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79-- ~ij~ i'~:? <br />MaRTGAGE <br />nsaRTCncE LaAN Na. L 23356 <br />Ic~awAURaE*iatrif~SEPRIns€~T~:Tttat Harold A. ?~tart9n and Kathryn ki. Mart#n, each in his <br />and #Ier own ri4ht and as spouse of each ot#ler, <br />Merigagar, whether ore or snort, in cansidemtion of the sum of <br />Thirty-F~ght ThnUCand Fitia Hundred and 4n/1f10------------------------------------ DpLL,APs <br />loaned to said martgagor by The Equitable Bolding and Lnan Assaciat}on of Grand Island, Ntbrasks,;via~rga~t, uy..n 3D5 shorts of stock of <br />said ASSaCIATIaN, Certircate Via. L 23356 . da hereby grant, carvty a-sd marYgage tiara tht slid ASS~IATIaN the fallowing <br />described real estate, situated in Hall ,raunty, itiebraska: <br />LQT EIGHT (8) IN VALLEY VIEW THIRD <br />SUBDIVISI~'1 IN THE CITY £~F GRAND <br />ISLt~YD, HALL CQUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />together with ail the tenemr_nts, fiereditam_nts anti appurtenances thereunto beiongi~~g, including at[ached hoar coverings, ali window screens, <br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air cond}tuning, and plumbing and water equipment and accessories thereto, pumps, stoves, <br />refrigerators, and aiher fix[ures and equipment now or hereafter attachtd to or used in corr ~•ction •bith said real estate. <br />And whereas tht said martgagor has agreed and does frerebp~ agree Yhat the martgagor strait and will pay all taxes and assessmtnts levitd or <br />assessed upon said premises and upan this mortgage and the bond secured thereby before the same stall become delinquent; to furnish. approved <br />inst.rance open the buildings an said premises sitaate¢ in the sum of 5~$, 500.40 payable to said ASSaE•LATION and to deitvar tr. _.. <br />~SaCIATIGN the policies far said 'snsurance: and nat to mmm}t ozaazntit a.~y waste an ar abtrat said promises: <br />In ,;are as' default in the performance of any ai the terms and conditions of this mortgage a* the bond secured hereby, the xiutrtgagst shall, <br />on demand, be tuti[Ied to immediate possession of the mortgaged premises and the mortgagor hereby aasigrts, transfers and stir aver to the <br />tnangagee alt rite rents, revenues and irtcarrte to be derived from tilt rnartgaged premises during such titttt as the mortgage }ndebttdness shad remain <br />unpaid: and the mortgagee shall have the power to appoint any agent ar agents it may desire for t_he parpase of regsir}ng said premises artd renting <br />=>'a s,me >nd c-a7}ecting the :e,^.is, tevznues and income, and it tray pay out of said vrcame all expenses at repairing said premises-and necessary <br />cammissians and expertxs incurred in seating and ttranagng the saute am.'. ^° v.!°c*_==g =~^43t3 tittrtiram; the balance-remautintt= if any; to be <br />app}ied reward the discharge of said mortgage indabtcdness; these rights of t}te saattgagee tttaea be exercised at any time dttrvtg rite existtuce ai sow <br />default, irrespective of any temporary waiver of the settle. - _ <br />These Presents, however, are upon [he Condition, That if the said Mortgagor shall repay a~tsd loan on or before the maturity of sald.sltarts by <br />payment: pay tnaathly ?o said .0.SS9CIATIaN of the sum specified in the Bond secured hereby as intrest and principal on said teen, an or btfare <br />the T+vertittlz day of each end every t?~nilt, cant±] said lean is fut!y paid; p=y all i=xts a.