<br />..
<br />~~ not extend or postpone the due date of the monthly installments reierreri to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof ar•
<br />change the amcunt of such installments,
<br />k
<br />lD. Harrower Not Released. LSttensim, of the time for pnpnient ar madilicatian of tonortization of the sums
<br />~ secured liy this Mortgage gninted by Lender tv any successvr in interest of Bvrrawer shall not- ararate to release,
<br />C':) in any manner, the liability ai flie original Harrower and Harrower-s ,~ucccssors in interest. 7.encler shall net be
<br />`°°t required to commence proceedings aga.nst such successor or ret""use to extend time for payment or otherwise modify
<br />~"" C'~ amortisation of the sums sectored la}• t!tis Mortgage In' reason of an}• demand trade; hp the original Borrower and
<br />( ~*"f Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />l II. gorbeazance by Leader Net a Waiver. .3siy forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy
<br />hereunder, yr atherwisc affarderl liy applicable lan•, shall not by a ,vii rcr ot• or preclude the exercise of any right,
<br />ar remedy hereunder. The practirernetit of insurance or the payment of i.axes or oilier liens yr charges 6y Lander
<br />shall not be s waiver of Lender`s right to a~eeierat~ ~ ,~ ,;,aturity U
<br />e ' `I-- - -f the ;ndehtedneas se:,ured F;y this Mortgage.
<br />m ~ g~, I2. Remedies Cunsulative. _~II remedies provided in this ~lortbage are rlistinet an=t cumulative to an}° other
<br />right yr remedy under this iivtT,gage or a„ar~ied ;•. ,<., ,,. ,...d ,. - be _.,,.: _--eel tenet?rre„tt~- ;njanend-
<br />~ ently or successively. ~ Y 3 ~ "~" .. 311 ~: , r,s -- . ~ _
<br />':'- ~. I3. $uecesaors and Assigas Bound; Ioint and Several Liability; Captions The covenants and' agreements
<br />~" hereir. contained shall bind, and the rights hereunder shall imire to, the re:peetive successors and assigns of Lender
<br />~ and Borrower, subject to the previsions of paragrapt? 1` Iiereof..~ai cvvenatits and agreements of Borrower shall
<br />t - i~ be joint and several. The captions and 3teadings of the paragraphs of this Mortgage arc for convenience only and
<br />are not to he used to interpret. or define the provisian~ 1?et•eaf.
<br />~. IA. Notice. ~1ny tmtiet: to Borrowe.• 1?ratided for in thi- Mortgage sitafl he give^ by mailing such notice by
<br />eeriined nail addezesed io Borr•o«-er ai the Property .~ddres~ ataf-ed helon, except for :cn}• notice required under
<br />paragraph IS hereof to be given iv Borrower iu the manner prescribed he applicainle latv.:1ny nvtice provided
<br />for in this _Mortgage shall !?c deemed to have Bern given to Burrower tuber given in the manner designated herein.
<br />15, Uniform Martgage; Governing Law; Severability. This form cii mortgage cvmbhtes uniform covenants
<br />far national use and non-uniform covenants with iicnited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform seen-
<br />. city instrument covering rest property. This Mortgage shat! lee gaverner', be the law of the iurisdiction ir, which
<br />the Property is located. In the event that any precision ar clause ui this Mortgage ar the Note conflicts with
<br />applicable few, such conflict shad not nffsci other !trovisions of this Mortgage or the Note which can be given
<br />effect without the conflicting provision, and to .his end the previsions of the Mortgage end the Note are declared
<br />to be severable.
<br />16. Borzower's Copy. Burrower shall be furnished a conformed copy of this Mortgage at the time of execu-
<br />tion or after recordatior. I?ereef.
<br />Ii. Trmrsfer of the Property; Assumption, Ii all or any part of the Property or an interest therein is sold
<br />_- or transferred by Borrower FvithouL Lender's prior cvritter; car.senL. excluding {a the creation of a lien or encum-
<br />brance subordiratx Lv this _`,lortgage, tb! the creatior, of a :wrchzse mercy security interest. for household annli-
<br />anees, (c} a transfer by devise, descent yr by operation of tutu utron the death of a ;Dint traant or (d) the, grant of
<br />any IeasehoId interest of three years or less rat containing ar. option #v purchase, Lender may. at Lender's option,
<br />declare all the sums secured l:y i.his Martgage to be inunediateh• due anti payable. Lender shall have waived such
<br />option to accelerate ii, prior to the sale ar transfer. Lender anti tl:e person to whom the Property is to be sold or
<br />transferred reach agreement in writing that the creche of sue: laersan ;~ atisfactory to Lender and that the interest
<br />payable on the sums secured by this \•Iorigase shall lx at such rate as Lc=nder shad request. if Lender has waive
<br />= the option to ?cceierate prt,vi,3ed ;n i.hig p.~ragrap_lt ?? and if Hvrrvever's sttecessar in interest. has executes a writ-
<br />tern assumption agreement accepted iii writing by Lender, Lender :hall release Borrower from all obligations trader
<br />this Mortgage and the Note,
<br />I£ Lender exercises such option to aeceleraie, Lender shah =nail Borrower notice of acceleration in accordance
<br />with paragraph I~ hereof. $ueh notice shalt provide a lieriod of not Tess than 3u days from the dale the notit-~ is
<br />mailed within which Borrower may pay the sums declared due-. Ii Barrotver fail= to pay such sums prior to the
<br />expiration of such period, Lender may. ;vitl?out fut-ther notice yr detuand on liorraw•er, =.nvoke any remedies Der-
<br />milted by paragraph 18 hereof.
