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<br />79-~ ~~ ~i ~~ NIORT~a~GE <br />THIS INDENTURE, made tfeis _f?tY? ___~___-_ day of March ~~ 79 ~._, by end between <br />L • u -_ - <br />of Hall County, Nebraska, as mortgagor~__, oad Gtz~nrl Island Trust Company of trend Island, a corporation <br />-orgarSzed and existing under the iawa of Nebraska with its principal office a~ piece of busireess at Grand Island, Nebraska, as nuiitgagaz: <br />W PPNESSETH: That calif mortgagor ----- . for and in caneideratiaa of the sum of ~. - <br />*****Five Thousand Five Hundred Fiftg_Nine and 61(lGG ~ - -DollarslS - `_~_..-_-..-,`~ ~~~~.~i '' 1, <br />the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do 4:.5__ by these pres.=nts mortgage and warrant unto said mrrtgagee, its sfiansssAf'S7 anti aeagpis. <br />forever, ail the following described real estate, situated in the County cf .. _ . -_. - -_--,ljal 1 <br />and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br />` Lat Five (5) in Block Three (3), in Second Addition to Holco>nhh's Highway Homes <br />Subdivision, in the Northeast Quarter a£ the Northeast Quarter {NE% NEB) a£ Section <br />Twenty-Eight (28}, Township Eleven (Ii} North, Range Nine (9), West of the 6tix P=M., <br />Halt County, Nebraska. <br />Together with alt hosting, air conditioning, lighting, and plumbing equipment and fixtures, including screens, awnings, storm windows and <br />doors, sad window shades or blinds, used on or in connection with said prapeYy, 'wu tY-r Lhe same era new lace*a an said property nr her~fter <br />placed thereon. - <br />TG SAVE AND TC} HGLB THE S4&SE, together with ail and singular the tenements, her~itarnants and appurtenances thereinto be- <br />lon€hrg, or in anywise appertaining, forever, and warrarzt the tstle; to the sacra. Said morgagor _~ 4r-achy covenant _S..-nth solo <br />mOrtge$ee that ___~__ ha ___iS _-, at the delivery hereof, the lawful owner..- of the prt;mises above conveyed and described, <br />and i c seized of a goad and indefeasible estate of inheritance therein, free and etear of all encumbrances, and that~he.rwitl <br />wa:..n€ and defend Lhe toile thereto forever against the claims and demands a# all persons whomsoever. <br />Pftt3V IDED ALW AYS, and this instrument is executed and deliv,.red to secure the payment of the sum of <br />Five Thousand Five Hundred Fifty Nine and 61/1GG - - - - -DollarslS 5 559 61 i, <br />with iatereat thereon, together with such charges sad advances as may be due and payable to seed mortgagee under the terms and conditions <br />of the promissory- note of even date herewith and secured hereby, executed by said mortgagor _ to said mortgagee, payable as expressed <br />in said nose, and to secure the performance of all the terms and wnditions eoutasned therein. The erns of said note are hereby incorporated - <br />herein by this reference. <br />It is the intention and agreement of the parFSes hereto that this mortgage shall also setarre say future advances made to said mortgagor- <br />by said mortgagee, and any and all indsbtedness is addition to the amount above stated whirl, said mortgagors. or any of sham, may awe to <br />said mortgagee, however evidenced, whether by note, book account or otherwise. This eaortgsge shall remain in full force and effect between <br />the patties heretfa and their heirs, personal represeaLatices, successor and assigrs, until alt amounts secured hereunder, irrcludiag future <br />advances, are laid in fuL' with interest. <br />The mortgagor- hereby assign _.S. to said mortgagee alt rents and income arising at any and all times from said properly and <br />heralry ar:thorize said mortgagee or its agent, at its optioe. upon default, to take aherge of said property and collect ell renLa and income <br />tt+s;e#rom-sod apply the lama to the payment of interest, Principal, insurance premiums, taxes, assessments. repairs or improvements <br />necessary to keep said property in tenantable condition, or to other charges or payments provided for herein or in the note hernby secured. This <br />rent aseignmeat shall continua is farce until the unpaid balance of said note i fully Paid. The taking of possession hereunder sha41 is no manner <br />prevent ca• retard seed mortgagee in tl~ rallectian of said suave by foreclosure ar otherwise. - - - _ - <br />The faitare of the mortgagee to assert any of its rights hereunder at say -time shall not be caastn?ed as a waiver of its right to assert the <br />came et arry later time, sad to insist upon cad enforce strict compliance with all the terms and pmvisioaa of said note and of thin mortgage. <br />if aa~ mor*,.gagar shall cause to be paid to said mortgagee the entirn amount due iL t,ereander, oral ender Lhe terms and provisions <br />of said note hereby secured, inctudirrg future advances, sad ady extsnsioas ar renewals t}rereaf is accordance with the terms and provisions <br />thereof,-and if said morkgagor _ shall atrmply wilt aU the provisions of said note and of this mortgage, Chan iheae presrrrta shall ha vent: <br />otherwise to rearain iu fall force sad effect, sad said mortgagee shalt lra eatitfed to tTffi possession of alt of set ProPer"tY, sad may, qt its option, <br />declare the whale of cold note asi all lndebtedaess tepresenteii thendry to be immeditrfely-due and payabls, and may foreelase this rrmrtgage <br />or tnicc+ say other logei action to protect its right. ApPraisa~ut waidarl. - _ - _ _ - _ - - <br />'T`hin ma::gage shat! be binding upon and shall entire to the bene5t of rho heirs, execixtors, adminietretaca, succ~cssors sad assigns of the <br />respecttvspartias (rereta. <br />Ihi WITHES$ WliPci+Ef3l•, swirl 7;rfsrigagoz~ ha -S~lxa~mto °r head ~ttie day and year Cast above <br />Lilia M. Snoyx <br />~..4.: <br />