^,d a~ss:~;+-'.s 1,~~ a~ »~:st s:i3 prcrrtisas grid att`,his #loit~gt <br />- sad the Band usu:td t}trreby, beft>re dc}inqusncy: furnish approved insurance upon the buildings tletaan in eht sum of S 3$! 5{}(}, {}(j I?aYab~ <br />to said ASSaCIATIan: repay to said ASSt~iATla'3 upan demand ail money by it paid for such taxes, assassmenis end insurance wish tnrerd3! ai <br />ehe maximum itgai rata thereon from dais of payment all cf wI? Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay: permit no wash ansaid pretrtises;ktep and comply <br />with ati rite agreements and candit'sans of the Bond t'ar $ 38, 5D0. ~ chi day gs.°+t by the said !ilorfgagar to said ASSaCIATIdN, and comply <br />w,rh all ehe rz.~,usP_,t,.ne< of the Ca.stitutien and $y-Law. of said ASS~IRTI:;:4; *_";en ihtse pres:.nts ~.sll u :tore :.tilt a:.d void, awerwist .hay <br />shall remain in full force and rneY~ be forectcxsca at ttte aption of the said ASSt'~tA"tT0't after failure far three mon[l+s to make any of sa}d- <br />payments or be three tnanths ir. arrears in making sazd manih}y payments, ar to keep and comply with iht a~eemenis and conditions of said Bond; <br />and Mortgagor agrees to have s receiver appointed forthwith in such fateclasue proceedings. <br />}f ittere is any change in awners}tip of zhe real estate mortgaged herein, by sale at otherwise, Then the ratite retnainirtg indebtedness htrehy <br />secured snarl, at the aption of Tht Equitable $uildvtg and Laan Asstxiat}an o€ Gran3 Island, Nebraska,becatne itrmttdiate}y dot and payable without <br />further uatlce, and the amount remaining due under said bold. aril any ot}ret band far any additional advances made thereunder, snarl, frtust the <br />dais of tx~reisc-of said aption, 3zar interest at the maximum legal rate, and this mari¢yae may then fir farectoosed is satisfy the amount dtx on said <br />bond,and any other bond far additional advanxs, together with ail su.^ts paid bY• said Tht Equitable $ut7dirtg and Loan Association of Grand Island, <br />Nebraska for insurance, taxes and as~sstrtenu, and abstracting extension charges, with inttrtst thereon, form date of payment at the maximum <br />fega}:ate. <br />As provided in the Bond secured hereby, w}tiie tins maregaee remains 'in affect the mortgagee may hereafter advance additional susses to It,e - <br />malcers of said Band, [hair assigns or successors in interest, which sums shall be ;+izhitt the security of this mortgage the same as the funds origina3ly <br />secured thereby, the fetal amauni of principal debt rat to excxd at ar,y tine the original amount of this mortgage. <br />. - I?ated tjhi~s ,~ ~,~y~ dayaf ~ ~,--.. ~~' _--~- A. i7., 19~`% <br />F'F rf. mac, <br />~Ca>:hryn _ ~dr• <br />srATE os~ N~alrASxA; ~ c)n utig 1st day of March 19 74 , htfareux; <br />c~t~°r cs~ ~ 1 <br />t}to utttl~tsigned; a Notary Public in and far ~ Co;utty, peratsnal}y pore <br />#Iar41d A. Martin aril Kathryn f~. Martin., <br />each in fits and her..cltan right and as spr3isse ts~ etch athera;..--~..-°--)who are ptr~rtallykn~wnro <br />trio irF trt the identlcalptisonS wlihst ~tne 5 ;}'~ a.`Iixed to the alxzvt r`itsirupteret as S and th2y sevtratly <br />acknawlBdgeil the sold ixisuntntnt to be th~~ r voluntary act acrd dud. ,,, j,'3 <br />#4'iTI4PSS my hand and hl~!srivi Stal the date afomsaid: <br />bfy Commission tapires <br />- - t +~FKERAL S79tA#4 Stara-¢# ~akiaaka-~ Kota lie <br />s•t•~tst ( Jf3Y dA BKA r.EY ~- - <br />e~, l~, frnr=?r„. u,p, ~z,..1, I"a3: <br />