<br />79-- €a~ ~ ~ #3$
<br />Ti~IIS Rii£?IBT~AGE is tttads this.:....... , .3rd ...:... ,, ..:.. day of .... Msgch .......... . ...... .
<br />19:.~~, betvreeathel4Ynrtgagor, .. ?~~~~. ~•..$AtQ. B~T~'..~.. k~?~#~.~~,'b'~,. klus.k~crd. t3ttd.kri.fe., .each in
<br />his .a d~ .r _ ri;ght_ artd .~;;. 8P.o~tt~ain "Barntwer"}, anal the P+fartgagee, Home h`ederal
<br />Savitt~ ~s~ciation; a catporation organizt~d and existing trader tdte laws of The United 3tatea of
<br />America; wtioae ai3dreQS is 221 South Laettsti Streeti, Greed :shad; Nebraska -herein "Lender"}.
<br />fNxYtt~~, Harrower is indebted. to Lender in tie principal sutra aif . T~R1'X . Td0. ~~9U, 61+~ .i3tyjf~3, . .
<br />... - - -- ---------. -: - ..--. ----.:----Dollars, Nhich indebtedness is evidenced by Aairrower's note
<br />.._-..--z .-^.,rr....... - -
<br />dated• . I'~.r~h'.3.. a~.?9........... (herein "Note"), providing for ctonthly installments of principal and interest,
<br />with the balance i>$ the indebtedness, if not sooner paid, aloe and payable on...Apzi1..1, .1459 ....:.. . .... .
<br />` To Saeuae to Lender (a) the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon,-.the --
<br />payment of all outer sttats, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect tire. security of this-
<br />Lvfortgage, and the performance of the covenants and agreements of Harrower herein contained, and (b) the repaymerif
<br />of-any future advances,-with interest thereon, made to Borrowzr by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof (herein
<br />"Future Advances"), Harrower does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender the follawiug desen'D~ property
<br />Located i$ the County of ................... H17.1, ......... , ........, State of Nebraska:
<br />which ltas the address of.. , $uraZ , Btrute #1, . $©~ 4D5 ....... , ... , .. ; .: , .(~a'ttti: ~.d: , . ,
<br />i5troatt LCthI
<br />.. Nabtaakx, b$$t31 .(herein"Property Address")'
<br />- • tie um ziu aodel ~ - -. - - - - - - -
<br />TatagTx wit2t elf t}te itaptaueanents ttow or hereafter erected an the pt`i?perty, and-air casenacnts, Iigttts,
<br />appartepana~s,°retits, royatlti~s;,-ntirleral, oil and gas lights and profits; watef; water rights. and water stock, aftd atI'
<br />Srn,r±~ rinw e,r hsreafter attached`-to the nrcpi:rtp, aki of which: including tip}acement, and additions thereto, sbaIl he
<br />'~ deemed to be anal remain a part of the property covered. by this Ivfartgagz; and alI of the forcgamg, together with tiaid
<br />prnpa:rty (or thz leasehold estate if this Ivlortgaga is on a Leasehold) are herein refi rred to as the "Property",
<br />Rnrrawer coversaets that E3orrawer is lawfully seiszd o: [he estate hereby conveyed and has the eight to mortgage;-
<br />grait and convey the Property, that the I'roper[y s ~~. R,±,,,*!~i ?"h that.-~orravrer' will warrant a_~ tlaTfpnd
<br />generatlY the title to the Froperiy agsinst u't cfaitras and demands, subject m any dec€arations, easemenES or restrictiotcs
<br />listed in a schedule of czceptinns to coverage ut any Artie irtaurance policy insuimg Leade'r's interest in the Property.
<br />~$~-~2. tc d fartnt~---$1.5~~fit,41(ittt#C UMffttkdf f!IS`iilRllfHT
<br />