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<br />~~ - ~nvrcr rCiF#~+ Loan Nurrrber_ 40519 -__1__----_~Q.
<br />PROPERTY IMPROl/EMENT ----- enn<e irq
<br />Fovea No.21r /R+av+eir~77r + *'~+ }~,~ r~+~''s
<br />i~~L If:+~7 l~A is tYi~~ 1!`T~~~
<br />~ `~° ~ : ~ ~ Imo, Tvw ALL IVIEN BY 'I~SE k`RE~ENTs
<br />'I'f~AT.---'rfic3iael. R:_.Nichois,_and-La--Jean.?R _..~7~~{jQ~.S....12ySb?&?ti.._~tt31..T~f.1s&.,...7.S2~3akJ.Y...~tltl.,~~b '
<br />in their own right,
<br />hereinafter called Mortgagors, in canaidezation of the sum af....2h?O..~SJUS~l13A__~IX..fiiltiAX~3..S~XX~Y..7~7E
<br />{~ 2,669.33 ) DQLLARS, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby MORTGAGE
<br />and Cfllv'VEY as absolute fade, inelnding all the rights of homestead acrd inheritance, unto #~~
<br />3+lortgagee, its successors and assigns, the following described real Mate, situated in....:.~~~ .......:........_...
<br />Cc,rnty, utate of NEBRASKA, to-wit:
<br />Lot Fif*_een {I5)in E1ock Four {4), in Morris Second Addition,
<br />an Addition to the City of Grandisland,Ha11 County, Nebraska
<br />Tfl HAVE A,'dD 'TO IiflI.D the real estate above described, wath all apgurtenaac~ thereus~s
<br />belongurg Ito zrre said Pnartgagee, faaever, always, and the >~a~ ~ upon ~e ~
<br />dition that if the aftrzesaid Mortgagors, them h ezecutars, adnumstsators Or e~i~ns shall pmt sn cause
<br />to ~~r d to the said Mortgagee, its sucrzssozs ar seeress, the principal sum hezemabave set Earth, all.
<br />according to the tenor and effect of a certain instatlmeat date of said Mortgagors bracing even data wig
<br />this mortgage, sad shall pay tales and asseeaments levied n said zeal Mate, and all other fazes, hrviea~
<br />~d a~s~ats ~ u the rtrozt;age or the eke whi~this mortgage is given to sec~ze, hefaf+s the
<br />aarrre or any iaatallunerrt thereof be~ delinquent, then this mortgage to be void, athervrise tg re~aa
<br />in full farce.
<br />IT IS FtTRTHER AGREED {1} That if the said Martgagoz shall fail to ppaap such fazes, tla3
<br />M -may gap the same and the sum so advanced with interest shall be paid by. said Mme,
<br />sne~`° ;a ~ slsall-stead ss Lr't~ ~z the same; {~} fihat Mortga~ozs covenant wrth t~ Megee
<br />that thep are wfutty seized of said zeal estate sad covenant to warrant and defend the said real estate
<br />against the lawful claims of aIl persons whomsoever. (3) That in case of a fareclosrrze of this mortgage
<br />the plaiatrtf m such proceedings shall be ea#ftled to take a of the preaaises, protect the sarrt8 aur~
<br />collect the Heats, issues sad pkzofita therw€ {4} That a sitars to pay any of said maney* oz anp iastsli-
<br />meat thereof when the snare berxtmes due, or a failure to comply with say of the fazegomg ag<eearemmts.
<br />shalt c~u~ the whale sum o€ rnonep herein secuzeel to become due sad collectrble at sacs at the option of
<br />the Mortgagee.
<br />Signed this...-..-_~~._._..day af....-...-:..,1..~'_'.`.`.~c':<----_-......-_.-..-......_---.......------._.-..:., 19-7~.....
<br />~1L~<.~..z~ ~ 1Lu.~-~.-~-
<br />Aii~chael R. Niehol~s ,
<br />T~ a~I~i: Nichols.
<br />p2'ATJr alr ~2£A
<br />t'!n th2a .._..,;~ ......- day' di ......_.~_....., 19...r~.~'hefotd me. the undexsisued, a ldatery Public, is sad fret
<br />aei3 CAFlilty: 3>°rnattaIl9 Coale ..'.'t~K~~~~eR., :!~i:S~3~_.~...1tAS~...~,s~ sT.~A-.'1:..:~~~LF.~~..,:~!ti~~:.~d ~ESS....wi~e.
<br />-s.~„q >.~-•a ~ ^_° to be ~e +~gattcal ?rer~na ~vteoee aamra ex+e to 8~e .abate Sod iflebgs~ia6 {. As
<br />moe~a8ars. etsd ea.^l~ ac:~at+ralsdHaEl raid imtr~anenz-#a he:b~rar her volumtar9 act And deed.
<br />t4rtoesr mY hearat.~a! matsrlel seal ffi.,....._.......:l,x7C.axial.:~fl,~tt#fl....l~ta~r~sk~t ..:...... ........__...
<br />t~ die last above writtsrr. ~ .-
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<br />~~.~. a ~~ _._~vo~ Public.
<br />~;. e~a~ ::_.:...
<br />....~. ci~..+~ e.K. ~a~t ._.
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