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<br />7g~ .~°~ <br />trIORTGAGE <br />~#oi~TGnce LEAN N0. L 23357 <br />Ic~~letvALI,I~IF~tBYTII>~s1:~al:sElals:That -Gary- L: Klein and Mary M. Klein, each in his and her <br />own right and as spouse of each other <br />-' --- 4#artgagar' whethzr Dees ar more, in c~nsidzratiort of the stun of - <br />Thirty Dne Thousand Eiaht Hundred and- No/1DQ-- _-----_ ~;~;~~ <br />loaned to said tnortgagorby The Equitable Building and Laan Association of Grand dsland, Nzbraxka, Mortgagee, upon 3I8 shares of stock of <br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 23357 , do hereby grant, convey and mortg~e unto the said ASSOCIATION Hte fallowing <br />des,-ribed rzal- estate, situated in Hatt County, Nebraska: - _ <br />LDT TWENTY SEVEN (27}, IN iSLANG ACRES ND. 7, A SUBDIVISZQN QF PART <br />OF FRRCTIQNAL SECTIQN SEVEN (7); PRRT 4F THE WEST HALF QF THE-WEST <br />HALF (W~l2} 1}F SECTIQN EIGHT (8); AND PARTvF LQT TWENTY FQUR (24), <br />ISLAND ACRES, ALL IN TpWNSHIF ELEVEN (11) NORTH, RANGE NINE (9) <br />WEST QF THE bTH P.M., IN THE CITY DF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, <br />NEBRRSKA. <br />together with all [he tenemznts, heraditaments and appurtsnancss thereunfn belonging, including attached Hoar coverings, all window screens, <br />wirdaw shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heatiag, air canditianing, and plumbing and water equipment and acces~ries therein, pumps, stoves, <br />refF:geralors, and other fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attached m ar used in connection with said tea! estate. <br />And whereas the said mortgagor nos agreed and does hereby agree that toe martga;ar shall and wi!1 pay all taxes and assessments levied of - <br />assessed upon said prcmis.-s and upon €his mortgage ar:d Ihz bond ser',rrd tharebv bzfaee the satrx shall boa~wms delinguertt; to famish appsnf,.^d <br />- insurance upon the building= on said premises situated in ihz sum of S 31;$Q{}. (jQ payablz to said P.SS(~IATION- and to deliver tc ~id- <br />ASSOCIAiTON the pahcies far said insurance; and net to commit ar permit any waste ar t;r about said premises; <br />In case of default in the performance of any of the terms and conditions of this mortgage ar the bond secured hereby, the mortgages shall, <br />on dsmard, be anti;led *.o immediate possession of the mortgaged prettrisss and thz merigagat hereby assigns, transfers and sets aver to the <br />- ~- margagez all the rents, revenues aced income to be derived Pram the rrmrtgaged premises during such time as the mortg~e indelrtcdrlrss sltaYY tamale. - - - <br />tmpaid; and the mortgagee stsat2 have thepower to appoint any agent ar agents. it may desire for the purpose of repairing said premises and Tenting - <br />the.same and et>I1scLing the feats, avenues and ta!vtnz, andst may pay aui of seed income all expenses of repairing said premises and necessary <br />i-ommissions and expztrses incurred in reining and managing the same and of catle~ing rentals therefrom; the balance remaitilttg, if any, to be <br />applied toward the discharge of said mortgage indebtedness; theme rights of €hs mortgagee may- be exercised at any time during the existents of such- <br />- default, irrespective of any temporary waiver of rite same. <br />_ T!