<br />(ta) To use the lawn evidenced 6y the note solely far purposes authorized by the Government.
<br />(7) Ta pay when due all taxes, liens, iudgments, encumbrances, and assessments lawfuliy_attaching to ar assessed
<br />against the ptap€tiy, including all charges and assessments in connection with- wetey-water rights; and water sEeck
<br />r,e.±~;n.ng fa o, ,.a,,;mably r ~~aty is Eba a-e of t`ne reef property described above, and a!I taxes sad assessments levied
<br />~
<br />c
<br />or any indebtedness hereby secured or against any Legal holder hereof or otthe note or of
<br />o: the Hate
<br />upon this mortgage
<br />said indebtedness under the Iaws of Nebraska, and promptly delivzz to the Govemmeat without demand receipts evidencing
<br />such payments.
<br />(8} To keep the property 'utsured as required by and under insurance policies approved by the Government and, at its
<br />request, to deliver such policies to the Government.
<br />(4) To maintain improvements in good retract and make repairs required 6y the Government; operate the property in a good
<br />and husba ,,manner, comply with such farm conservation practices and farm and home management plans as the
<br />Governmen -i;rte to time may'pte and not to abandon the property, or cause or permit waste. lessening orimpair-
<br />or lease any timber,
<br />cut remove
<br />ithout Ehe written consenE of the Government
<br />e
<br />t
<br />d h
<br />b
<br />•'
<br />,
<br />,
<br />v
<br />y, o
<br />,
<br />ere
<br />ity covere
<br />ment at t
<br />gravel, oil, or ocher minerals except as may be necessary-for ordinary domestic purposes.
<br />(10) Ta comply with all laws, ordinances, and regulations affecting the property.
<br />(I1) To pay or reimburse the Government for expenses reasonably necessary or incidental fo the protection of the lien
<br />and priority hereof and to the enforcement of o: the compliance with the provisions hereof and of the note and any supple-
<br />nrertary agreement (whether before or otter default), including but not limited to costs of evidence of title to and survey of
<br />the property, costs of recording this and other instruments, attorneys' fees, trustees' fees, court costs, and expenses of
<br />advertising, selling, and conveying fhe property. .. -
<br />(12) Neither the property nor any portion thereof or interest therein shall be teased, assigned, sold; transferred, or encum-
<br />bered, voluntarily or otherwise, without the written consent of the Government. The Government shall have Ehe sole and
<br />exlusive rights as mortgagee hereunder,. including but not limited to Ehe power to grant consents, partial releases, subardina-
<br />and satisfaction, and na insured holder shall have any right, title ar interest in or to the lien or any benefits hereof.
<br />tions
<br />,
<br />(l3) Rt all reasonable times tfie Government and iES agents may inspect the property to asr-ertain whether [he covenants
<br />and agreements contained herein oria any supplementary agreement are being performe-0.
<br />{14) The Government may extend and defer the maturity of and renew and reamortice the dzbt evidenced by the note
<br />release from liability to the Government any party so liable thereon,
<br />b
<br />d h
<br />ere
<br />y-
<br />or any indebtedness to the Government secure
<br />relzase portions of the property from and subordinate the lien hereof, and waive env other rights hereunder, without aftecting
<br />the lien or priority hereof oT thz liability to the Govermnent of Borrower or any other party for payment of the note ar in-
<br />debtednzss secured hereby except as specified by the Government in writing.
<br />(15) if at any time it shall appear to the Government that Borrower may be able to obtain a loan from a production aedit
<br />association, a Federal land bank, or other responsible cooperative a private credit source, at reasonable rates arsd terms
<br />for loans fcr similar purposes and periods of time, Sonewer will, upon the Goveenment's request, apply far and accept such
<br />loan is sufficient amount to pay the Hate and any indebtedness secured hereby and to pay for any stock necessary to be
<br />purchased in a cooperative Ierding agency in connection with such loan.
<br />(i6j flefauit i~reunder shall fonStiiutc default under any ot: ~r r°ai estate, ar ender any personal property er oEhe:;
<br />~
<br />or assumed by $otrowzr, and default-under any such
<br />security instrument held a insured by the Governmert and executed
<br />other security instrument shall constitute default hereunder.
<br />(l7} SHOULD DEFAULT occur in the performance or discharge of any obligation in this instnrment or secured by this
<br />insxrument, or should any one of chc pazcies named as Borrower die ac be declared an incompetent, a bankrupt, ar an
<br />ar make an assignment for the benefit of creditors, the Government, at its option, with ar without notice, may:
<br />insolvent _
<br />,
<br />(a) declare the cntue amount unpaid under the Hate and any indebtedness to the Government hereby secured immediately
<br />t of Harrower incur and pay reasonable expenses for repair or maintenance of and take
<br />h
<br />f
<br />b
<br />e accoun
<br />ar t
<br />)
<br />due end payable, (
<br />possession o£, operate or rent the property, (cj upon application by it and pr~uction of this instrument, without other
<br />with the usual powers
<br />ert
<br />ro
<br />ted £or the
<br />i
<br />h
<br />y,
<br />p
<br />p
<br />ver appoin
<br />ave a rece
<br />evidence and without notice of hearing of said application,
<br />of receivers in like cases, (d} foreclose this instrument as provided herein or by law, and (e} enforce any and all ar_her rights
<br />and remedies provided herein o: by present or future law.
<br />~ 1S} The proceeds of foreclosure sale shall be applied in the foiIowing order to the payment of: (a} costs and expenses
<br />Iaw or a comppetent court to
<br />uired b
<br />e
<br />i
<br />li
<br />f
<br />b
<br />h
<br />y
<br />ens r
<br />q
<br />or
<br />} r.ny pr
<br />, (
<br />ereo
<br />~~si~ent to enforcing or tompNine with the provisions
<br />(cJ the debt evidenced by the note and zll indebtedness to the Government secured hereb}•, (d} inferior liens
<br />be so geld
<br />,
<br />of retard requued by aw ar a Competent court to be so paid, (e} at the Government's option, any other indebtedness
<br />sure or other sale
<br />l
<br />f
<br />A
<br />orec
<br />o
<br />t
<br />of Borrower Awing to ar insured by the Government, and (f} any balance to Borrower.
<br />part of the property, the Government and its agent. may bid and purchase as a stranger and may pay the Govern-
<br />of all or an
<br />y
<br />ment's share of the purchase price by uediting such amount on any debts of Borrower owing to or insured by the
<br />Goverranent, in the order prescribed above.
<br />(19) Harrower agrzzs that the Ga:~rnment will Hat be bound by any present er future Stale Iaw, {a) providing for -
<br />valuation, appraisal, homestead or exzmption of the property, {b) prohibiting maintenance of an action far a deficiency
<br />}udgntem or limiting the amount thereat or the time within which such action must be brought, (e} prescribing any other
<br />statute of limitations, (d) allowing any right of rederr}ption or ~ssession following any foreclosure salt, ar (a) limiting the
<br />conditions wtrich the Government may lay regulation impa~, including the interest rate it may charge, as a condition of
<br />approving a transfzr of t}tz property to a new Borrower. Harrower expressly waives the benefit of any such State Iaws.
<br />eur
<br />i
<br />esy.
<br />Harrower irzrzby rek.nquishes, waives, and conveys all rights, inchoate ar consummate, of descent, dower, and
<br />~
<br />~
<br />g
<br />1"'"
<br />