prior to entry of a;udgment enforcing this RSartgage i#: {a} $orrovrer pays Lender all sums which would be then due under
<br />this Mortgage, the Alote-and notes securing Future Advances, i# any, had ra aceeleratian occurred; {b} Borrower cures all
<br />breaches of any other covenants or agreements of Borrower contained in this Mortgage; (c} Borrower pays ail reasotrabie
<br />expenses incu;rcd by Lender in enforcing-.the covenants and agreements of )3arrower contained in this Mortgage and in
<br />enforcing Lender's remedies as provided in paragraph. i R hereof, including, box not limixcd to, reasonable attorney's fees; :and
<br />{d};Borrower tales such action, as Lender map reasonably-require to assiue that the lien of this 14fartgage, Leader's interesx
<br />tt fn xhe Property and Borrower's obligatiari to pny the sums secured. b} this Mongage s}iait curitinue unimpaired. Upon such
<br />payment attd cure by Borrower, this Mortgage and the obligations secured hereby shall remain in fait force and effect as if
<br />no-ac~€lerationhad occurred.
<br />~: ,~~~-~ R Ag~,~_~n~~s-r~ ;~rvg:r r~,tzn-p~nr a,~ additional security hereut+der, Borrower
<br />Hereby ass#gns to Lender the rents of-the Prapertjr, provided that Borrusrer shall. prior to atceieration under paragraph 1$
<br />hereof andonxttent of the P;gperty, havg the right Lo collect and retain such rents as they become due and payable.
<br />. Upon acceiexation under paragraph i8 hereof-ar abandonment of the Property, Lender, in pexsait, ley agent o~ by
<br />judicially appointed reteii+et, shall lie: enxit[ed xo enter upon; take possession a# and manage the Property and to collecf-tlte
<br />_ rents of the Property, including those goer due. Ali rents calteded by Lender or the receiver shall tx appliei! flier to payment.
<br />of the costs of managertient of xhe Property and coiletti<m of rents, including, bttt net limited to, ieteiver's fees, premipms an
<br />receiver's fronds and'reasaffible attomey's fees, and then to the stems secu~-d by this ?~fartgage. Lender aad the receiXet
<br />shall be liable to account only for those-rents actually received.
<br />_ ~`2}, F¢turs Advances;.- Upon request of Borrower, Lender, at Lender's option prior to release of this Agartgage, tnay
<br />' make Future Advances ro Borrower. Such Future Advances, with interest thereon, shaft be soured by this hfurtgage when-
<br />eyidericed by promissory notes staling that said notes are secured hereby. At na time shall the-principal amount of the
<br />indebtedness secured by this ivt'ortgage, not including scams advar ~d in ac vrdante herewith to protect Lhe security of this
<br />Mortgage, exceed the original atnaunt of tree Note plus uSS...7.,5ti~•.OC~.......
<br />22. Reuse. Upon payatent of alt sums secured by this Rortgage, Lender shad discharge Phis Mortgage wixhout
<br />charge to Borrower. Borrower shall pay a!! costs of retardation, if any.
<br />Ira Wrrt~ss Wttp~ap, Burrower h,as eze,^uted Lhis lvlortgage.
<br />Lll our, i e R. Karre -sarro,~r
<br />Lora. L, Karrs --HOrrosGer
<br />Sxnrt: of Nt:sxesta> ............. Hf,•LL ......... , ..:...........County ss:
<br />(3n this.... of... ria~G~ ........, f9.7~., before me, the undersigned, a i*tolary Public
<br />duly commissioned'and qualified for said r.`ounty, persona;ly came .1,~~ 1 E. ~...K RRE.1U~^ . LORFc:.L....KAE~E; .
<br />nus~arsd and,wite .....:.........................:..........................tottteknowtt*ol~c~
<br />ldanticai person{s} whose name(s) are subscn'bcd to the foregoing instrument and acknoviledged the eatctttitxt
<br />>.t ~~...,..
<br />_ thereof Lo ho .. i `~: ~ ... vrriutttr act aad d~,<
<br />Witness inv hand aad notarial gal at.......SC~Dd, .i,si,ar}¢,, NBb.r,3~ka............ia said county, the
<br />date aforesaid. ~j (~
<br />My Commission expires: ~~ ~ 3- ~~ .... t'~~.. • '~k~~:^•:'!i ................ .
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