>P~ prints, however, are upaT. She Candition.?"I~?t Lf ihti mid *+#attg~=r Vitas rA~ay ~ti ?aan a^ ar h~fnr: tf-t€ ;ttattuity cf salt! shares by <br />payment; pay monthly to said ASSOCIATION of the sum specifted in the Band secured hereby as interest and priacipal on said loan, on or before <br />the Twentieth day of each and every month, anti! said town is fatly paid; pap ail taxes and as-sessments levied agaitut said premises and as this Mottg2ge. - <br />:md the $attd secured thereby, before delinquency; furnish approved insuranre upon the builu'ings thstsan in the sum of S 31 ,~QQ: QQ payaltk <br />to said ASSOCIATION; repay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand alt money 6p~ it paid for such taxes. assessments and insurut~ with interest at _ <br />- [he maximum legal rate thereon from date of payment all of which Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay; permit na wash or. said premises; keep aml comply- <br />' with all the assesments and conditions of the Bond for 5 3I :BDQ. QQt.3s day given by the said h#ortgagor €o said ASSOCIATION, and comply <br />with alt the rzquiretnsnts of the Canstitutian and By-Laws ~f said ASSOCIATION; then Ihess presents shall became null and void, otherwise they <br />sYtall remelt in full force and may be farzciosed at ihz aptiaa of the said ASSOC'EATION after failure for three months to make aay of said <br />payments ar be three months in arrears in rna;'v!H said monthly payments, or to keep anti comply with the agreements and conditions of said Band; <br />-~- and Mortgagor agrees to havz a reueitsr appointed forthwith in such farec!osure ptoccsdings. <br />if there is any change inn ownership of ihs real estate mortgaged hereLn, by sale at otherwis€, then !te entice remaining indebtethtess hereby <br />secured shalt, at the option of irR equitable $uil$itzg and `urea Assaciatia^> of Grand Islaad; Neosaska, oecomc immtdiaxely dos and payable wfthaut <br />furLhes nnL16e, and the amount rsmairttng due u~tder said band, and env ether bond for any additional advstrees made tharetusder, shall, from fire <br />date of sxzrclse of sold option, bear interest at the rnaxirtsum legal rate, and this mortgage may then. bs forestased to satt~'y tht amount Stu an said <br />bond, and any other tram] far additional advan,~s, Logsttrzr with ail suttee paid by said The Equitable Building axed Loan Asstzeiatitm of Graced Taloned, <br />Nebraska far insurances, taxes amt ttssertis, erne abstract:;tg extension charges, with interest thereon, from date of payment at the maximum <br />legal rate, <br />As provided in t,'se Band ~csssd tF_reby, while L;.is r„attgaBa !nit-aia;s in effscL the atortgagee tray hereafte.* advacz additiotta3 stu>is is tYte <br />n~kers rf said Bnnd, their assigns ar suk^sssors its itrtsrsst, witiclt sttm< deal] *c• LL•ithin Lhe sectirity of this tmx~gage the sar:~: as the ftmds arigittally <br />seeused thereby, else total amount of princSpal debt not to cxeesd at any xtm„ u°te original smdutit of this mortgage. <br />.~ , thrs day a! N3arCh A. B., Ys7g - <br />a '~ `~ <br />~ary`C~Sn ~'` <br />d <br />g s rt~ nc S~Lg~,ac~p, ~. On this Soh day of ~IdrCh Is79 .before ttu, <br />COU'vTY t t3ALL ' <br />tYu umdotned,a Nataty Putrllc is and far said Cottaty, personally txtne <br />oatherL. Klein. and terry ~f. Klein, -each lIl his and, her -own right and~to spouse of ny~knawrerti <br />are <br />me tt+tit the idtatiral psrsat5 wltase ttaare 5 are affixed to theabove' a rdaRgagor S and they set~rally <br />aeknawlectged Lhe said instrument to be ~t:~i r valtrtstary act oral dear ~' 1 ~! ~r <br />t+fiT'NF.SS my hand and Rttrtarial Seal ttte date afoiesaid, ~ f <br />My Catrunissian expires <br />~~ <br />- ~~" t~ ~ ~•° NaLa Public <br />- - a•tass rte ,~,. ~ii':-~ - - - - 1; IdEY{HI YOT; FY St„-ta at t{abr. <br />' F' ~ % A~~hES t OE.S(JtJ <br />hly ~-a+rm. exn t sv. 12, 1x19 <br />l~ <br />