6e deemed a default in
<br />+»a Payment. of Lases, a:uet3[r:e.^.ts.nr simitat rharg~s renuired hereunder.
<br />'t'he ?.tartgagor agrees "that there shall also tee added to each rranthiy payment o€ pnacipal. and- rnterest regal red; here-.
<br />- -
<br />resurance
<br />s uncic;r an amount c=soma{ed by the '.4larigagee to be 4ufficiert to enable the ;/:origaKee fo pa ,•, as it !Worm+-s due. the
<br />'°' ~ s -~ta :x: ar.}° rnsuta x r> {.uEicy cx`ehvered - the 'Yto r. a„ee. Any d~•{icir-ncy lx•cau f Ihr ~ Rrcr ~n c.f such arldtt:onal pay-
<br />n•.r.s :shall tw €orthwi+-h dzpc..ifed by the 'v1. rt&agr,r .ih the :Mortgagee +zpan demand by the .Lfortgag e. Any default under this '
<br />- ~; p r<egraph shalt he deemed a default in the payment of insurance prom+um=. Zf the F~Ircy or palicres deposited are such at htnaie~ -
<br />~ - owners or all risl: policies, asd the deposit+ are rnsa.~rcit'nt. to pay thz rntrrF premram, the 'vtortgege2 mat apply-the deposit ttr - .
<br />f'` - pay premiums nn rides regvi red ka tae insu red by thi m.>rfgage,
<br />Payments made by khe ~•(ortgagor under the ahaee paragraphs may, at the ,~ptian of the 'i-Soztgagee, hr held°by it and ° -
<br />torzv-nirglea: with other sur_h fsnds ar its own fumlt_ k+r the payment of such items, anti until m applie+i, such payvaenis-are hareby -
<br />plcriged as security far the unpaid balance nt the m:~rt;tagz indebtedness.
<br />To prac:ure, deliver t.;, and mast, tarn for the t;,~nrfit +.f the Mc+rtKagee c?wring the ':ifs of this mortgaKe nriginai Policies and -
<br />renv^.vals f~herer_>f, delivered at least ter, :iv.~s Iwfore the ex pi rativa of arty such Fz,li~.ea, thaw tint against fire and triter iavsu rabic -
<br />Icazar's, casualties, and contingencies! as the I3lartgagee mac• require, in an amaurt equal to the indebfedtaess secured by this _
<br />?,tortgagc, and in cnmpsnies steep#abie to fhe 'Mortgagee. ~.:-ith l~;~s payable clause in favor of and in form ar_ceptab[e- to the DSrrtga- -
<br />gc>z. Zn the event ar.}• pn?icy is `not renewed on or testore Len days of its ex}±iratior,, the `c,rtgagen mar procure insurance on the
<br />- improvements. Fay the premium th._•refor, and such auto .hall hec:rm- immeeliatz:v due and nayabiz with iris rest ai the-_ ratz set -
<br />forth ir. said note ruetil paid and .hall he• ~cumd by this mortgage. failure an the Dori of khe ?,tnrtgaarir to furnish such renewals -
<br />as are herein r«tuireci or fai!u re tr, pay any sums advanced hereunder sFai?.. aE: the r:piton of the :vtnrtga~ee, r.;nstitute a c?efault
<br />under the termer of t}us moctgagr_ •Fhe delivery of such poiirias shall. r; the r: eat of default- eons±itute ac as~gnment of-the un-
<br />earned Premium.
<br />Anv sum-c received by t'r:F iortragee by roas<m= o€ lo.4s er :far ,age iresurYd against may he retained 6y the ."+4artgagee -
<br />anct applied toward the pa::meat of tl;e debt. hereby secured. or, at the cptinn n' the Mortgagzz, such sums either what?y or iv -
<br />part may be paid aver to the g3crigagor tc, bz axed to repair such buildings ar tv hui!d~new building: sn tiaeir place +ar far any _
<br />Kager- w ;;. .he , e fyr Abe s,.tF amp ,nr r•r~ureci hero.
<br />- otltet purpose ar able='C ~ati5fac{OfV i0 the '!'i Ott .iGti' arc-.`tinF t ~ ;.~..... .., +.. G .. ...
<br />by be€are such payment aver took place.
<br />-- Tri pru~-nptiy repair: restore or rebus:d any hus.d.ngs =;r impra:'ements n+3v.~ or hNreaitPr on the nremi~s which may be-
<br />- come d.=.maged es destroyed; to keep sal; pzFmises in g<wd canditsen and repair and free from any r.'techaric's lien ar other lien or
<br />- claim of lien not eapressiy suhardit+at~d to the Tien hereof; net Ic curter or permit any ualaw{uI use of ar any` nuisance to exist an
<br />said property nor to hermit waste on said premises, nor Yo do any other act where-izy the property hereby ec+nueyed shall t~rome
<br />less valuable, nor to diminish ar impair its value by any ac± et omissim; ko act: to ermp2y with all requiremeris of law wilts respect
<br />to the mortgaged premises sort the use thereof.
