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31-C4-0031 This form is used in connec- <br />~+ lion with mortgages inaured <br />„~~~ ~i i~ ~.x)~ ~~~'~'~'-~~"~'t under the one- to four•famiiy <br />provisions of the National <br />Housing Aet. <br />{~~ ~ APdt? _I~IIdG I~,Y Ifi1,5"I'ALr1~Tt51 <br />THIS MQRTGAGE, ntaste attd executed this 27th day of Fey ,A. D. <br />I° ?~ , by ~'~ better. i~.c~saez l~. Hresace arm Shirley J. $2°fB1Ce , Husbatxi & Wife <br />of the County of Hall ,and State of tweitraska, party a#the first part, hereinafter coifed <br />the Mortgagor, and Mt~rtcjag~ .Plus Incorporated , <br />a cerporat:=ot: ~.asrti red and exisfing under the taws of The ikii.ted Sues Of ?±rileri oa <br />party of the secand part, hereinafter called the Martgagee, ' <br />SVITNESSETH: That the said Mortgagor, for attd in consideration of the sum of Thirty--Five `!"^^~ r--,~ Hj,~-H~inrlr~ <br />arui COf lCCttvs - ...-~ Defiers (5 3t' ~ gCC _ 00 }, paid by the Mort- <br />gagee, tt~te receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has Granted and Soid and by these presents does Grant, Baz- <br />gain, Self, Conve; anc# C;tnpsm unto the ;.ffettgagee, its saecessors and assigns, forever, the following-deseribai <br />real estate, situated in the Conroy of F3all ,and State <br />of Nebraska. to wit: <br />is~t 2taetrtY Eaght {2$) in Block "C", isrt Park-View 3ubetivi.sion, located in tip Nf~st <br />Quarter {Nt~#} of Section ZtJestty~iisse {29} , atxi the NortSts~st Quarter {Ni`~dy o€ Secti~. <br />Twenty Sight {2$}, both in 2bwttship Eleven f_ll) NorEh, }~ Niter {9} West O€ the 6th- <br />P.M. , in the ri{y a_f f~'ars3 Island, Hall tY, Nebraska. <br />{referral o€ interest .may increase the pri~iple bad t~ ~3?,3E2,A3} <br />of the Sixth Prfncipai Meridian, containing in all acres according [o Crovern- <br />mentsurvey: <br />Tb HAVE AND TO HOLD the preEOtises above described, with ail the appurtensnoes thereunto beloogittg, and including <br />aft "°°°- `~"l;, plusnt'i-_> a'•td ivn8 ~o<t'v.-es asd eq ~prnt;:tt tt~ ar iiz'ioaft~r attached to or used in connezfian crith said r=at estate <br />unto the MoY~gagee, and to its successors and assigns; forever. 'i7te Mortgagor represents to, and covenants with. the MtitYga- <br />gee, that itte Mortgagor has good right to sell ared convey said premises; that they are free from enctuabrance; and-that the <br />Mortgagor viii warrant and defend the same against the fawfui etsims of ati persons whomsaever• sad the said Mortgagor item. <br />tty retioquistses ail rigftts of homestead, and all trsarfial rights, either in taw or is equity, and all other eantitsgeat interests of the <br />Mortgagor in and to the above-clescrikxd premises, tht intention lteit~t to convey hereby xn absointe tit>~, in fee sintpk, ind: <br />trig ail nghts of homestead, and other -ighu and interests as aforessht. <br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, and these presents are executed and delivered upon the following eonditioas, to wit: <br />The Mortgagor agrees to pay to the Mortgagee, or order, the prirrcipsl sum of ~~~r-Fj_~ ~ SjX_r~. <br />C#~/lQ4?t~as - --- ~*liars t.3 3~ r 6CC. CO 1, with interest #rom <br />at rate o_ a, t;t:- nal€ t~ ceatum t 9.5 ~}per annum on <br />the unpaid 6alartj;e unpaid. sa~ prtnetpal and interest sEtaft be payable at the olfrce of p~~g~ Ply ~~ <br />is F~l2ctOC?i!, t:.olfarac~ or at such other piece as-the hoiden of <br />Mite ate may designate in writing, in monUtly insfalimenu of {~jrig tp ems' y~]g ~ att~1~3 to Said ttpt~) <br />Dollars t¢ ), coatinending on the ftrst day of <br />+:eresf are fuD , 39 ,and as tfte first day of each tuonUt ftrereafter unfit the priacipa! and in- <br />y paid, excepf that ttte finsi payment of prinsdpal asd interest, if no€ sooner paid, sftall be due and <br />payable on tite frrstdsy of : nit according to the terms of a certain pmaiis <br />sort' note of etren date herewith executed by the said Mortgagor. <br />The Mortgagortn order snore #ulty to protect the xcurity of this Mortgagt, agrees: <br />i. That he pay the indebtedtress, as hereinbefare provkted, Privilege is reserved to pay the -debt is whole: os lift fen <br />aatourn egitad tat one or moreraanihly payments oa the pnacipal that are next due ou [t& note, on fire ftrsf-day of any mont4 <br />prior hi maturity- PtavadedR iiawever, That written swtice a# an intention to exegei~.sueh priv~ge is given at feast-thirty {~}} <br />days pr#tr to prepaymetn: <br />2. That.togettt~ with,. atxl in addkioa ta> the tnoati#IY payntents'o# pties~tal and, interest payab~ under the. terms of the <br />teats set:uredficreby, tix Mostgaagae w~ pay [o ~. on fire first day of ~#t rtwnth untt7 the sai11 Hate is fully pditi; the <br />foifoviirtgsums: <br />{a) Mount suffi~atsrtt tv provide theitolsier htrxvith ftritds to per the rrxt mos2gage fnsuraace pretniuraifthis <br />instrutnertf amt the ttrfte Yectsrert heaefr~ era 5{~rred; ar a mortHtiy i3targe./im fferi uja mnrrgsge insurance ~re- <br />+rtiitenl if-dteyare he1T h3` fife Se~retazy o#-Tiot~ing anit'Jrbsui I'Aovelopment, as fellows: <br />r-, ,~, {I} ff rrnd. sa tong as'satd arrte of even-date and this ingtrsirneat are insured or are reinsured wader the pro- <br />visions-of ttte-Nt4tiarsat-Hausrng-Act, an amcuni szefftciertt to aceumutatt in the heads of the holder one <br />PrerliWS £dirionsare [thsciare - - - - STATE O€ NB$fTA5KA <br />rho-araaaf ttoan <br />