<br />MORTGAGc _ _ _____ _ ____
<br />MokzTGAGr: LOAN No. L23347~ MGIC
<br />xvowALLt+ae~Bl'ralrsEprtESE~TS:That Bernard E. Bourn and Annie 3ourn, each in his and hot
<br />own right and as spouse of each other,
<br />lvta:tgagor, whether opt or more, ir, cons}dtratian of the strap of
<br />rNirt:,_nt,rt~ -ri,ntr~3.,rt c;~ H~tt~F,.~:t and ~oll~J(I-- --------------------- I~3ia.ARS
<br />loaned to said martgagor by The Equitable Building and Laan Assaciatian of (rand Island, Nebraska, AaortgagtE, upon 396 shams of stock of
<br />said ASSf~C2AT20N, Ccrtifitstt No. i 233~a7 ~iGIC , da lttre$!' grant, convey and maetgage uma the said ASSOCIATIONv the follawtng
<br />described teat estate, situated in iial} County, tiebracka:
<br />Lot Thirt;~-Eight (38}$ in Island Acres No. 7, a Subdivision
<br />of part of Fractional Section Seven {7}; part of the West Half
<br />of the West Half {W~d~~) of Section Eight {8j; and wart of Lot
<br />Twenty-Four (24), Island Acres, all in Tt~anship Eleven (11) korth,
<br />Range Nine (9) West of the 6th. R.M., in the city of Grand Island,
<br />Hall County, ~iebraska.
<br />together with ail the tenzmznts, hereditamzrts and appurtenances thereunto beionQ.irg, including attached floor coverings, all window screens,
<br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air u:rxtivoning, and plumbing and wattrequipment and accessories thtreta,pumps,stovts,
<br />refrigtratvrs, and other firxiurts and tqutpmtnz now or hereafter attached to yr tstd in >..,.. _~iolt with said real estate.
<br />And whereas the said mortgagor ftzs agreed and does hereby agree Yktat the martgagor shall and will pay all taxes and assessments Itvied or
<br />assessed anon said premises and upon this mortgagz and the band secured ti:treby before the same shall became dtlinquent; to furnish approved
<br />insurarct upon the buildings on said prtmists situated in the sum of S 39,60U. ~~ payabkz to said ASSOCIATION and tv deliver Yo said
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies for said insurance; and not to comtnit or permit any waste on or about said premises;
<br />In case of dtfauit in the ptrfvrrnance of an}~ of the tams and cc:nditiaas of tills mortgage yr the bond sectrrtd hereby, the mortgagee shall,
<br />on demand, bt entitlzd to immediate posstssian of the mortgage' premises and the mcrrtgagar hereby assigns, transfers and sets aver to the
<br />martgagoe all the rents, revtrues and income to bt derived from [he ma.tgagtd prmises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall rernain _
<br />unpaid: and the mortgagee shall brut rlx pawtr to appoint any agent or agents it may desire fur the purpose of repairing said prtrni.<es and renrv~r. _
<br />the same attd raLeeting the rents, rever.••es and ~FScatne, and it tray pay out of slid income all expenses of repairing said premises and titceasary
<br />convnissivns and expenses incurred in renting and managing the same and of coktecting rentaks therefrom; the balance rtrrraining, if any, to be -
<br />apptked toward the discharge of said mortgage kndebttdnes: Chest ri:;ltts of the martgagoe may be txarckstd at any time during the existtntt of such
<br />default, irrtspectivz of any temporary waiter of thz same.