<br />tioz:-I?*rtiTos~nr- L`avesa~T. horrawei- and Lender tut-t-her t:vt•enint eiucY agree as 2'ollovvs:
<br />- I$. Acceleration; Remedies. ?<'zcept as pravitled i^ }zar;tgr;aph ;? hereof. aeon Borrawer s breach of an}'
<br />covenant. or agreement of Bormcver in this tiortrake. inelu,iine the covenant to pa}• when due ary sums secured
<br />by this ~1lartgage, Lender prior to at~celeration shall n;-tit not ice to Hnrrvtcrr .rs provided in paragraph 14 hereof
<br />specifying: il) the breach; (2) the action ree!uiretl r_t.rtur uc4 art~arh; tai .~ date, not less than thirty days
<br />from the date the notice is mailed to Hurrotver. by :~ bleb stn L hrcaeit :aunt bo rureti; and f4i that failure to cure
<br />snch breach on or beiare the date specified in the nutlet uu~v result ir, arcelera[irn of the sums secured by this
<br />Mortgage and sale of the Property. If the breach ts~, riot. tercet vr; or hefare rl,c dab' specified in the notice, Lender
<br />at Lender's option may declare= a!I of the sums strr•ure<i by thL \Iortgagc ±o he inunedintely due and payable
<br />without. fu^.hcr demand and ,nay foreelo.€• r.,t-s aor•~,r~c by udic;a! hraceedirg. Lender shall be entitled to eallee2~
<br />ist such peoceeding all expe.r;es of toreclosutr- aichr,iing, lurt nut liiutted to. c.rts aF ulocumentan• evidence,
<br />abstracts and title reports.
<br />i9. Borroweis Rigfit to Reinstate, tie:ttvith~ranriinu I.en~lei•'. ac•r±•leration of the scans secured br this
<br />'!•Iortgage, Borrower shall have the rfn??L 'a 't:avt; z.n:• t,ra~•ef lsnes hrkun I,y Lrtrder rn entarcc this :`'Sortgage dis•
<br />continued at any time prier to entry of ;i iu,l~4nient eniarcinn this \Ior.Ca}~e if: tai Borrower pays Lender all
<br />sums which would 6e then due under thi_ Mor_ga~c. nc~ So*,~ an~i notes sec?tring 1?uture• .~drances; if any, lied no
<br />acceleration oeeuzred; fbl Borrower cures :tll 6resrlx~ o. _:,:; ;alter rvvrnant.: or agreement. of Borrower. con-
<br />tamed in this i4lortgage; (e} Borrower pays al! rrasonab!c• ~sp,•:?sec incurred hp• },ender in enforcing the covenants
<br />anrtagreemants of Harrower contained in this \Ivrt_s;ane at:ti in et;ivrcing Lenclcr's renie?<lies as i,mvided to para-
<br />graph 1$ hereof; including; brat not limited io. i~asonai,le attcar!sey's fees: anti ~dt Borrawer takes such action as
<br />Lender may reasonably i•egtrire to assure that the lien of thi. -lfartgagc. Lender"s intorest in the Property and
<br />Borrower's ohligstiar-t-0 pay the Burn: sc-curcKl hit= tlti.. ~Cartga~,c shs11 continue unimpaired. Upon such payment
<br />sad ante by Borrvcver, this. Mortgage and ti?e obligations secured hereby shall recnasn in tu}1 force and effect as if
<br />no acceleiatiarr had occurred.
<br />ZG. >Iat of watts: ~st~asg9 sf;iiece'ivter; I~ndar in Posaessian. ~s~ additional seeurity here-
<br />under, Borrpw r hereby assigns to Lender the rents of tl?e Propert,>. tiia~ided that. Borrawer shall, I;ripe to aeceIer-
<br />x'ion urnler parag,aph_l8 hereof or ahandonmen# of the. FiopertS, 1iSs:e the- t•iglrt to collect and retain such- rents
<br />as tlaep become: due and payable.
<br />iTpan acceleration under paragraph 18 hereni£ ar sl;snc(on-nt- ttf rite Praiterty, L;~ndor. in -tyerson, bs agent
<br />or by jut?icially appointed ieceiver sli8ll 6e entitled to enter.. upon.. take possession- of and manage the Property
<br />aced to culieeL the rents of the Property, ineltYding those past due.:~II rents collected b~;• Lender or the receiver
<br />shrill lie itppiied ftrst tae payment of the costs of management- ¢f the Proliertp and collection of rant.. including, but
<br />no$ liixiitecl fo, receiver's £ees, premiirm on rcceiver'r'ioudz anti reasonable aittorncy's fc,~.s. and then to the. sum:
<br />secured by this Mortgage. Lender and the receiver si?:ilf Ix liable to aeeatint onlp for those rents actually received.
<br />