ti'iri,'Yr; iiF ~~1sxtAriki~, t'ouuztty of ........................................................:
<br />Filed for record and entered in Nnmerieal kndea
<br />ou ............................................................ at ..............., u"clock ................ bS.,
<br />and recorded in Deed $ecord ......> ...................... k'age ............,...............
<br />....................:....................................... Bv ............,................,..>...,....,.~,...............
<br />County Qerk or Deputy County Clerk nr
<br />Resister of Deeds Deputy Register of Deeds
<br />79•-~ ~~~. J~I~" ~~1'~A~Y V~d~1.I~I.NT~' ~EEI)
<br />6diLLT#1M J. ZiIBI?OD hkreiu called the grantor wh®ther. oaao ar :ttare,
<br />to eansiderafion of pNg Dp~,T.AR, yOVE 1~`iND AFFEC~~OAI
<br />received from grantees, does grant;-bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto
<br />as. joint Tenants and net as tenants in common, the FolloFVing described teak property in ..........................:..:
<br />......:..........~~~,)........._..........,.,..,......... County, Nebraska:
<br />Lots-Twelve X12}, and-Thirteen tZ3}, of
<br />Hawthorne Place, located on-apart of tkie
<br />_ ~iort}iwest .Quarter {NW;} of section Twenty-twos
<br />(22}; in Township Eleven (11), North, Range
<br />Nine (9),-West-of the 6th P.M., in Hall County,
<br />Nebraska,
<br />iV~c'.R~~'tq~~C~_:UF~yEIL'Tf,F1Y
<br />_ ^ ~1~V31_ i~.f~
<br />r~~~
<br />To -have and to holed the -above described premises together kcitli ali tenexnexxts, h~reditaxaente
<br />azid appurtenances thereto belonging unto the grantees as jaint.tenants.-
<br />And grantor does hereby covenant =sith the grantees that grantor is laxfully seised of said
<br />premises; tlxat they are Free from. enrunrbr~inr+e:
<br />that grantor has goad. right and kawful authorii} to convey the rime: and that grantor warrants and will
<br />{lx±fond the titlg t~ Laid prwnIlaC'•; agi+?n5t the la&'P 2l r•l~ir~FC of gIS pe_*=X#x?5 SFI."JFn3CeYer. - -
<br />x~ated,31.~/ ~ ~: ~~
<br />SfiATF OI? NEi3R~iSFi.3, County of Hall
<br />Before rz~n, a notary public qualified for said eonnty, peraoxzatly~ came
<br />William J. Zubrad,
<br />kno,~ ri to .nze to be t#ze identieaI person szr gexsons whu signe$ fike
<br />fnregoirig instrument _and aeknovledge the e~eeu£ion .thercv# to he _hisf
<br />her er ti,eir veltxtxt'ory act and deed.
<br />:. F!'itress me hand ezxci notervzi real onl~~~„/t,rl~sw',~..F••~d~, y~
<br />r..... t~,.rw :~,. :.,-... :. ........~.. .~.#.~' -•~b~-a-...:;....,.. iiutary i'u'slia
<br />.1
<br />~rm,raa. ~,,. ~,o.~a t38~ ~I~. comoris4iun expires :~,~.~,La..: .:...., 19...~i.,
<br />Form ~.b Alzproved he lgebrasLa Mate Bar 9s:sor. ~atfon Fdeoe ~ w~! tlo.. ~m~R Nahr.
<br />