<br />These presents, however, are open the f_iandiiian, That if tltt said }4lo:tgagar sha11 repay ;aid lean or, ar befall >he maturity of said shares by
<br />payment: pay monthly to said !LSSQCIATtON of the sue. sptc~''ied in the $and secured hereby as intttesi and prncipai an said lean, an or before
<br />the Twentieth day of each and every month.!mtil said lean is fully paid; pay aka texts and assessments le:xtd a_eainst said premises and ca this Mortgagt
<br />- ar~d the Band secured thereby, before dclinqutncy; furnish approved irsuranct apar. th e buildings thtrtan in [he sum of S 39, 6I30. Q~ payablt
<br />to said ASSOCIATION; repay to said ASSOCIAT}ON upon demand all money by it paid for such taxes, assessments and insuranet with interest at
<br />the rttaximum kegai rate thereon from dart of payment all of whtclt.'«avrtgagarbereby egrets to pay; permit no waste an said premises; keep and evmpky
<br />with ail ihz agtetmtnYS and conditions of the $ond fvt G 39 , 6I)4 • ~~ this day given by the <aid P.Iattgagor to said ASSOCIATION, and compky
<br />- with a{l the requirements of the Constitution and Bylaws of said ASSOCIATION; then thus presents shak3 become null and void, otherwise they- -
<br />shalk remain ht full tutee and raay bt foreclosed at the option of the said ASSt~fAlTOly after failure for three months to ;Hake any of said
<br />- pay mints or bt three months in atrtzs in making said monthia paymer_t<, ar to keep and mrnpt}~ withh the agreements and sanditians o€ said Bond;
<br />and Sviartgigar egrets tv have a recekrer appointed forthwith In such foreclosure praceedirtgs. -
<br />If there is any change kn ownership of the tea} estate mortgaged herein, by sale or otherwise, then the entire remaining indebYetiruss hereby
<br />secuued shall, at the option of The Equitable Btrflding and Laan Association of Grand lsland,Nebraska, become immediately dtu and payable without
<br />further nvtict,'and ihz amount remaining due ti der said bond, and any other bond for any additional advances made thtretmder, shall, from the
<br />date of exercise of said option, bear interest at the maxirnum ktgat tatz, and this mortgage may thin be foreclosed to satisfy t,Re amount due on said
<br />bvnd, and am• other bond for addktiona2 advances, to¢ethzr with ail stems paid by said The Equhable Building and Loan Associtian of Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska far insurance, taxes and assessments, and aosiracting extension eltarges, with interest thereon, from date of payrrtent at the tttaxitnum
<br />}egal rate.
<br />As provided in the Bond secured hereby, while this mortgage remains in efftet the mattgagee may htreaftet advance additional sump Ya the -
<br />makers bf said Bond, their assigns ar suc:cessors in interest, which sterns shall be within the seca~ty of tPSs mortgage the same as the funda originally
<br />~- seatrred fihereby, the total amotmi of principal debt not tv excttd at any time the original amotmt of this mortgage,
<br />Dated this 21St day of February A. D., 297}
<br />~er(t3~~.- ©u~1 rn ~~~
<br />~ ~-,cam=-~--~.,
<br />RH ft7$~SQ1Crfi
<br />STATE OF NEHRASKA„ ~. On this ~S t day of February ? 9 79 , ixftxt rce;
<br />cotlNT~x or HALL
<br />Bernard E, 8bttarn anti Annie $t)urn., tkttundttsigtted,aNotaryFubGcinandfoesaidCounty,persanallyeame
<br />edC~t ifl Y175 and her cvtn rlghtt dnd as SRAttSe of eaCFi OtFier, who ar@ personally known to
<br />-:has to bt tfie identical person ~, w}to~ name S ,are affixed to tlto above " t as tortgagor 5 and they severally
<br />~~
<br />acknowkdgtd slat sa#d lnstrurtttnt to tae tFlE 1 r voluntary ad and died. )
<br />+11ITlv'ES=S my hand and Notarial ;teal fire Sate a.°otesaid. //^~ f J
<br />Yiy rtitnrttiss}on expires if ~,,~/~` _ ~ _ _ ~ ,/i / j y>
<br />s-t•ast to ~ GEPIERAt tzUT6.R't - yYate rf Nebr.
<br />JlSMES `':. 0450'd
<br />h9y~ohs~n, kjtp, Nov. 22, IS?9
<br />