<br />That should the premi-sea or any part thereof E>fx taken yr damagwi by reason of any public impravamenf or condemnation
<br />pro,-azdang, or ureter the right of eminent domain, or ir, any other manner, the ltostgager shall he entitled to ail compensations.
<br />-
<br />and any other payment or relief therefor. and shalt ]x. entitled, at its apti;n, tc: eommenra, appc>ar m and prosecute ~in lts
<br />awards
<br />,
<br />own name any aefian or pseceeding, yr to make say' tompmmise or setttr•mznk in connection :with such sting or damage. Ati such
<br />- eantpensation, awards, damages. right of action ant: proceeds are hereby assignee! to the l.lectgage±~--.. why may.-afterdeducting .
<br />therefrom sit its expenses, release any moneys sa received `uy it or apply the same nn any indebtedrec secured hereby: The Mort-
<br />gager agrees Lo execute sucte further asaif'ornents of any compensation, awards, damages, and rights- of action and- proceeds as the
<br />Mortgagee may require- - - - - -
<br />Thai in case of failure Yo perform any at the co. chants herein, the ?Mortgagee may do on the-3lortgagbi s behalf everything -
<br />arrted: that the SSvrtgagee map slat de any act it !nay deem nee=sssary to protect the lien theeeaf; that the Mortgagor will ,.
<br />v .~ `~- -
<br />en
<br />so rn
<br />upon demand any moneys paid or disbursed by the Mortgagee far any of the above pvriarrses, and-such moneys taget}ie--with ~
<br />a
<br />re °u;Y; _
<br />y
<br />p
<br />interest thereon si the sate provideck ir: said gate shalt became sa much additional indehtedress hereby secured and-may-he in- ,
<br />traded in any decree faseelresi ng flats mortgage and fx paid out cf the rents or procee.,•is of sale of said premixes if -nnt otherwise,
<br />that it shall not be oWigaturg upon the \Sortgagee Lo irsquire iota the validity a[ any lien. encumbrances, cr claim in ad-
<br />id
<br />- ~
<br />;
<br />pa
<br />t•ancing r.:ors_F7rs as abrwe avthozized, but nnthing herein contained-shalt .be construed as requiting the Mortgagee fa advance any .
<br />:. moneys for any such purpose nor io do any act hereunder; and that Mortgagee slxaFl not incur any pezsunai.liabiiity,hecat3xc of any-: ~ _..
<br />thing it may do or omit to do hereunder. - - .. - -
<br />- - Zn the event of the default by Mortgagor ire the payment of any, installment, as requited by. thz Note. secvred.txereby, or--
<br />-
<br />- is the performance of the obligation in this mortgage ar in the note secured thereby, the Mortgagee shat! 6e entitled to declare the
<br />- debt secured hereby doe anti payable without notice, and.the.hlortgagee shall }ae entitled at i.#s option, without notice, eitherhy itself --
<br />receiver to tae appointed vy tEie couC. 23terea`, and without cegart to the adequacy of any security for the andebfedneas se•-
<br />by a
<br />or
<br />.
<br />.
<br />cured hareby, to ante upon and take pbs§esston iif the mortgaged prerixises, and- to collect sad-' receive the retx#s tssues'atitl profit;
<br />thereof: and apply the same; 3ess coals of operation and collection, upon the inde'oterh'tess securest by this nttirtgage; said teats;
<br />~
<br />-
<br />-
<br />-
<br />~. issues'arad ptrafika tx!inghereln essigneii to-the itiuttgagee as#nrth<r secvri#y for the payment of all indehtednesa se.;urerh.hereby.
<br />Tt:r ASertgagee elaalt have the-power Yo appoint as>rv agent or agents it may desire far the purpose of repairing said preen-
<br />- .-
<br />mileMsng the. rents, retienues and income, and i2 -no's ;ia} ou! of said income aI[,erpenses rncvrred ?a rent.-
<br />iaes; renting the seats: _
<br />.
<br />halt 6e apt',hcd ta'.vard the -
<br />fherefram, ffte balance remaining tf any.
<br />ittg and managing the same and of ~rolieciang the rentais
<br />s
<br />q_
<br />__ , ____ tfiecharge of the too ~ [ease of Lists mortgage.
<br />- rtgage txcdebtedrtess. This assigrttnent rs fa t<cminate and become null_and word u n ra _ -, _
<br />